Monday, September 5, 2016

Chapter 2, Exploring Your Personality and Major, September 5-11

I was inspired reading all your blog posts on motivation.  Motivation sets the stage for success.  Many of you mentioned careers and the economy as motivators for going to college.  You are more likely to be employed and to like your career if you have an education.  One of the keys to success is what you do on a daily basis, so do a little of your homework each day and it all adds up to success.  

Chapter 2 began with the Do What You Are (DWYA) personality assessment which has a 4 letter code used to summarize your personality type based on your answers in the assessment.  For example, my code is ISTJ which stands for introvert, sensing, thinking and judging type. 

Posting 1:

Choose one of your letters and write 100 words about this aspect of your personality focusing on the positives of your type. Remember that one personality type is not better than any other.  Each type has different talents that can be useful in your personal or career life.  You may think that you are a combination of 2 different types.  It is OK to describe your unique combination. 

Here is a sample of about 100 words:

Based on the DWYA, I am a judging type which means that I prefer to be orderly and organized.  I know that this is true because I can only feel relaxed when things are orderly and organized.  I plan my work and think about priorities when managing my time which helps me to accomplish my goals.  I even plan out my vacations in advance and like to have everything planned so I can relax and have fun.  I have met some opposite types in my lifetime and try to appreciate their differences.  I have found that perceptive types can usually introduce an element of fun in the situation and they motivate me to be a little more spontaneous at times.  I’m still most comfortable with my plans and don’t like to change them.

Posting 2:

Read another student’s posting who has the same personality type as yours and write a response to their post.

Here is a sample response of about 100 words:

I am a judging type also.   I could relate to your need to be orderly and organized.  I generally plan my time and like to have all my things organized.  I get stressed when things are out of order.  I have also met some perceptive types and I have to admit that they drive me a little crazy.  I like your idea of appreciating their differences and just trying to have fun with them.  I know that these opposite types think I am too set in my ways.  Being a judging type has lots of positives.  I plan to major in accounting and this seems to be a natural fit for my personal strengths. 

Just as a quick review, here is a brief definition of all types on DWYA.  Please review these definitions before you make your comments.

(I) Introvert: private, likes quiet for concentration, likes to think before speaking
(E) Extravert: social, likes variety, sometimes speaks before thinking
(S) Sensing: works step-by-step, learns from experience, trusts what is concrete and certain
(N) Intuitive: values imagination and innovation, focus on possibilities, creative and imaginative
(T) Thinking: calm and objective, makes decisions based on logic, analyzes emotions, likes debate
(F) Feeling: makes decisions based on personal values, values empathy and harmony, caring, emotional
(J) Judging: orderly, organized, work first and play later, follows a routine, meets deadlines (Note: it does not mean to judge others!)
(P) Perceptive: spontaneous, go with the flow, play first and do the work later, dislike routine, difficulty meeting deadlines


  1. I am an ENFJ, although my first two letters were actually almost exactly in the middle. Being a "judging" type I feel is very beneficial. The judging aspect of my personality allows me to function well on many different planes of life simultaneously. I balance being a wife, a mother, a homemaker, and a student, with being the type of person I think is a good person- thoughtful, kind, patient, etc. I find that staying extremely organized leaves room for me to be the person I want to be, and often my organizational skills are the very reason I achieve this (i.e.: setting task reminders to send birthday cards).

    1. Hi Jacalyn,
      I am also a "judging" type. I agree with you that being a judging type can help function well on different planes of life and balance many responsibilities without getting overwhelmed. You are also correct in the fact that being organized will help you leave room to be the person that you would like to be. I also organize my priorities and responsibilities in order to balance my plate and not overwhelm myself. I have to balance school and work, which is nothing compared to what you have to do, so major respect for that. It must be very hard, but being organized surely helps keep you efficient.

    2. Hi Jacalyn,
      It appears we scored similarly, except you are the more organized Judging type, while I'm a Perceiving type.
      I think we both find ourselves drawn to people and enjoy being social. This makes our types great moms and partners, although you probably don't forget to pack extra sunblock or snacks when you go out with your kids, while I scramble to find the closest convenience store, which is sometimes not very convenient!

