Monday, August 29, 2016

Chapter 1, Understanding Motivation, August 29-September 4

It was great meeting you on the blog last week and learning about your educational journeys. We have a great variety of students in the class and many different educational backgrounds. This diversity makes for interesting discussion and sharing of ideas.

For this week, share your ideas on motivation with other students in this course.

Please read Chapter 1 in College and Career Success Online before commenting on any of these questions.

Remember to make 2 postings of 100 words minimum for each posting to get the full 20 points for the blog this week. Postings for this week are due before 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, September 4.  

You can choose to write on any of these questions.  
1. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

2. Are there some new ideas on motivation in Chapter 1 that you find interesting or helpful?

3. If you are thinking about dropping this class or dropping out of college, how can you motivate yourself to continue?

4. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?

5. Read comments posted by other students. Are any of their ideas useful to you?

You can also write anything about your experience in starting college or beginning this course. You can ask questions about anything related to college and career success or comment on others students' postings.


  1. I motivate myself to be successful by having a set end goal in mind, and reminding myself of this whenever I start to feel discouraged or overwhelmed. I also look at the process of achieving my goal as a series of small steps, and I celebrate the completion of a step (a class) to keep myself feeling upbeat and motivated. The ideas in chapter one were mostly familiar to me, but the reminder was good. I will be putting a small reward system in place for myself to help me avoid getting too burnt out. I tend to just "push through" when I'm on a roll, but small breaks with goals that have measurable rewards would be helpful so I don't push myself too hard to the point of not being able to continue. I am not considering dropping out of college, or from this class, but if I was I would remind myself of the consequences of this decision when I dropped out my first attempt at college. Although I did find success and happiness, regardless of not completing school, I always had deep regret at not finishing- to the point that I'm finally back at it over a decade later! If I felt tempted to give up again, I would remind myself of how important this really is to me and how much it weighed on me for so long. Some roadblocks to my success are math classes not being offered online, and not having child care (and soon, having children too young for care at CCCD), and getting overwhelmed with life and other obligations to the point that it has a negative impact on my school work (taking on too much). I am going to try to re-assess for math in spring and hopefully this will open some online classes to me. If that doesn't work, I will have to work with my husband to take math classes at night when he is home. To fight getting too over-extended, I need to keep a realistic goal in mind so I am not setting myself up to fail, and to allow myself a break or to do less if I am feeling behind in many areas of my life. While my goal is unwavering, the speed at which I achieve it needs to be flexible.

    1. Hi Jacalyn,
      I understand where you're coming from, being a mom and also trying to balance parenting with school. I applaud your efforts and hope the best for you and your family! You can do this!!!

    2. You have a lot of challenges, but you are motivated to be successful. Let me know if you need help along the way.

  2. Q1) For me personally, I motivate myself to be successful by setting a goal for myself. I find setting goals for myself or even certain expectations the best possible way to get things done. For example, one of my goals is to transfer to SDSU within two years. My expectations in order to reach this goal is to take all my general ed classes, finish my pre major classes, and maintain at least a 3.5 or above. I look at the bigger picture of things to motivate myself to be successful, if I reach certain expectations I have reached my goal and can do more with my time. Also, I reward myself with breaks in between class work to feel motivated to getting my work done or even allow myself to watch an episode of a show as a reward for accomplishing something.

    1. Hi Sandra,

      Rewarding with a show is a great idea. A couple years ago, when I started running for exercise, I limited myself to the only TV time I got was when I was on the treadmill. I got the Netflix app and got hooked on some shows, and as weird as it sounds, it was super motivating to me and it got me back in the gym day after day! No binge watching in bed. Haha! I'm actually not letting myself watch a new season of a show I love until I get back to running again (8 months pregnant right now), and although it's hard to stop myself I know how effective it is! Great idea to use the same tactic for school work.

    2. You have a good plan for transferring in 2 years. Your goals are a good way to motivate yourself. Let me know if you need help along the way.

  3. Q4)The only roadblocks that are keeping me from where I want to be, is myself. Some roadblocks are overloading myself with school work or even not believing myself. The best way to overcome this is being optimistic. I do look at the brighter picture of things a majority of the time but sometime I over analyze situations or my realist perspective comes out which can cause a conflict of interest but at the same time give myself a reality check. As a first year college student, I took on 19 units, underestimating the workload it will be. Having taking AP classes throughout high school, I came to the realization that I can do it as long as my head is in it, I stay organized, and on top of each class.

    1. Knowing that you are your own roadblock is key to taking responsibility for your own success... you're actually more self-aware than many, and you know that the only one to blame for your success or failure is yourself. I think this will be your greatest strength. So many are quick to blame circumstances, teachers, subject matter, etc... Since you were an AP student, you're obviously very smart. That, combined with your responsible attitude is a combination guaranteed for success. You go girl!

    2. It is powerful to realize that the only roadblock is yourself. I agree that it is important not to overload yourself.

  4. When it comes to motivation for myself, looking at my daughter and seeing that I am supposed to raise her and give her a great life helps me focus on finishing school. I have had a rough start to college and took some much needed time off and now I am back, and the biggest reason why I am back in school is so that I can give my daughter a better life. I also am motivated by making my mom proud, and also my husband. I really do not want to let these important people down in my life, so it helps me work even when I don't feel like it. I also have found that completing assignments and rewarding yourself in between assignments is a great way to motivate yourself to keep going. I rewarded myself after this last summer semester by going to Warped Tour the day after school ended. I have a lot to do to be the best I can be, but I finally feel like after having my daughter almost two years ago that I am ready to complete school, and do well too.

