Monday, November 14, 2016

Chapter 12, Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Chapter 12 contains health information for college students in the areas of nutrition, avoiding addictions, protection from disease, getting enough sleep and dealing with stress. It is based on the premise that we will be living longer in the 21st Century. Also a college education is a big investment and it is important to enjoy the benefits over a long lifetime.

Here are some ideas for discussion. You can also add any topic related to health or college and career success. You can make one comment of 200 words or two comments of 100 words each.

These facts are well known: 

•         Smoking causes lung cancer.
•         One out of three Americans is overweight or obese.
•         Illegal drug use is addictive and limits success.
•         Not getting enough sleep is harmful to health and learning.
•         Not practicing monogamous or safe sex can lead to STD’s including AIDS.

Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep, or practice unsafe sex?

Assume that you are writing magazine article, "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health." What ideas would you include in this article?

Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health. 

Watch any of these videos and make a comment about one of them:

I wish all of you good health! 


  1. I think people continue to smoke because smoking is addictive the tobacco is extremely addictive. I feel that people seem to overeat one because they’re bored. I feel a lot of people overeat when they’re bored. They think they’re hungry but they’re really just bored. If that happens drink some water or eat ice it. I also feel like people tend to stress eat. They’re stressed so they eat a ton of food. Another thing people do is the eat when they’re sad because they think that eating a lot will make them feel better. People take illegal drugs one because of peer pressure, or they think its the cool thing to do. I also feel like people do drugs to “feel better”. Usually people start off with a small drug then it leads to other drugs. Then drugs are also very addictive. People tend to miss out on sleep because they’re up studying or doing homework. I feel like a lot of people just don’t make time to sleep. They rather go out and party and have fun. Sleep is very important and people need to make time for sleep. People practice unsafe sex because a lot of people say they’re in the moment and they don’t have anything to have safe sex.

    1. Great post, way too touch base on all of the bad behaviors and why people might continue these behaviors. I think that all of these behaviors become regularly engaged in due to boredom. Once you start it is so hard to stop, especially if you have an addictive personality. I am trying to put my own bad behavior in my past right now and one of the hardest things is having to re-learn how to be bored. Whenever there isn't a million things to do it is hard to replace that time spent doing a bad behavior with a healthy behavior. I think that exercise should be a key part of rehab as it can easily mimic whatever drugs or behavior you were committing. Exercise promotes the release of endorphins and makes you feel good. I think that rehab for any kind of bad behavior should always make exercise a large part of recovery.

    2. Interesting perspective on needing to deal with boredom. I had not thought of this before, but think you are right. I also like your idea of using exercise to deal with the boredom or addiction.

  2. 5 Important Stеps to Good Hеalth

    Thеrе arе sеvеral kеy factors to maintaining good hеalth. Thе first of thеsе is knowing what you'rе putting in your body. You arе what you еat, truthfully. Nowadays, thеrе arе so many sourcеs of information rеgarding thе damaging еffеcts of procеssеd foods and high fructosе corn syrup. Wе havе a clеar picturе as to thе еffеcts of thеsе foods on our bodiеs. A movеmеnt toward hеalthiеr foods and clеar labеling is growing in thе US, howеvеr not fast еnough, sincе 1 in 3 of us arе ovеrwеight or obеsе. Sticking to foods found in naturе, sеlеcting a balancеd diеt low in saturatеd fat and sugar is part of living a hеalthy lifеstylе.
    Thе sеcond stеp to a hеalthy lifе is еxеrcisе. Find what it is that gеts you еxcitеd and rеady to movе and go do it! Just 30 minutеs pеr day of somе sort of hеalthy еxеrcisе can go a long way toward your hеalth, еspеcially in your latеr yеars. Walking, swimming, wеights, sports, aеrobics, еtc arе all grеat and fun ways to gеt your hеart pumping and your body moving. Not only doеs еxеrcisе build a strongеr body, it builds a strongеr and happiеr mind too.
    My nеxt tip is to practicе mindfulnеss. Taking a fеw momеnts or minutеs еach day to apprеciatе thе prеsеnt momеnt and acknowlеdging a fеw things you arе gratеful for can hеlp you calm your mind and put you in a good mood. Mindfulnеss can hеlp rеducе strеss and incrеasе happy thoughts - which contributе to rеduction in strеss-inducеd illnеssеs likе hypеrtеnsion, stomach disordеrs, dеprеssion, еtc.
    Stеp 4 would bе to gеt еnough slееp. Your body rеbuilds and rеstorеs it strеngth at night whilе you'rе slееping, so gеtting еnough rеst is vital to your physical and mеntal hеalth.
    Stеp 5 would bе to livе a happy lifе. Don't lеt littlе things wеigh you down. Lifе is short and prеcious so do things that makе you smilе. Makе surе you laugh and dancе and do random things that spark joy, bеcausе at thе еnd of thе day who wants to livе a long lifе if it isn't a happy onе?