    3. Hi Tiffany, That's why we'd probably be great mom friends! I love to help (as you do, too, of course!) so you could use my sunscreen for your kiddos and I'd feel great about being able to lend a hand. Hahah!


    4. Hey Jacalyn,
      I am also the judging type . I agree with you that being judging is very beneficial. Having the ability to organize things and complete them before having fun or doing something is great. Being organized is the best thing about being judging because without it we would be lost. Also as you state on balancing things out is a great benefit to being judging. To balance your life and education is very hard for some people which causes them to fail a class or two, but you have a blessing to do multiple things while being responsible which is awesome.

    5. There are many advantages on judging types. Most schools and businesses are run by judging types so you have the tools to be successful in these environments. This is something that perceptive types will need to practice to improve success.

  2. Based on the DWYA, I am a judging type, and base everything off of logic. I believe this test accurately reflected my personality. I usually base all of my decisions upon logic and facts, not my feelings. There is no room in this world to make impactful decisions simply based upon feelings, this usually leads to disaster. The test also said I was an Extravert, which is correct. I am usually quiet around others I do not know and will only speak if I am spoken to. Overall, this test was completely accurate and I recommend this test to others who want to discover their personality.

    1. Hi Theo,

      Based on your post, I'm not sure what your type is, although you mention Judging and Extravert. Would you mind sharing your type?

    2. Hi Tiffany,
      I made a mistake earlier. I meant to type * INTROVERT, not EXTRAVERT. My type is an ISTJ

    3. Hello Theo.

      I also am an ISTJ. After reading your conclusion I believe that thinking logically is the way to go and I appreciate your point of view on things. I am intrigued by your statement of "will only speak if I am spoken to" That shows patience and discipline. Very well written.

  3. Tiffany Vancil

    The first time I took the DWYA test (or Myers-Briggs, as I had always heard it called), was about 22 years ago at a leadership camp with folks from high school. I scored ENFP at the time, and in the multiple times I've taken the test since then, my score has remained the same, although I've come a little more toward the center in E/I and F/T as I get older.

    As a Perceiving type, I am told by my boyfriend that I bring "color" to his life. I think that's a very kind way of saying that I am a bit of a tornado through his calm, quiet, orderly life. I'm definitely spontaneous, which I find to be an asset, as it allows me to be flexible - not letting changes of events or plans to cause me anxiety or stress.

    My short attention span sometimes causes me to start many projects and leave them unfinished, as well as move about from job to job with frequency.

    In my current career, I work closely with a J, who regularly brings balance by handling details and deadlines on my behalf, while I work on the bigger strokes of our claims and reports.

    My Feeling function helps me be a great mom to my son, and loving partner to my boyfriend, however, it has caused me to make hasty decisions rooted in deeply felt values, costing me jobs and friends in the past.

    I do love being around people, and though ENFP may typically sound like a kindergarten teacher-type personality, I actually really love science, and have an analytical side to me.

    1. It has been a relief to me to see others with similar personality types to me have struggled to balance their strong personal values with their interpersonal relationships. I've always felt this was a flaw, but not one that I knew how to address, but now it seems it is more just a part of who I am.

    2. Hi Tiffany! So after reading about everyone else's personalities, I discovered that you are the only one in the class who scored the same traits as myself. I too am an ENFP. I think that it can be a blessing and a curse sometimes, too feel things so deeply, and to be so passionate about what you do. I have found a large part of my ENFP traits have led me down an interesting path in my life as I am always looking for something new and different. I am just finding myself attempting to "settle" down finally, for my daughter's sake. I too have struggled with making hasty decisions based out of pure emotion and have found myself losing a couple of friends over it too. I am definitely a speak as I think kind of person, and find that my best ideas come out when I am just rambling off nonsense about any topic. That is really cool that you have been an ENFP for so long, I wonder if I will keep the same personality traits too!

    3. There has been a lot said about judging types, so it is good to hear from the perceptive types. This type does bring spontaneity and fun to the situation. I think the statement about bringing color to someone else's life is a good description of the perceptive type. In school, it is not only important for perceptive types to focus on their positives but also learn about time management and priorities to be a successful student.