    1. I admire your commitment. Your daughter has a strong, confident, driven mother to look up to. Like you, I also have a mom I want to make proud. Those little rewards are a great way to pat ourselves on the back, since only WE know how hard it was. It's great you are able to reward yourself, since sometimes those closest to us don't really realize how hard it is. No one else can walk in your shoes - so keep taking care of you. You deserve it! :)

    2. Thank you so much, I really appreciate your kind words. I am definitely doing my best, and hoping that the stress won't get the best of me this time around. It is crazy how having children can change our entire outlook on life. Kudos to you as well for coming back to school, your son will appreciate it, and you are setting a great example for him! Good luck to you on your semester!

    3. Having a child is a great motivator to be successful. Using a reward for completing assignments helps too.

    4. Yes, I have definitely been implementing a reward for completing assignments. I usually take some time to myself and play a game on my phone, or just in general sit and breathe for 10-15 mins. I don't do that often since I have a toddler but it is a great reward for completing assignments each week.

  5. Roadblocks to my success would definitely be becoming intimidated and getting too far inside myself thinking that I can't do something, so I don't. That has been my biggest downfall, and I actually have stopped showing up to most of the classes I was in because of it. This was years ago, and I didn't care about myself or my future, and I had no one holding me accountable for my actions. I have approached this semester with open arms, in hopes that since I am embracing my support system now instead of pushing them away, that I will feel like me completing school isn't just about me. It's about my daughter, first and foremost, but I also have an amazingly wonderful husband and my saint of a mother that I am working on this for. I have been in some dark places in the last few years of my life, and these three people saved me. I owe it to them to give it my all and to finish what I have started.

    1. Welcome back to college and sounds like you have wonderful family support which is definitely helpful.

  6. Tiffany VANCIL

    I motivate myself by keeping my eye on the prize. I know that an education will propel me toward a career with more stability than I have now. I have had a really great career for the past couple years, but due to instability in the retention of clients, that career has become shaky. I can't rely on that to support myself and my son. I need to find something with stability and potential for growth. Also, being engaged to someone in the military, I need to find a career goal that is able to be picked up and restarted in other areas of the country. My son is my number one motivator. I have a 7 year old who needs to see one of his parents doing the hard work to get through school and obtain a career, since his father and I kinda both "lucked out" when it comes to creating any sort of success without a higher education. Though it's possible, I don't want to teach him that college isn't worthwhile. I want him to be able to weigh his options, when the time comes, and decide what works best for him, based on the experiences he's seen, and hopefully choose to go on to higher education.

    1. That is awesome! It is never too late to go back to school, even to complete different degrees after getting your first. Hopefully seeing you do well in college will inspire your son to do well in his studies now and through high school. I'm sure he will find the value in a college education just by watching you first hand complete your degree and get an awesome job that will keep your family stable the way you would like. I really hope you have a great semester, let's rock this, us mama's have superpowers of sorts!

    2. You are a great role model for your son. If he sees that you value school, he will likely do the same.

    3. It is so amazing how kids can motivate us so well! I can really relate to you because I want my kids to know that education is really important. I think our kids seeing us work so hard to finish school will help them see how important it is to us. And financial stability is gonna be awesome!! Great job, and keep it up! We CAN do this :) !!

  7. It's very easy to point out my roadblocks, and easier yet to use them as an excuse as to why I waited until I was 37 to go back to school. I always thought I would do better by finding a job and working my way up to be a faster way to earn a living. Unfortunately, my personality style is such that finding a one job that holds my interest for very long has been a life long struggle. I've also felt that taking time out to go to school, is time spent NOT making money, and therefore, a waste of time. Of course, after reading the chapter, and knowing on a subconscious level, that the time and money invested in education pays for itself over the course of a lifetime should have been motivation enough--- I was always set on the short-term goals. How do I make THIS month's rent? How do I take care of THIS month's bills? And working (not going to school) was always the answer. Now- becoming a parent, then becoming a SINGLE parent, and working full time - I have every excuse possible to not pursue a college education. Yet, here I am. I think the benefits have finally outweighed the negatives, and I know I've reached my glass ceiling where I am. I had a great job, but stuff happens, and I suffered a lay off. I don't want to go through this again, so getting my education has finally become a priority. I guess I needed to hit some sort of low point in order to see its importance. The excuses I used to have don't seem to carry as much weight anymore.

    1. It often happens that some significant event such as a layoff provides motivation for change. You are off to a good start with this course.

  8. 1. I motivate myself to succeed by envisioning my future and studying the people around me. I want to become successful like my father, who never even finished school, as well as my other family members. I always compare myself to them. Their success drives me to surpass them and make them proud of me by accomplishing what many of them could not. I often feel down, or depressed, and it sometimes causes me to love motivation and overall drive to succeed. However, when I am feeling this way, I envision how disappointing it would be for my family and friends to see me give up, so I keep going.

    1. Hey Theo I like your post family is good when it comes to motivation.

    2. Having a vision for the future is important for your success. It is great that you have supportive family and friends.

  9. 4. Some roadblocks in the way of success could include finances and overall motivation. While I am getting financial aid for Cuyamaca, I think I will have to pay for my SDSU tuition out of pocket. I believe I'll be able to afford it, but the fact that I'll have to pay THOUSANDS to get my degree frustrates me. I guess it is better in the long run, because I'll be making bank down the line. One other factor could be my motivation. I am always determined to succeed, but the amount of school work may overwhelm me and cause me to lose focus, as was the case in high school. Hopefully I can manage my time wisely and not procrastinate so I dont get overwhelmed with schoolwork.

    1. If you qualify for financial aid at Cuyamaca, you will also qualify for SDSU. You will qualify for money since financial aid is based on the cost of your education. Use the motivation techniques in this chapter to stay focused on your future goals.