    1. These are great tips! I think you covered all of the basis to leading a healthy and happy life. I really liked how you included mindfulness. I am finally starting to really work on this, and self talk. I have found that the way we speak to and treat ourselves can effect how we treat those around us. It is also so important because negativity is like a vortex and once it starts its hard to stop. The only way to breakdown negativity is by being positive. I think that acknowledging what you are grateful for everyday is a great start to this. Thank you for sharing your post and ideas and hopefully we can all take these tips and use them so we can all start leading a healthier life!

    2. Great summary of some important ideas to maintain your good health.

  3. I think that even though we have all of this knowledge on what to do to be healthy and what not to do, that people still engage in the "what not to do" behaviors because life is rough and they are able to escape whatever it is they are trying to escape by engaging in these behaviors. Or at least that is why I have struggled. I recently realized that I could not continue one of these behaviors, but could not quit, so I sought help. I am now 3 weeks since I took my last drink of alcohol. I couldn't quit, even though I knew it was devastating to my health. I am also a cigarette smoker. It is hard to put these things down once you have started because they have addictive qualities that pull you in and literally make your entire life about getting more beer, or drugs, or cigarettes. Then you forget how to function without them and you have to reteach your body how to be bored, or how to go without. I think we should all make an honest effort to quit one bad habit at the start of this new year, it is so important for our longevity and health.

    1. It is great that you are taking these steps to maintain your good health.

  4. Oh Marley, thank you so much for sharing your own struggle. It looks like your being aware of the problem has prompted you to take action. That gives you a huge advantage over many who struggle for years. I am proud of you for acknowledging what you felt wasn't working in your life and identifying the source, and taking the steps to change it. That is HUGE, and congrats on 3 weeks sober.

    Many times, alcohol is a way to escape other things, deeper, that are going on in our lives. Mindfulness is a way to explore what might have been driving you toward alcohol, as a way to escape or numb feelings. Addressing what lies beneath is the next step to a long and healthy life, free from addiction.

    So proud of you, fellow Starr. Keep on keeping on.


  5. Half of people don't get enough of sleeping because of some reasons.For example, I have two jobs so a full-time job and I’m a full-time student which is I have 17 units. That is why I don’t sleep a lot, and I never relax. I work in the morning usually around 6 o’clock, so I have to wake up at 5 and get ready. However, somedays I work at 5 so I have to wake up at 4, this is how it goes. My second job is at afternoon, and I don’t have a day off for myself to take care of my health. When I don’t have work in the morning I have a school that I need to go to. However, when I get back home I usually sit and do my homework at night. I mostly sleep around 1 a.m. and wake up at 4 or 5 a.m. This things lead to make some black circles around my eyes and always feel want to sleep, and always tired. Also, my meal doesn’t go great because when I’m at work I eat light things and that makes my body weak. Even sometimes I would be like why can’t I just sleep a little bit like everyone else. Overall, you guys should get enough of sleeping because it is really bad things that will show up later when you grow up as it is happening to me.

    1. You have a very demanding schedule and it is amazing you are able to work full time and go to school full time. It is OK to slow down a bit so you have time to sleep and practice good health habits.

  6. I believe that a good health is necessary for a prolonged and vigorous life. Exercise is something that I do daily and will continue throughout the rest of my life. I am a bodybuilder and have been for the past four or five months. My brothers are bodybuilders as well and have been doing it quite a bit longer than I have. I do not drink as I prefer having a focused mind. Drinking is a bad habit that deters my ability to focus and will result in negative actions. I will not smoke as the side effects harm not only myself, but the people around me as well. Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer and other illnesses. It is not only harmful to your body, but also highly addictive. I will sleep the required eight hours for my body in order to sustain a full thoughtful mind and have full concentration. You can't learn well when you feel drowsy, and it effects your health as well. Eating healthy is a priority of mine as it contributes to maintaining a healthy weight and improving nutritional values. If need be, it may even be necessary to consider a diet plan to keep track of my calorie intake and see what fits best for me, as I saw in the My Plate plan.