  4. Based on my DWYA, my result came out to ESFJ. After I read my results I feel I’m more like to be feeler and then judger. I care about people and I’m really friendly. I like to help them when they need my help. I am an enthusiastic and energetic person who loves to be surrounded by people and activity. I have very strong values about the appropriate way to behave and I’m very responsible. I Think I’m a judger too because I like to be organized, and do all my tasks step by step. Also, do them right on time.

    1. Hi Swaleen! I actually got the same results you did on the DWYA assessment "ESFJ". I am also a very organized person who has to have everything in order to be able to get everything done and have it done on time so I don't have to worry about it later, I like getting it out the way as soon as I can. But I am also a very social butterfly as I can told, I like being surrounded by people and I do have the tendency to speak before thinking. But at the end being a judging type really has a positive outcome because it has made me the responsible person I am today. Always the important things first.

    2. Hi, Swaleen! I actually am an ENFJ, but my score between Intuitive and Sensing was nearly in the middle, so I relate to both profiles. Like you, the "Judging" part of my personality was the easiest for me to see in myself and in my life. I also have strong values- sometimes this hard line makes it difficult to make friends or connect to others- but I don't think morals are something you can waiver on, even if it can be lonely at times. Its too bad that that will often play against the needs of the "Extrovert" part of our personality!

    3. Hi Swaleen , I to am considered to be a feeler along with other things as well! Its super hard for me to not care about people or things! When friends or family need help I'm most likely to be called first and it's very rare that I say no even if I have a full plate of responsibility! This world needs more feelers in my opinion . If people could show more compassion, understanding, forgiveness, love and affection We as a hole would feel better on a daily! Thanks to people like you and I were able to make things a little easier on other people at times of need and struggle or just because :)

    4. Hi Swaleen,
      I am actually an ENFJ, but I saw some result is the same between ENFJ and DWYA. I also like you. I am very helpful, I always willing to help people at every time and do anything to make that people happy. In addition, I am very friendly and very social person, I like being all the time with my family and friends and to make that people want to know and become friend. This things affect in my life by make me happy because I have real friends who have my back all the time and are willing to do anything to make me happy and comfortable.

    5. Feeling types base their actions on personal values and this is one of their strengths. I agree that we need more compassion, understanding, love and affection to make the world a better place.

    6. Hey Swaleen. I'm an ESFP, so pretty close to being your personality type. I am definitely a feeler like yourself, I care a lot about people's feelings and often base a lot of my actions with other people in mind. I agree that more compassion and caring for others in our society would make our world a lot better; however, I don't think we should let other's feelings necessarily always determine our actions completely. Of course they should be a factor, but certainly not the only one. Balancing other's feeling's as well as one's own is key; if we could all do this perfectly, I think a lot of the worlds problems would be solved.

  5. 1.Based on the DWYA , my type is introvert and that mean I like to spent most of my time at home with my children. I prefer to listen and think before I talk and because of that I do not have many friends I just have few friends and when I work or study I prefer to do it alone and sometimes with small group. when I decide to do something I spent along thinking about I will do before I decide and that happen to me most of the time but I like to think about every think around me and to talk when I understand everything I hear.

    1. Hi Nadia, what was your personality score, other than introvert?

    2. My other score personality were ISFJ

    3. This is a good description of an introvert who likes to spend time with family or limited amounts of people. They also listen and think before they speak which is one of the positives of this type.

  6. Based only DWYA, my result was ESFJ, being a judging type which means how I like to be organized and orderly and how I first like to get all the important work done before anything else and its true. I can't work in a place where everything is crazy and chaotic. I like everything to be in its place for me to get my stuff done, and I like to get my stuff done before I go out or have free time. I don't like stressing about "oh I haven't finished my homework and its due" so i like to get it out the way when I can so later I don't have to worry about it.

    Cinthya Jimenez

    1. Hello Cinthya,
      I believe we got the same results. And I guess we think the same. I like to be organized a lot because if I’m not organized I won’t be able to do my tasks. For example, if I have homework I do it before everything and then I go out or do something else. I taught myself that I have to be organized because is such an important thing in life. One time I had not done my homework and I went out and I was feeling so exhausted because I have to go home and start doing homework and at that time I would be rather sleeping or relaxing.