  10. 1. I motivate myself to succeed by envisioning my future and studying the people around me. I want to become successful like my father, who never even finished school, as well as my other family members. I always compare myself to them. Their success drives me to surpass them and make them proud of me by accomplishing what many of them could not. I often feel down, or depressed, and it sometimes causes me to love motivation and overall drive to succeed. However, when I am feeling this way, I envision how disappointing it would be for my family and friends to see me give up, so I keep going.

    1. Hi- I totally agree with you that by looking to your family and friends for inspiration is a great way to stay motivated. I also think about how disappointed it would make my family if I didn't do my absolute best, and exhausting all of my resources before giving up. I have learned over time that you should definitely not be afraid to ask for help if you need it. That was my problem before, I would run from my problems instead of facing them and asking for help. I hope that you have a great semester, and are able to make your family proud too, they deserve to see you succeed, and you deserve to see you succeed too!

  11. 1. I motivate myself to be successful by managing my time. For example I balance my work and education where it is even. I also learn from failing which will make me grow strengths. The tough things in life are the most rewarding. In my mind I act like i'm successful and always look at everything in a positive way to be successful. Another thing I do is to have goals in my life. One of the goals in my life is to get a 1964 impala convertible vehicle. Always start off slow don't rush by rushing into things it can become stressful and hard. This is what I believe on how to be successful.

    1. Yes, managing your time and focusing on your goals will help you to be successful. The 1964 Impala can be a good reward for success in education.

  12. 4. Roadblocks are a challenge to get to your goal in my eyes. Many people give up an opportunity to be successful in life because it gets challenging. In my view roadblocks are a positive thing. From the roadblocks you can learn different strategies and get more intelligent while fighting the challenge you are faced with. I will never back down when things get to hard this will make me stronger and a better person. To overcome this you need to put effort and not give up on anything. This is how I believe to open roadblocks and get to your life goals.

    1. You have a positive view of roadblocks. I agree that they can open new opportunities. Keep focused on your goals and you will accomplish them.

  13. Cinthya Jimenez

    1) What keeps me motivated to be a more successful person is setting myself a goal to work towards. And that goal for me is simply one word "future". I am working for my future right now which makes me want to do the best that I possibly can these next years of of my life. It keeps me working hard and giving it the best work on every project and assignment that lays ahead and whenever i think something is getting to hard I say to myself " it will all be worth it at the end". Also what keeps me motivated is rewarding myself for my work. If you have something to work for it makes you work harder cause you know your going to gain something at the end.

  14. Cinthya Jimenez

    4) The only roadblocks to my success would have to me be. I have all the support in the world, my family is always there when Im having trouble along with friends and etc. But any little doubt I have it makes me overthink everything which leads to stressing and ends up making me struggle in what I was doing. A solution to overcoming that roadblock for me would be to give it time and not rush anything because I know I like to keep on trying but when Im not in the right set of mind knowing me it would just stress me out even more which would lead to giving up and thats never the answer.

    1. It is powerful to understand the the only roadblock is yourself. Just take it one step at a time and you will accomplish your goals without too much stress.

    2. I love that you came up with a solution to keep yourself on track! I struggle with the same thing specially the over thinking part! It helps me to think that slow and steady wins the race except there is no race or rush. Best of luck to you through out your journey :)

  15. 1. I motivate myself to be successful by choosing the major that I love to study so after that I must study hard every day to reach my goal and finish my classes .and the attendance the class on time is very important I have to go to class before it start because if I go late or I miss class I will lose a lot of information and it will hard for my to understand the class after and I motivate my self to do my homework everyday and never be late .I have to believe that there is no time to change my goals.

  16. 4.The Roadblocks that are keeping me from I want to be . is I am mother and I have five children all of them are boys and I do not have so much time to study because I have many things to during the day because I have to take my children to school,clean the house and when my children return from school I help them with their homework I can not study until they sleep most of the time I study until 1:00 am and wake up at 6:00 Am . but I insistent to make my dreams became true so my children can be proud of me.

    1. It is difficult to go to school with 5 children, but you are motivated to succeed. Just take one or 2 classes at a time and you will increase your chances of success without too much stress.

    2. You are a super mom! I always say moms have superpowers and you are definitely showing that you do! I can't imagine having 5 tiny humans to take care of right now, I only have 1! That is simply amazing that you are being persistant in completing your education and showing your kids that there is a value in education! I hope you have an awesome semester, good luck to you!

  17. I found the award system really interesting and I am actually going to give it a try! I don't know why I didn't think of that idea myself when I use it for my kids all the time. Sometimes us adults can use the extra push to get through tough obstacles. I know in my situation there is no one cheering me on as I work my butt off so having something to look forward to after I complete something can satisfy that void that I feel at times. I know that all my hard work will show for itself in the long run when I make it to the finish line but that don't mean I have to wait till the very end to celebrate. Ill have many victories before I hit home run and I believe rewarding myself for them will help keep me motivated! Also, who doesn't like to treat themselves every now and again? This sounds like a win win to me so I am definitely excited to give this try!

  18. Roadblocks, always there when you don't need them! I have many getting in the way of my success but I do not make myself a victim to them! If I did, I would not get anywhere. Yes, roadblocks absolutely make things difficult at times but I always find myself getting through them rather I think that I will or not so I keep a positive outlook even when i'm uncertain of how things will actually turn out. Two of my main struggles that I know could potentially become roadblocks is time management and lack of sleep. Juggling the kids needs, house chores and school is very tough on me and I find that I don't get very much time for myself to do anything or even take care of my basic needs. For example, I went to bed pretty late and got back up at 4am to do some homework and pump so that my baby will have food while i'm at school tomorrow, oh and today is my 25th birthday imagine that. This is only the start of my day by the way, this is typical for me and I do get discouraged at times for not getting the time to even properly sleep. Not sleeping is a problem in itself but no matter what I must keep keeping on, but not like this though because I might not make it to far going on this way. I'm working on better managing my time so that I won't even have an excuse to give up on my dreams!