    1. Great intention statements for maintaining your good health. Good job!

  7. I watched the video called how to make stress your friend. I’m going to talk about the study. I teach in the video them tract 30,000 adults in the United States for 8 years they asked them how much stress in the last year they had and they also ask do you believe if stress is harmful for your health. In addition, people who had a lot of stress had a 43% of death 182,000 death not from stress but from people who believe that stress is harmful for your health. Also, the video talked about when you changes your mind about stress you can changes your body about stress when you have a pounding hart is appearing you for action if you are breathing heavily there is more oxygen going to your brain. The one thing that I thought was interesting is that stress can make you socials there is a hormone called oxytocin it’s also called the cuddle hormone because when you huge someone it is release oxytocin helps you get a close relationship with people like your family and friends and it helps you care about your family and friends. Oxytocin is a stress hormone your pituitary gland is the stuff out as part of the stress response is as much a part of your stress makes your hart pound it is motivating you to seek support and tell people how you feel and with the Oxycontin it shows you when your friends and family are hurting and it also wants you to be around people that care about your feelings it also strength your heart how you think about stress matters.

    1. Glad you found the stress video interesting. Good job!

  8. People all around the world continue to do bad habits because it might relieve their stress and take them away from reality. Many people smoke marijuana or drink a lot of alcohol to escape reality because it is too hard or stressful for them. I have know people that do drugs because they can't handle what life is doing to them. They don't want to live up to what they are capable of. All of us can do amazing things but the people who do drugs throw it all away. This bad habit will bring darkness into your life and make you depressed which is not really escaping reality. This is just making your life worse than it was before doing drugs. It is best to stay away from drugs and deal with life cause when you finally quit and come to your senses everything will be gone. People who get little sleep are working or studying hard. These people are actually doing something for their life than doing drugs to escape reality. A little sleep might hurt you a little but won't danger you like drugs or alcohol. People need to stop doing drugs and do something that won't make them stress that much.

    1. Good thoughts on avoiding drugs. They rob people of their dreams and goals for the future.

  9. The five most important steps to maintaining my good health are stay away from alcohol and drugs to keep mu life and my health safe and I will never smoke to prevent many types of diseases and damages of health I will maintain a good diet to help me enjoy life and feel best and I will try to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day and I will try to sleep more hours and have enough rest as long I have work or classes the next day all these things give me a good way to keep my health good

  10. three things I can do to improve my my nutrition to maintain optimum health are first , make sure to eat breakfast because eating breakfast is very important and it is helpful to provide energy and prevent hunger which leads to overeating , Second , Get to bed on time I feel more rested and will avoid late night snacks, which tend to add extra calories you do not need Third ,
    eat smaller portions use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate when I eat salad I will feel full and do not
    need to eat more these three ways I do keep me health and normally skinny

    1. Good ideas for maintaining your good health. Glad you are finding these ideas useful.

  11. I would include sleep, nutrition, fun, family, and happiness in the five most important steps to maintaining good health. Sleep is essential in our daily functioning and we need it to be productive it through the day. Nutrition is important because we are able to get energy and live longer lives if we eat right. Fun is something we do not all have time for, but we should have some because it can relieve stress. Personally for me soccer is fun and it is my stress reliever. Our families are important in our lives. Besides keeping us safe they are a big part of our lives. Maintaining our happiness is a must. We can do this with little things that can make our day. Why should we save up for vacations when we can just enjoy the moment. These five things to me are the five most important steps to maintaining good health.

  12. I can maintain good health with just four things: Eating, exercise, family, and friends. Eating right is essential. If we are able to maintain a good diet and avoid fatty foods we can stay healthy. I feel exercise is beneficial for health. Find something you love to do some people enjoy sports or the gym and all of these are good to maintain a healthy and fit body. Our family members are crucial in our lives they give us love. If we are able to surround ourseleves with people we love then we are able to stay happy and this leads to a healthier life. Friends are good to maintaining a healthy life. They push us out of boundaries and have us create new experiences.