    2. Hi Cinthya,
      On my DWYA, my result was ESTJ.I am a judging type. I feel like being organized and having a set schedule sets not only myself but a majority of people up for success. I like to get important tasks done as well before having fun. Also, I hate working in a loud environments with a bunch of distractions, I can never focus.I want to get things done in a timely manner. I am a perceiver in only the sense that even though I take my work and schooling very seriously, I am spontaneous and flexible.I hate falling behind thats why I am a judging type.

    3. HI Cinthya,
      I am also a Judging type. I like to stay organized because it helps me manage my life. Staying organized helps me in school a lot because I can manage my time better when I have to study or complete homework so this way I could have fun later on when all my work is completed. Concerning this type I am the person who is work first and play later. I am this way because it assures me that I will not have to worry about doing any work and this will leave me free time which I could spend with family, friends, and playing sports.

    4. Hello Cinthya,
      I am the same as your personal type, everything should be organize, no late payments, dates or missing a meeting. I don't call an organize people as a routine, it's very important to schedule stuff to do and keep sometime to unplanned stuff, so in this way the life will go much better than wake up in the morning and start trying to remember what payments are due.Without having time management it will make you feels sloppy and disorganized. In the working world, you must be responsible about what is important to you and making sure everything is submitted in time and complete.

    5. These are all great descriptions of the judging types and there are many advantages of this type. It is especially helpful for success in school.

  7. Based on my DWYA report it describes me as a "judging" type. This is accurate because I like following a routine. I prefer to be organized, have my tasks listed in order of importance, and l have to finish all my work before I can have fun. For instance, when school began I went through all of my syllabus' and marked all important due dates and exam dates in my planner. I am actually a very outgoing person, I just prefer to stay focused when it comes to school and work. I would rather finish tasks on time then be rushing when the deadline approaches. Being responsible and organized sets me up for success which is why I understand why I am ESTJ type now.

    1. Sandra, we are judging soul sisters! I am the exact same way. I rely on routine to keep everything going smooth and when the routine is not followed everything is chaotic and thrown off. To stressful in my opinion so routine is a very good thing in my book! I am also mostly work and no play because I feel like it's necessary to take care of what is important before I go out doing anything else. I can't imagine how high my stress levels would be trying to do anything last minute, no thanks. I have a list for everything and my priorities are even in order on them haha.

    2. Judging types are great list makers, use priorities and get things done. This trait is helpful in getting school assignments completed on time.

  8. After my DWYA report It said I was the Judging type which is true. I do like to keep track of my work and have everything organized. For school I like to get everything out the way then relax and chill. I like to this because I can't have fun thinking about school work. For example before i watch football I have to make sure everything is turned in and finished otherwise I can't really enjoy it with the thought of work in the back of my head. I am really focused when it comes to work. All these traits have made successful throughout my education and I look forward to keep using these techniques.

    1. Yes, judging types like to get the work done so that they can enjoy leisure time. This strategy helps judging types be successful in school and work.

  9. Based only DWYA my type is a ENFJ. I am a judging type. This is true I like to stay organized. I feel like I can not control my life unless everything is perfect concerning my priorities. My priorities generally revolve around academics, family, and friends. An example would be soccer, I do not like to play unless I am sure all my work is done so that way when I step on to the pitch I do not have anything to worry about and I can forget my troubles. All the traits of an ENFJ describe me and lead me on a path to success.
    -Kanar Solaiman

    1. ENFJ and ESFJ are my top two types.

    2. Hi Kanar. I'm Vivian I see we have one of the same personality types. Is there a reason why you have two? For the most part I do agree with my type. I am an extroverted person. I am the sensing type. I like facts. I am also the feeling type. There are times when I make decisions based off what feels what and what I believe. Lastly my favorite the Judging type. I can be very orderly and detailed. I believe there is a time and a place for everything. My whole world functions better and things run smoothly when I'm organized.

    3. This is an accurate description of ESFJ. This type has lots of positives that can be used in school and on the job.

  10. The results of my DWA report showed that my type is ISTJ. I am definitely a introvert as I enjoy spending time alone. I also don't have many friends despite how outgoing and friendly I actually am. In many ways being introvert is a great thing for me. I get to fully process everything before making any moves so I usually make good observations and decisions. If I plan something it is well thought out which always have a good outcome! I also take the time to know everyone that I allow into my bubble really well! I create strong bonds and I do become emotionally involved which strengthens the relationships because I am there 100% and they know they can come to me for anything and vice versa. Being this way also keep my stress levels at bay, I couldn't imagine maintaining so many deep relationships! Not only that but the people that I let in respect my space when I need time to myself. I don't have to worry about anyone thinking I'm mad at them or don't like them because I need my me and only me time so this just works for me!