    1. You definitely have many challenges, but are motivated to succeed. You need to figure out how to get enough sleep since it is required for good health and even has an impact on studying and remembering. It is best to take one or 2 classes at most so that you do not get too stressed out and can be successful in reaching your goals.

    2. Sounds like you have a full plate! Did you read that part in the text about how multitasking causes things to take 50% longer?! It made me feel better, actually. 'Cause sometimes I think us Mamas are pretty hard on ourselves given we just have to multitask sometimes. Anyway, good luck and keep it up! I sure hope you get some rest soon.You should be proud of yourself for making college a priority. But it sure is hard. Can't imagine nursing on top of it! You can do it!

    3. @m.fralick lack of sleep most certainly has taken a toll on my memory! I am only taking two classes and I have been pretty good at getting a nap in during the day thanks to the habit assignment! @sara yes I did read that part, it made perfect sense! What is mom life with out multitasking though? Haha, I tried to just focus on one thing at a time over the weekend to see if I complete things a bit faster and well i'm behind on the laundry which means all of our cloths are not ready for the week BUT all my assignments due tomorrow is complete and I cleared out summer and old cloths to make space for the fall! I feel good about that. Thank you for the encouraging words, it's not easy but I believe I can do it too!

  19. 1.I have several ways to motivate myself to be successful. I take advice from family members such as my brother, he never finished high school and even though he does fine with out a diploma he tells me nothing matters more than my education. My dad is one of my biggest motivations he tells me about his struggles in Iraq and how life here is easy as long as you have a degree. He is always concerned about my academic life and I always keep him posted because nothing keeps me as motivated as seeing him happy. My family members are my biggest motivation to try and become successful.

  20. 4. I have a few roadblocks to my success such as confidence and being overwhelmed. Sometimes I feel like I am having issues when I do not understand something in school but I do not like to ask for help much because I feel like I can figure it out myself. When I can not figure it out myself I get discouraged and lose confidence in myself. At school I become overwhelmed with too much work and this can block me to reach my goals if I do not do well. I can overcome these roadblocks if I manage my time well and question anything that becomes difficult for me so I can improve my education.

    1. It is great that your family is very supportive. Always ask for help when you need it. Faculty actually like students who ask questions because it shows that they are interested. Also Cuyamaca offers free tutoring. Be sure to take advantage of it if needed.

  21. 1. I motivate myself to be successful by trying to be the best I can be. Whether that is at work or at school. The way I see it is if you think you know it all, you can never learn anything new. I look at my parents and appreciate all they have done for me and they motivate me to try my hardest. I always try to think of the end result when I am in a tough situation. Staying positive is really important for me and helps me stay focused and on track. I always try to block out the negative things in life that are not important.

  22. 3. If I was thinking about dropping a class I would think about the result. Maybe the class is hard or I do not like the teacher. I would not want to drop a class because I want to transfer to a university as soon as I can. I think dropping a class might worsen my situation. One of my options would be summer school but if I went to summer school I would want to be trying to hurry my process of transferring. I motivate myself by thinking of my classmates and knowing that we all want to be successful and are all working towards some of the same goals.

    1. You have a positive attitude that will take you far.

  23. 1. I motivate myself by staying positive and knowing that once I am finished with school and I finally have my degree I can be extremely successful. I am motivated to stay on track and finish school. I think a big thing for me is that once I am finished with school I can finally start a family of my own. I want to have a great job from my major before I decide to have a child so I can support and care for my children. I don't want to have to rely on other people or my husband to help take care of myself and my children.

  24. 3.If I were thinking about dropping out of school I would definitely have to think about the outcome if I were to stop going to school. If i decided to drop this class or any other class I would have to see how much it would put me behind. I wouldn't be able to finish school as soon as I planned. I feel like if I even decided to take a semester off I would be afraid I wouldn't want to go back to school. I know I can’t stop going to school because if I do that I wont be able to achieve my goal or be as successful as I am hoping. i just need to stay positive.

    1. Keep thinking positively and taking the next step and you will reach your goals.

  25. After reading the chapter, my new motivation for school is learning! It sounds funny, but its true. It takes a lot of motivation to continue schooling. It is a big time commitment. I think finding the motivation for online class is especially challenging, because it takes a lot of self-discipline. My motivation is found ultimately in a desire to be the best mommy I can to my children. I want to be self-sufficient (in case of an emergency), financially successful. I also want them to see the value of college education. Having said that, I really liked what our text had to say about positive thinking. Though my main motivation may be about my children, and setting our family up for financial success, I think the textbook’s focus on positive thinking was right-on! What can this class teach me that will be useful for today? I am thankful this course is so practical. Applying the principles to everyday life makes it easier to learn and helps me be more successful. After reading the chapter, I have started viewing all my GE classes this way; instead of getting through psychology because it is required, I try to find practical applications for the things that I am learning. Being interested in class makes learning the motivation. And that is a very good thing.

    1. You provide some good examples of applying what you have learned in this chapter. Viewing your other classes as interesting will be helpful in being successful in them. Very few students say they are motivated by learning. Good for you!