    1. These are all great ideas for maintaining your health and living a happy life. Good job!

  13. Drug use is highest among people in their teens and twenties and that can cause addictive and lack of success. Drugs affect people’s life from their physical appearance to mental health, it can lead to bad decision making. When young people get addicted to drugs, their school performance will get poor, most of them fail or drop out of school. Also it can lead to poor job performance and bad relationships with family and friends. When people start using drugs they start to not take care of their health, they can damage their brain and communication skills, not only that but drug addiction can lead to death.

  14. The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health
    1.Get regular exercise
    2. Eat healthy by including good source of protein, vegetables and fruits to your daily diet.
    3. Get enough sleep at night
    4. Avoid drinking and using drugs
    5.Think positive to kill stress.

    1. Great ideas, Sarah! May you live a long and healthy life.

  15. There were many surprising facts about this chapter that made me realize how important our health is and what we need to do to take care of it. For example, to begin with in my morning routine i have to get more sleep because i lack my sleep because of homework procrastination, and also i need my breakfast in the morning in which I've only had a handful of times in my life. After my morning routine, the lunch is next because i eat a lot of red meat throughout my week that i need to cut down and up my vegetable intake because i roughly eat red meat 5 times a week. Also i don't eat any fruits periodically, I should begin making smoothies to help me make my diet more fun and tasty. After my lunch i believe here is where i really fall down in nutrition because i eat chicken and lots of it with nearly two cans of soda roughly drinking 10 cans of soda a week. And from all the doctors articles and friends and family telling me not to drink it its slowing taking a toll on my health that i realize everyday. Overall i believe my diet and exercise need to improve if i want to live to be healthy and live a happy and long life.

  16. Smoking causes lung cancer. This has been a known proven fact,not only are smokers prone to the risk of getting lung cancer but people who are constantly near it and inhaling it are as well. As a personal example my grandpa smoked for over 60 years and past away from lung cancer. His voice began to crack when he spoke, he could not walk for very long, he would constantly cough and his body began to give up on him. I went through a period where I was around people that would smoke cigarettes and hookah and I would get the "second- hand" smoke from them and would cough up black, and I have never smoked. Doctors believe smoking causes lung cancer by "damaging the cells that line the lungs", when you inhale cigarette smoke, which is full of cancer-causing substances such as carcinogens, changes in the lung tissue begin almost immediately. Mayo Clinic writes, "at first your body may be able to repair this damage but with each repeated exposure, normal cells that line your lungs are increasingly damaged". As time progresses, the damage causes cells to act abnormally and eventually cancer may develop. Be careful of what substances you put in your body, it can do more damage then you think.

    1. This is a good summary of the dangers of smoking. Both my grandma and sister passed away from smoking, so I know from personal experience how dangerous smoking can be.

  17. Not getting enough sleep is one of the biggest issues in my life as of now. Working and being a full time student can sometimes take a toll on me, especially my body. Some times when its time for me to go to sleep after a long day of work and school I have to pick whether I should sleep or take a shower, I can never do both because then I would have even less time to sleep. It is proven that students who do not get enough sleep, perform badly in school and it also affects their personality. My sister for example, cannot come home from school and start working on her homework or study for a test; instead she has to take an hour nap and then work on her work. If she does not even that one-hour nap she goes crazy to say the least. There are many reasons why people do not get enough sleep and there are also many reasons why they should get enough sleep. “When you are sleeping the brain does important things such as going through the days events, and forming memories.” It is very highly recommended that a person sleep an average of seven hours per night. "Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."
    -- Benjamin Franklin

    1. Good summary of the reasons that people need to get enough sleep. Like the Benjamin Franklin quote.

  18. I believe people continue to smoke, overeat, and use drugs even though they know its hurting them is because they are addictive. Smoking can cause throat, mouth, bladder,and lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and heart disease. Even with all these risks people continue to ruin their bodies because of the addictive nicotine in the cigarette. Overeating can lead to weight gain which is one of the biggest dangers of it. Another problem with overeating is that it can lead to mental health problems, having a low self image can lead to anxiety and depression.Some people continue to overeat because of emotional problems they are going through. I don't think I need to go into the dangers of drug abuse, but some of the most prevalent ones are homelessness, incarceration, and worst of all death. Some people use drugs to get way from the struggles they are going through in life, or simply because they like the way it feels.