    1. Hi Marlisa
      I am also a introvert type. I agree with you that being introvert is a great thing for me too. I spent most of my time alone or with my children at home also I have few close friends because I can talk or work with many people so I prefer to have few of them I think that is better. I need time for myself and for my family , and when I have something to do I have to think about it many times and after that I decide and for me I prefer to listen to the people more than I talk .

    2. Hi Marlisa
      It seems we were both assessed as ISTJ. So i believe we share some of the same attitudes. I too enjoy spending time alone, I also am not the most "popular" person, but I do have some very, very close friends. Creating bonds is hard and takes awhile, however once they're created it's almost impossible to break.

    3. Hi Marlisa
      I also seem to have been the ISTJ type, and I can certainly relate to you being the introvert type. Although you are outgoing and friendly, I am much more less the person that likes to stay at home with some peace and quiet, unless I am hanging with close friends or family. I would also agree with you that spending time alone is much more enjoyable and better for concentration than having a group, which still overall may be the ideal option at times. Although I like your idea of being emotionally involved, I was never really the type of persons to let his emotions get into the way of getting work done, or doing something else.

    4. I am also an ISTJ and all of you have a great description of this type. Being an introvert is helpful in focusing to get the job done. There are lots of good jobs for ISTJ's, especially science, technology, and some types of business that don't require a lot of public interaction.

  11. Based on my DWYA I am the judging type, I like getting things done in a timely matter. I don't like waiting until the last minute to complete things. For the most part I am organized, I pay all my bill early and more than what is required. I don't enjoy not planning things, especially important ones. I take my time and pay attention to small details. I like to focus on one project at a time and it is important to have my priorities in line, so I can get my work done first and then enjoy my free time.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Sarah
      I am a judging type also. I like getting things done on time as well. I don't like it when i turn in my stuff late. If i wait until the last minute to turn in my stuff i know i wont get a good grade. Me too, when it comes to projects i have to focus on one and when i'm doing that project i have to do it step by step because if not ill probably start stressing out. Everything has to be in order for me to do. I have to pay attention to every little thing when i have to do a project.

  12. According to my DWYA , I'm an INFJ , I definitely wouldn't consider myself to be judgy because the score was at a 1% , and all of the others, Introvert , Intuitive, and Feeling scored almost exactly the same! This is super crazy to me because i do connect so well with every single one of these different categories! although I would like to think I'm well organized and planned out , most times i struggle to be organized and am always racing against time to meet a dead line lol! But I think I'm most connected to Feeling! Although at time's it can be such a curse to feel so much sympathy and understanding even when you no some one is wrong but you can feel there pain and you just want to make it better for them, its also some what selfish and in a way gratifying and almost a natural high to be able to help some one so much that you no you just made there day or even there week! It definitely feels good to make others feel good !

    1. I completely understand what you mean when you say that feeling can be a bit of a curse! While the well being of the other person is the number one priority, the self-satisfaction of knowing that you helped another person sort through their problems and emotions is pretty gratifying. Though it may seem a bit selfish, it should not make you feel bad for feeling good about making others feel good, too! Sympathy and understanding are great tools to building relationships between two people, so who knows? Maybe one day your roles will be reversed and they will be the one to help console you and they too will be satisfied for helping you like you once did for them!

    2. Feeling types have lots of job opportunities in careers that involve helping other people.

  13. I thought the test was very accurate in assessing my personality. In my DWYA, I am an ISTJ, I definitely believe that I am an Introvert because I'm calm, quiet, and am fine with being alone. As you stated in your video being an Introvert is a good attribute to have if you're looking to go into a major that doesn't have a lot of interaction with people. For instance, programming which is what i'm looking to major in. I'm usually not one to start a conversation with others, and I am definitely not a person who enjoys being in places with huge crowds. However, I do enjoy spending time with a few close friends.