  26. A road block in my journey, as I have mentioned before, is that I have 3 very young children at home. I work part-time and mommy full-time. Though they are both the “road block” and the driving force, my kids really are the hardest part about being a student again. Finding time to do school on top of everything else can be exhausting! It means less sleep, less play and a lot more coordination. I really liked what the chapter had to say about rewards. I don’t normally reward myself for things, after all I am a grown up! But this chapter really got me thinking about the wisdom of realistic incentives. Most adults wouldn’t go to work if they didn’t get a paycheck, right?! Anyway. To help motivate myself to finish an assignment, or just be faithful in my studies, I have started to bribe myself with little things. One night it was a movie night with my kids after submitting an assignment. One time it was going for a hike. One evening, after my timed test, I rewarded myself with a long, nice, hot shower. In addition to the rewards, I really took to heart what the text had to say about distractions. Though I would far rather browse facebook, pinterest or Instagram than study music history for my class, when it is time to study, I have to do that only--STUDY! And, I am finding that as a student, there just isn’t as much time for those other things anymore, anyway. Now they are little rewards for AFTER I write that essay on the history of jazz ;)

    1. Good examples of using rewards to be successful. It just depends on how you arrange tasks. If you do the school work first and then do the rewards, you will accomplish your goals. Having children can be a great motivator. They will follow your lead.

  27. Self-motivation improves your confidence and self - esteem, as well as gives you strength to achieve your goal. Self-motivation is important in every aspect of your life, be it the career, social life, relationship, health and fitness, spirituality or personality development. To motivate yourself you need a dream, and without having a dream, you cannot achieve anything. My dream is to finish college and find a perfect career. By achieving my dreams I have to work hard so I could accomplish what I want. Half of us hate school and I’m one of those people, but school makes us achieve what we want in life.

  28. In chapter 1 I found out something important which is positive thinking or attitude. After reading chapter 1 I learned a lot and understand what is mean when you are positive. Honestly, I’m always negative but after reading and even my result changed to better because now I have a positive attitude or thinking. Your attitude is your biggest asset. Positive thinking is extremely important as your thoughts and attitude will influence your plans and actions. Do not let negative thoughts or people influence you. Do not get frustrated or depressed. Write your positive aspects and achievements. It will definitely boost your self - confidence.

    1. I like your comment that your attitude is your biggest asset. You are on the way to success. Keep thinking positively and taking the next steps.

  29. The first thing is to learn as much as possible during my college. I should begin the process of making a career decision right away. The second thing is to consider my abilities, values, and interests in evaluating .Also, participate in my class is important thing to show up. Moreover, I consider that I'm responsible for myself, my courses, my study hours and my social behavior. I have to manage my time, setting limits, and managing my money .The most important thing , that I have to spend time away from studies in activities which are relaxing .if I arrange what I want to accomplish and how I can accomplish it, I will be more motivated and more likely to succeed.

  30. Some roadblocks to your success might include people, income, or even personal issues. In order to overcome these problems it is best to think positive in all situations. Even when things get really bad all you can do is hope for the best. If you find yourself surrounded by negative thoughts and people then odds are you will feel bad as well. However, if you take each obstacle and make it into an accomplishment then you will feel great about yourself. Furthermore, another great way to get around these roadblocks is to talk to people who have suffered from them as well. They have experience with these issues already; ask what they did in order to get past them.

    1. I like your comment about taking each obstacle and making it an accomplishment. You have some great ideas for motivating yourself to be successful.

  31. My experience in college as a forth semester student has been great and even greater than I ever imagined. My experience stats in second semester was, just a few days before I started my college journey, I feared it so much! I thought I was not going to be able to get good grades like other people, I feared failing and not being able to reach my goals, but after the first semester everything changed! I believed in myself and my abilities of getting my college work done and in a very high quality way! College has been effect my life greatly and I am truly thankful for all the opportunities I have that some people wish to have and are willing to give up so much to get my opinion, People should appreciate education and realize the importance of it. I learned if you do not love what you do, you will not reach it.

    1. I like your comment about loving what you do and appreciating your education. Welcome to class!

  32. I motivate myself to be successful by earnestly wanting to be a better version of myself. I know what I am capable of accomplishing and settling for anything less than that is just a disservice to myself. My objective is to learn during the process of completing my coursework and hopefully my efforts will also be reflected in my grades. Another way that I motivate myself is by taking on the responsibility of wanting to be able to provide for myself and my future family one day. In addition to that, I also want to be able to provide my parents the comfortable life that they deserve after they retire. The road to my independence starts here with my education and I want to give myself the best opportunity to get there.

    1. Education is truly the road to independence and you are off to a good start.

  33. The largest roadblock to my success enabled me getting the motivation to complete the tasks at hand to achieve the long term goals I wish. The better way to overcome these roadblocks is by keeping focus on what the benefit of completing these academic requirements to achieve my career desires. I believe that my biggest roadblocks for me was having to leave my origin country since the security situation was really bad and that really a big obstacle since I had to repeat my classes and that leads to delay in my study. Another roadblock was when I've arrive the States and I have to adapt really fast with the education system here. I really feel lucky now because I feel that am on the right track now.

    1. You have come a long way and are doing great. I know you have had to go thought many changes and challenges.

  34. Some roadblocks to my success that I have encountered have come about as a result of trying to do too much in a short amount of time. I have burned myself out and gotten stuck in a rut in regards to my coursework. It was a slippery slope that seemed tolerable in the beginning but ended up being the bane of my class life. Slowly, I have overcome those roadblocks by really trying to cut back on my procrastination and working on chipping away on assignments and homework so my workload stays under control. Whenever I am not too tired and find myself in the right mindset to do so, I have been trying complete any of my homework assignments and it has been going well so far. Hopefully if I can keep this habit up, my road to success will be a bit more clear than it was before.