    1. Good summary of the dangers on smoking, overeating, and using drugs.

  19. The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health are getting regular exercise every day, being happy, drinking lots of water, and also doing the most to be stress free, stress is what mainly causes people to age and become more old faster, and hate their life. Avoid drinking and drugs. One thing that I thought was interesting is that stress can make you social, because when you hug someone it is release oxytocin helps you get a close relationship with people like your family and friends and it helps you care about your family and friends. Oxytocin is a stress hormone your pituitary gland is the stuff out as part of the stress response is as much a part of your stress makes your hart pound it is motivating you to seek support and tell people how you feel and with the Oxycontin shows you when your friends and family are hurting and it also wants you to be around people that care about your feelings, which is super cool, it can also strength your heart how you think about stress matters. So what i learned is to laugh more and hug someone more often to get my stress levels low.

    1. Good summary of steps to maintain your good health.

  20. Many people focus on diet improvements because they feel they need to lose weight. It’s true that obesity is a rising problem, but more importantly the issue of health is at the heart of it all. The three things I can do to improve my nutrition to maintain optimum health are eat whole grains, avoid carbonated beverages, drink plenty of water, and eat more fruits and veggies. Mostly important is to exercise on daily bases to keep my body active. So instead of a diet, let’s call it a change in eating style, meaning that I am focusing more on eating well rather than on eating less. For some over-fat and under-lean individuals, this will probably also mean eating less, and I know this is not easy. Everything needs to be done in a hard way to get a better results. I usually eat 2 meals and I skip breakfast. I am going to change this habit by eating breakfast so that it can be 3 meals a day. A good diet helps me to enjoy life and feel my best. Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the keys to a long and healthy life. We all want to be healthy and fit but not too skinny to starve ourselves so much. Also,I am not getting enough sleep for my best performance in school and to maintain good health. I often miss out on sleep while cramming for exams, enjoying an active social life, and trying to balance work and school. The improvements to help me to get enough sleep are avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, Nicotine, and Other Chemicals that Interfere with Sleep, establish a Soothing Pre-Sleep Routine, and don’t Be a Nighttime Clock-Watcher. Since the features of good bedding are subjective, choose what feels most comfortable to me. If I share my bed, make sure there's enough room for two. If I have children or pets, try to set limits on how often they sleep with me— or insist on separate sleeping quarters.

  21. Why people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep, and practice unsafe sex? I think that the answer to this is partially because of stress. I seen people smoke because of the strain and/or responsibility those people have on them. Many people overeat because food is comforting and makes them feel good for a while. They take illegal drugs because they feel like they are somewhere else and not worried about what is happening in the present time. A big reason for lack of sleep is because of work and being scared of failing. And they have unsafe sex because they are careless and do not have the time and money to care of what happens. I believe that many of these relate to the person being stressed out and feeling hopeless.

    1. Good description of factors that can interfere with good health.

  22. I think when looking at overeaters. Some don't know that they are actually over eating. When it comes to over eating and obesity, in some cases families live on a certain budget and a lot of the type of foods they have to buy because they want to be able to feed their families is very unhealthy foods. We also live in a lifestyle that a lot of people are just on the go and going through a quick drive through rather then just making yourself a healthy breakfast ad having to prep in advance is just time consuming and we are always in a rush to go everywhere. We are looking for the next most convenient thing. There are people out there who may not even eat the bad at all, but they are just too lazy to get up and exercise or do anytime of actives. I feel for these reasons is why we have obesity on the rise, but it's not just in the US, Mexico for example is actually a fatter country then we are. We continue to over eat because a lot of people just don't care honestly. We are lazy people who like to eat a lot and not worry about whats going to happen in the future. We just worry about today. We like fast food and convenience. It's just easier for people.

    1. Good thoughts on avoiding obesity. We all need to think about making healthy choices.

  23. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep, or practice unsafe sex?
    I think people specially young people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep, or practice unsafe sex because all these habits don't cause any immediate harm. For example, smoking does not causes pain. It does not hurt to eat a burger or take illegal drugs. I think if all these habit would cause immediate pain then most people wouldn't be to keen to try them. Also young people live in the present and don't care about repercussion as much as they should. That's why most young people keep doing all these bad habits. Also alcohol consumption leads to making bad judgment and causes people to try drug, causes people to over eat, and causes people to have unprotected sex. I think that young people should think twice before taking part of any of these bad and dangerous habits.