    1. Yes, it is important to have a reasonable class load so that you don't get burned out. Working on time management and knowing your goals helps.

  35. I'm motivating myself by remembering what my life will be like if I were to drop out of college again, as i had dropped out of college due to issues with money. I wasn't making enough money at my job to support me through college, so i had dropped out to go work a full-time job as debt collector at GC Services up in Miramar. And when I worked there, I absolutely hated it. All I did was sit there in a cubicle and make phone calls to people who had outstanding debts to my employer's clients. I'd make 200 calls a day at least, and only about 10 people would answer the phone. Of those 10, about 1 or 2 would actually talk to me. And even when I was able to talk to them most wouldn't pay anything because they couldn't. When they did pay, my manager would yell out how much was paid so that every could know and they would celebrate. The only thing was, we were celebrating that a person that had no money due to a divorce, death in the family, lawsuit, or medical expenses and was able to pay their debt buy borrowing from a friend or relative, taking out a loan, selling a car, selling a house, or even taking out yet another mortgage. Sure them paying off their debt helped or preserved their credit, but at the expense of going in debt to another source just to repeat the process. And everyone in that office had made a career out of it because the "money was good" and you would get paid commission and bonuses depending on how you did. All that was required was a high school diploma. But I garnered no satisfaction from that job that made feel empty, so I quit and now am going back to school so that I don't have to do any more jobs like that.

    1. The best experience you received from your previous job is knowing that you can do something you find more fulfilling. Education will open up new possibilities.

  36. Austin Matti
    How I motivate myself to become successful is not easy. To begin with all the failure and criticism i receive is taken to good use by utilizing that knowledge to better myself. I simply do not down upon myself after hearing negative ethics. I construct that criticism to improve my performance, whether that is with school or work. If I am generally feeling unmotivated in my school work and work in general i focus on the success of my peers and others to say "they did that, why cant i do that too". I do not depend on myself constantly to motivate myself, i often use outside sources or others to help me improve myself.

  37. I am constantly thinking about dropping out of college and bounce from job to job till i find myself with okay pay and security. But one thing i do not do is consider dropping out. I have never considered to drop out, especially after reading chapter on of this course. It had showed the the statistics of how many students actually make it passed college and how much money each of them make depending on different degrees. I continually motivate myself, as well as friends and family motivating myself too, to finish college and more. There is so much inspiration i focus on that can and will lead me to great success. Personally i motivate myself from criticism and failure. I do not takes these things as an excuse to grief and ponder. I take advantage of these errors as a way to improve myself and to inspire others to improve themselves according to me as well. Inspiration and motivation shall not be taken lightly, instead be a trait in you to beat your goals and beyond your dreams to reach the career we deserve.

    1. You can always make the situation better. You have the motivation to reach your goals, so keep going.

  38. The roadblock that I see in way is money. I moved out here from El Centro with some friends from high school. Since I no longer live my parents, it all falls on me to pay for my bills, which is understandable and totally expected. But it's hard to go to school fulltime and be able to work enough for me to pay everything. I also don't qualify for financial aid since my parents make to much money, but in reality they make too much for me to receive financial aid but not enough to support me through school. And I'm still owed a lot of money from former roommates as some did not pay what they were supposed to and left before paying, so that has not exactly helped my cause. I'm worrying about money 24/7 as I always have to ask myself if I have enough money for gas to get to work, or if I have enough money to pay my utilities so they're not shut off, or if I even have enough money for food. I'm trying to overcome this by getting another part time job, and by trying to get back the money from my former roommates.

    1. The financial aid office has money for students having emergencies such as gas money to get to school. You can apply for financial aid again in October. You can also go to the financial aid office and inquire about scholarships. There are many types of scholarships and you don't have to be a top student to qualify. Keep trying to resolve this issue so you can stay in school. If all else fails, at least aim to go to school part time. You will eventually get your degree.

  39. I motivate myself to become successful through intrinsic motivation, rewarding, positive thinking, concentration, and by having the proper mindset. In order to be successful in my studies, I have to be concentrated on the work I am doing, while also rewarding myself after getting the work done. I understand my capabilities, and positive thinking will help further my motivation in finishing something that I feel I am unable to do. Whenever I feel a lack of motivation, I always rethink what college has to offer, and how I can better achieve the goals that I have set for myself to obtain a better life and have a great future.

  40. The roadblocks that I face ahead would mainly be time management and money problems. I always have something to do in my life, and sometimes college work can add to that and it could make my life much more stressful. My bad habits can be a handful, and what I must do is go through the necessary steps to overcome them and make healthier habits out of them. Managing my time will help me be more successful in getting my work done early and taking a load of my stress. Money would be another issue where I'd always worry if there is enough. Having to pay for books and other resources necessary for school can be tough. However, I can always seek financial aid to get me through the years ahead.

    1. You do have many roadblocks, but the motivation to handle them. You can work on time management to deal with the stress. Try putting school work first and then rewarding it with other things you find distracting. You can apply for financial aid in October. Also they have scholarships and you don't necessarily have to be a top student to qualify.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Glad your personal situation has become more manageable so that you can attend school. Just take 1-2 courses at the most since you still have many other life challenges.

  42. Racine Hanna
    I motive myself by setting a goal for me to achieve. Finishing college and starting a job of my own is something I want to accomplish. Having to do something that I like and to see what I can do in the future excites me. If something is hard for me I do not give up, I try as hard as I can to get it right. My family keeps me motivated as well. They are always there for me and always have my back. They always tell me to follow my dreams and do what is best for me.

    1. This is exactly how I motive myself to achieve my goals. I want to finish school and start a job so badly and I know that I need to finish college to do so. I get excited like you as well and it keeps me motivated especially if I'm feeling lazy to do an assignment I think about how If I finish this I'm one step closer to achieving my goals and dreams for my future and it keeps me going. I try hard to keep positive and keep pushing myself because I know I can do anything I set my mind to.

    2. It is great that your family is so supportive. Keep reaching for your goals and you will be successful.

  43. Racine Hanna
    If I were thinking about dropping out of college I would have to think about what I would do with my life. I’m still young so I wouldn’t really know what to do. I would probably work day to night. But if I were to drop a class I would probably talk to a counselor and see what other class I can take. Maybe I will be able to take the same class but with a different teacher. Make sure I’m not taking a class I don’t need or having to stay longer at school. I would want to take another class right away.

  44. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?

    There are many roadblocks in the journey to success. Not all roadblocks are the same. For example, some are physical and some are metal roadblocks. For me, mental roadblocks are what keep my mind in a doubtful state. Sometimes I do doubt myself and think I wont be able to transfers to the university of my choosing. Why? Well because I received two C's so far. One C was for pre calculus and the other for history. In turn, my G.P.A is not as high as I would like it to be. At least once a week I think about the fact that I might not be able to transfer to a good university or that I might have to move out of San Diego. So how will I overcome this roadblock? I don't think it can be overcome, but it can become more accepting in my mind. What I mean is that I can tell my self that I will succeed and it will not be because of what university I transfer to, but because of pure hard work. This is why I'm applying for a math tutoring position. I want to master math. I want to be proficient at math that it will become like a third language to me. This is the way that I could over come this roadblock. If You think about it, there are things that you have control over. For example, If you want to study or not and there are things that you don't have control over like the requirements for acceptance at a university. In my cases, I would need to look at my goals and know that there are multiple ways to achieve it. Maybe I wont get accepted to a certain university, but if I give it my all, I can run circles around the student that did got in.

    1. Tutoring math is a great way to master it. Math is powerful since it is needed for many good paying careers. Look at many options for attending a university, especially outside our area. Work with the transfer counselor at Cuyamaca for help. With the hard work you describe, you are on your way to success.

  45. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    Motivation can come in many forms. There is is no right way for someone to become motivated. Some use pain, while may use book or motivational speakers. For instance, I use the power of motivational videos that I watch on my phone. When I feel tired and just want to lie down, I need a pick me up and this pick me up comes in the form of videos. There are many great motivational videos. I like to listen to a Mohammend Ali motivational videos. Another motivational video that I listen to most frequently is of a motivational speaker called Eric Thomas. Every time I listen to his speeches I immediately get pump up. I feel like my chest is exploding with such adrenaline. I feel the potential to accomplish whatever I want. I feel like a different person kind of like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It's amazing how I feel after all my senses are filled with positive vibes. I do believe that by listening to motivational speeches helps to motivate me. I also read biographies on certain people. I like books where the protagonist started from zero and becomes successful. A book that I recently finished reading was Gifted Hands a biography about an epitome of a Doctor that grew up poor and became very successful and that person is Ben Carson. Carson is really a good example of success. Books with such stories have become something of a motivational tool for me. This are just two examples of how I motivate myself on a daily basis.

    1. Good ideas for motivating yourself. Think positively and then take the next small step and you will eventually reach your goals.

  46. I can motive myself to be successful in many way. I need to think positive to be successful. Feeling like I have a good outlook on my future and my present and staying positive will motivate me to push myself for greatness. I have to be dedicated by being able to concentrate like when doing homework and studying. That will motivate me because I am solely concentrating on being successful in college. Lastly I need to reward myself. I need to be able to buy myself things such as a laptop to be able to motivate myself to work on homework online because I want to use my new laptop. I can motivate myself in so many ways to be successful.

    1. Thinking positively and using rewards will help you to reach your goals. Welcome to class.

  47. How I motivate myself to be successful is by setting small goals. By doing so allows me to give my attention to each one at a time. I know that if I want to get better at basketball I have to practice and I will see results. No matter the obstacle I keep on striving because I know that there is a reward at the end of my goals. I just have to take on each challenge one at a time and know that I will be happy with the end results.

  48. Some roadblocks that I have in my success are staying motivated and opening up to new things. These two things, I feel are the biggest problems that could stop my success. Staying motivated is a huge problem for me because if I lose interest in something I start losing motivation and that is when I start to fail. I think I could overcome this by taking classes that relate to my major and do things that keep me going. The other roadblock is trying new things, I like to keep to myself and do things I am comfortable with. I think I could overcome this by taking a few risks because I will regret it later if I do not try.

    1. Setting small goals and accomplishing them is very powerful. Keep focusing on your goals and think positively about your ability to accomplish them. You are on your way to success.

    2. Setting small goals and accomplishing them is very powerful. Keep focusing on your goals and think positively about your ability to accomplish them. You are on your way to success.

  49. HOW DO I MOTIVATE MYSELF TO BE SUCCESSFUL ....... Well i diffidently have five very good reasons and they are all my children . But if I really were to dig deep and open up the way i should so this course will help me the way i want it to I have to admit all my wrong doings inlife and admite that i dont ever want to live a life of struggle not only for myself but for my children as well. So when i get discouraged and really down or even worn out and spread to thin I remember the summer my daughter and I were homeless and had to camp/live in a tent at San Elljo state beach, or I remember how i couldn't pay the rent for for several months and how my stomach was in knots every time i got an unexpected knock on my door thinking it was an eviction notice, or when my family and I had to live with out power and water for ten days because I was waiting to pay the bill till my next check because I had to fix my vehicle with the bill money! when I loss my hope and desire to keep going I remember the feeling I had or even have when preventable negatives happen to myself and my family , and that's a good enough reason for me to keep pushing! I am a bulldozer of all things and I will conquer my life and the direction I go in! I chose security and happiness!