    1. Yes, young people think they are invincible, but pay the price later in life.

  24. Assume that you are writing magazine article, "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health." What ideas would you include in this article?

    If I were to write an article called “The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health” I would Include five ideas that I believe work well together. My Five ideas would be personal growth, getting an education, healthy eating, working out, and taking risk. I think that all these traits compliment each other. For example, getting and education and be more successful lead to having more money to invest time in a healthier lifestyle. Having a healthier lifestyle leads to working out and working can lead to becoming more confident in life. Confident plays a role in success but to be confident a person should be confident and feel adequate in life. Living a educated and healthy life warps a persons self esteem and leads to a happy life.

  25. Assume that you are writing magazine article, "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health." What ideas would you include in this article?

    To me the most important thing that someone could do to maintain good health is to be mindful of mental health including dealing with stress appropriately and of course I would advise my readers to seek help if needed. After that I would introduce the importance of a healthy diet as well as a good amount of physical activity to make sure the body is taken care of. I would also include information on the importance of water intake, I know that nutrition is mostly focused on when trying to remain good health but being properly hydrated is just as important for many reasons that can contribute to maintaining or losing weight. I would also incorporate the bad effects that drug and alcohol use has both mentally and physically and provide information about why it is important to avoid using them for health reasons.

  26. Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health.

    Personally I have been struggling with my journey to lose weight so my intentions to become healthier revolve around things that will get me back on the right track! I intend on adding a variety of fruits and veggies to my daily meals as well as refer to my plate to be sure that I am meeting my daily nutritional needs. I also intend on increasing my physical activity but in order to do so I will need some energy. In order to have the energy that I need to exercise I have to start getting more sleep so I intend to continue to work on changing my sleep habits.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. These are all great ideas for maintaining a healthy weight.

  27. Assume that you are writing magazine article, "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health." What ideas would you include in this article?

    Ideas I would include in this would be to first off all always work hard and stay positive because its always a great thing to see are the results at the end. Which is when you want to work harder and keep on going. Second is to have that dedication and drive and to understand what is good for you body and what isn't because at the end of the day the only person it will hurt is you and your health. We ourselves need to learn to substitute the bad and unhealthy things and eat the good and healthy to make us stronger and healthier. Last but not least it to stay up and running, exercise is so good for us and now a days all we do is sit around on our phones and waste time, so get up, get fit, little things are what make a big change and are what leads to a healthy and good life

  28. The short-term gain (nicotine) outweights the long-term "maybes". If cigarettes degraded health more quickly (i.e. people dropping dead a few short weeks after starting), no one would dare smoke. But death, cancer, and emphasema take a while to get going, and not all smokers get them, so it's easy to rationalize that the danger is low.

    The same thing happens for problem gamblers, over eaters, and alcoholics. The end results are very bad, but they are distant, and the quick fix is a more powerful motivator in the short term.
    Also, It's an addiction. Or a social thing. If other people around you are all doing something it's natural for you to want to fit in and be accepted. Whether it be smoking or trying to dress fashionable. It's nice when you're able to have the will power to not want to go with the flow and can accept the people who do things and not have to do them yourself.
    But everything is a health risk. Being overweight is a much more serious health risk than smoking. Yet there are plenty of people overweight. Drinking alcohol or coffee can cause problems with your stomach, liver and kidneys but people do it all the time. Unprotected sex can cause STD's and unwanted pregnancies but people do it all the time.

    1. Good thoughts on avoiding addiction. It is difficult to see into the future and the effects that will happen later in life. I am old enough to see many people suffer from habits they started early in life.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I agree that it is difficult to eat in a restaurant and maintain a healthy weight. It is best to prepare foods at home so that you know what you are eating. Good job!

  30. Since an earlier assignment (how to change a habit) at the beginning of this course, I feel I finally have taken control of my previously bad sleeping patterns. I was always the last one in bed and first one up. In my mind it was the way to maximize the hours in my day. I am thankful that I have finally become aware of how vital sleep is to our health and well-being. Maybe I won't have as many hours in the day, but the quality of hours will definitely make it worth while. This chapter was a good reminder for me to be more purposeful about my health. I thought the website was helpful in giving guidelines on exercise and eating. I am hopeful I can take control of this area of my life, as I have with the sleeping. I feel better when I exercise-just need to prioritize it and make it happen.