    1. You have faced many challenges in life and it has only made you more determined. You are now on the right path.

  50. Hi again, I no i get pretty deep and I'm not so sure how not to lol. But I would have to say my greatest road block is my LIFE! Its really hard to stop micro managing other people and things when that is all you have done! As a mother and home maker my head tells me to get on my "ToDo" list ,and that I'm falling behind in my personal life with my house and with my children ! My brain has a hard time letting me think its OK if there are a few dishes in the sink ..... or a load of laundry that's still sitting in the basket! I have constant road blocks ! Child care is one as well , making sure every ones schedules line up and there are no holes in my plans are very difficult for me! I went from Its all about the kids and what they need to mommy need to get it together it seems like over night! But "ROAD BLOCKS" are my thing! I am never scared of them , I might get angry with them and question why I'm dealing with it , but its never made me think about giving up or throwing in the towel! I have had many struggles since I was a child and road blocks can actually be a blessing some thing that can slow you down and make you re evaluate your plan and make sure your on the right course! Even tho they are an annoyance there , I hate to say it, welcomed to show up in my life from time to time.

    1. I can tell from your comments that you are a strong person and think positively about the future. You will get where you want to go.

  51. First of i know this is late, but better late than never lol. My entire motivation for college is the fact that all of this is going to lead to my graduation of college and starting my career and what I want to do. Everything has sacrifices and i know that this isn't going to be easy, but my entire motivation for anything i do is the end result is why i started doing the project in the first place. Going to college as well as having a full time job and being involved in a sport is very difficult, but i know i can accomplish anything I set my mind to. whether my end result is something really big, or not, the end result and the feeling of accomplishment is worth everything, and you won't think of the struggles you had to overcome, you will only remember that you got the end product. That's how i motivate myself, and it is pretty effective.

    1. Glad you were able to catch up on this blog. I agree that you have effective ways to motivate yourself. Just focus on what is most important and you will accomplish your goals.

  52. Road blocks as i stated up above are horrible, and when you get closer to your goal of accomplishing something the universe will try so hard to make you want to quit. Road blocks are something everyone goes through but the way i try not to make them come in between what my end goal is and what i want to do, so right now my goal is to graduate college. Everything is going to happen at once, and everything is going to come down on me when I'm trying to graduate or really close to it, but i know i can focus and get the end result. Also right now i am working full time and i'm in a sport so it's going to be hard and that's my 'roadblock' but everything will be okay, i am sure of it.

    1. It is difficult to work full time, participate in a sport, and go to college. You will need excellent time management to accomplish it all. If you get too stressed, consider taking just 1-2 courses.

  53. 3. If you are thinking about dropping this class or dropping out of college, how can you motivate yourself to continue?

    If I am tempted to drop out of college, I will take a step back of why I wanted to be in college in the first place and, I would try to remember my reasons for wanting to accomplish my dreams. The steps that I can take to be persistent in achieving my college goals are finding another way of studying habit that it will make me more interested to do so. But the best way to be persistent, I have to take one step by step to climb to my reaching point. By doing smaller steps, I am going to gain my knowledge more and more. I am not going to earn or achieve my goals at the first time because there's always a time I'm going to fail, so I need to be strong every time. I will be persistent in reaching my college goals by keeping my mind into until the end.

  54. 1. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    I can motivate myself to be successful in my daily life is being happy and not worrying. I wake up everyday and try to smile because it will motivate me to get out of the bed. Challenging myself is a way to be tested and improve performance. Also, failure is an opportunity to learn. I motivate myself to be successful in college by being positive thinking because it will keep me to reach my goals without any doubts of not wanting to study anymore and, I would motivate myself to continue college by staying away from negative thinking. After spending my enter time on college, I would reward myself some time on doing something fun.

  55. 1. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    I can motivate myself to be successful in my daily life is being happy and not worrying. I wake up everyday and try to smile because it will motivate me to get out of the bed. Challenging myself is a way to be tested and improve performance. Also, failure is an opportunity to learn. I motivate myself to be successful in college by being positive thinking because it will keep me to reach my goals without any doubts of not wanting to study anymore and, I would motivate myself to continue college by staying away from negative thinking. After spending my enter time on college, I would reward myself some time on doing something fun.

  56. 1. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    I love to always remind my self of my goals. Recognizing what I can do and what I can become has always given me a confidence boost and has helped me become more productive. One other way of how I remind myself to become motivated is to look at similar people and how they re where they are. Like Bill Gates or Elon Musk. Both had hardships but have changed the world in a positive way.

  57. Q.1-

    I try to motivate myself by envisioning a long term end goal whenever I'm doing anything. I try to picture in my mind how the activity I'm doing, regardless of how small or insignificant it may be, is contributing to my long term goal. For example, One of my goals is to play soccer at a four year university after Cuyamaca. I try to envision my goal of playing at that high level even when I'm doing seemingly small things like pushing myself to workout on off days, or reminding myself to eat healthy before games I'm playing right now, because I know it will contribute in the long run to my goal.

  58. Q.3

    When I feel like i should drop a class, I motivate myself to keep going by reminding myself of my end goal of getting my degree from a four year university, and how completing all my classes is crucial to achieving that goal as soon as possible. Another motivating factor is reminding myself of how much money I'm spending on each class; I recieve next to no financial aid, so each class definitely takes a significant hit out of my wallet. I work five days a week with almost all of my money going to helping my parents pay for my classes; I'd be doing both myself and my parents a disservice by not finishing my classes.