    1. So happy to hear that you are maintaining the getting enough sleep habit. Good for you!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Good summary of the steps needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  32. Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health.

    My intention statements are small promises that I am making to myself, hopefully giving myself the best chance it has to live a long, happy, and healthy life.

    1. I intend to keep up on my exercise routine. As a student and member of the San Diego State Marching Aztecs marching band, I get regular aerobic exercise about three times a week, sometimes four. Off season, i intend to make up for my lack of rehearsal, giving my body the exercise it needs to stay healthy.
    2. I intend to keep my stress-level in a happy place in which I can maintain it. I am a high-stress individual and would hope that I can change that about myself over time. I hope that giving my body rest and allotting time to assignments and projects that they need in order to be completed will help give my life some proper scheduling. From that point, I can figure out what needs to be done and do it in an orderly fashion. Hopefully in doing so, I will reduce my stress by a great amount and whatever is left, most likely about trivial little things, can be changed easily.

    1. Good thoughts on exercise and keeping those stress levels in control.

  33. I think that one factor that really holds a lot of people back from exercising consistently is simply motivation; at least, I know it is for me. I find this really odd in my case. I am aspiring to play soccer at a university, and I know that in order to do so I need to gain more muscle than I currently have. Plus, I've been saying for ages that I want to gain muscle simply to look better, the reason I think most people want to work out. However, despite these reasons, I somehow can't bring myself to consitently lift weights. I did for a period of about 4 months because it was part of the soccer training at Cuyamaca college, and I saw results that I was happy with, but even still that wasn't enough to keep me motivated to work out on my own. I think this goes to show that It's not impossible to find motivation for myself, but rather I haven't found the motivation that works for me yet; There are infinite possibilities for what can motivate people.

  34. If I were to write "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health" I would begin with the lesson of positivity and describe how it is so easy to get addicted to and use in just about every situation. The next step would be diet and exercise. People try to run away from the mundane sound of that, but without proper diet and exercise, our bodies would literally not function correctly. These also help to have a clearer mind that gives less to stress about and more opportunities for positive possibilities. My third step would connect to step two by explaining how we should eat foods at their most natural form. Processed foods literally make our bodies feel worse than they would with natural foods. My fourth step would be to learn to forgive immediately. So many people hold grudges for many different reasons. We were all raised differently, so people will not always agree with you or be in sync with you. If the sky is blue to you and someone says the sky is green, simply say "Okay" and move on. Do not let the difference of someone else's opinion alter your mood. My fifth step would be to have the goal of finishing everything you begin. If you don't tie up loose ends, your life is going to feel messy and incomplete. Completing the tasks you begin will give you feelings of satisfaction and help reduce your stress levels. There are so many ways to be happy and healthy but these are just a few to help you get started!

  35. i believe that we are all responsible for our own actions. When we realize that we then have complete control. I know that cigarettes are bad and the leading cause to lung cancer.I also lost my grandmother to lung cancer. It was hard seeing her like that. My aunt had thyroid and now has lung cancer and she smokes. I find it really sad and heartbreaking. One could say the same for me especially seeing granny suffer. I also smoke cigarette. I have quit a few times but not for long. I cant even say I enjoy smoking them anymore. I know they are deadly and unattractive but I have allowed them to be my crutch. When I am frustrated I want one . After I eat I want one. I guess I smoke because its a just a bad habit that needs to broken. I cant say why people have unsafe sex. I don't see thrill in that at all personally. I think that shows how the person feels about their self. One could also say the same about me. Why would I smoke a toxic cigarette knowing the consequences. Eating is comforting so I can see why people over eat. I think its safe to say the if your eating more than the recommended serving size your overeating Simmons,Vivian

  36. How to make stress your friend. I found this video interesting. My conclusion from the video was that your thinking and attitude contribute to a lot and if you use them wisely you can possibly live longer and also fell better. I raised my hand when she ask who went through a lot of stress this last year. I have been talking with coaches and mentors and I'm learning to accept thing for what they are and not let my first response anger or fear. This is challenging in itself but it help a lot. I am also embracing change. Something that seems like a problem can ultimately end up being a huge opportunity. The video also mentioned Oxytocin also known as the hug hormone. Although one may be under stress if they can transform how they think and act it would be helpful to them and those they care for. The speaker also mentioned hoe Stress gives you access to the heart. It reminds me of the saying you find out who your true friends in a dark time or a time of need