    1. Great description of ISTJ. I am this type also and think it has lots of advantages.

  14. According to my DWYA report, I am a down to earth person who is willing to help anybody at any time and do anything to make the people who around me so happy. In addition, helping others makes me the happiest as well and I love to do it as much as I possibly can. I always give more than I get. For instance, when I help others, I do not expect anything in return, I do it because it makes me feel great about myself and makes me appreciate the things and the people around me more than I usually do. Being a giver, I feel that it makes me different than other people. It makes me the one that people are always interested to know and become friends with. Also, it makes people trust me more and always ask me for advices that could help because they know I am always there for them willing to do anything at any time.

    1. Hello Mina, I am the exact same way I love helping people and trying to make them happy. I will help one of my friends or family no matter what time or day it is. I want to help anyone in need of help and I want to help them with the best of my ability. I don't expect other people to return the favor or expect anything in return other then appreciation. I am glad there are other people that is giver as well.

    2. Feeling types have many job opportunities in careers involving helping other people as in teaching or medical careers.

  15. According to my DWYA, I am Feeler, and am very sensitive to people's words and opinions about me. A very big source of motivation for a lot of the things I do is the praise/ recognition of other people. It makes me feel very happy to know that others appreciate what I am doing, and that I impacted them in some way. Because of the strong effect the words of other people have on me, I can get offended/ discouraged fairly easily. I have been told I am a very difficult person to teach new things because when I receive feedback, I tend to take it personally and negatively, even though I realize that it was not meant to be taken as such.

    1. Hello!
      After doing the DWYA, I found out that I am a feeler as well. I am very sensitive to peoples opinions about me too. I feel like I just don't want to disappoint anyone. I feel the same way about knowing that I impacted a person's life or helped in anyway, I think thats why I want to be a nurse so badly. I get discouraged easily as well as offended because I feel like I try so hard to satisfy everyone and so just a little bit of discourage meant can send me to a very sad place. I don't like hearing negative feed back when learning new things because I feel like a failure, even though they are just words to improve myself with.

    2. Notice that your reply on this blog states that you are unknown, so I don't know who to give points to for this assignment.

  16. My personality type was ENFP, I definitely agree that this was mostly accurate. I am going to focus on the F part of my personality type, the feeling trait. The F for feeling says that I like to make decisions based on personal values. That I value empathy and harmony, and I am caring and emotional. I believe that this is definitely true because I feel things very deeply. I am almost, at time, to empathetic for my own good. I become very passionate about certain things, such as being against animal or child abuse, and police brutality. I am passionate about what I feel is right and wrong. I spend a lot of time feeling emotions for others, and sympathizing with different situations, and then assess if their is any way I could help. I try to avoid conflict everywhere I go because I get very anxious being around people who are upset, and then I tend to shut down when conflict arises. I thrive off of harmony and almost smother the people close to me by being too caring and emotional.

    1. Hi, Marley! My results were ENTP, but I believe that I am also a feeling type. You and I both agree that we can be "too empathetic for our own good." I am also very passionate when it comes to other people and their happiness. As much as I can make someone else's day better, I will take the time to do so. If we didn't make decisions on personal values we would all be very similar to each other. I think it's really cool that we feel strongly enough about certain things that it motivates us to take action.

    2. Hi,
      I'm ENFP too, but I describe myself as INFP. I'm a feeler as well. I can agree with you. I am against animal, child, and police brutality. Every time I see such crime on T.V is like me being hurt. I recall the first time seeing animal cruelty on the web I felt anger. Then when I seen dogs being mistreated , that is heart breaking. When I see little kids crying I also feel sad. I don't like seeing little kids crying. I too avoid conflicts with people. Whether is face to face or verbal, I rather just walk away. To other guys this might seem weak, but there nothing weak about avoiding being hurt. the neighborhood where I grew up was laden with violence, so I know the consequence of getting into conflicts. We been coarse into thinking that the bigger man walks away, but it's the smartest that walks away.

    3. Hi, Marley!

      I am the feeling type as well. I definitely agree that as the feeling type we are very passionate when it comes to certain things. I, too, sympathize with people in different situations and I find it rewarding helping people with their problems. I care for people who are important to me and sometimes I feel like I care too much, but I want them to be happy.

    4. We definitely need more people who have empathy for others and feel passionate about what happens in the world.

    5. Hi Manny,
      There need to be more caring men in the world to make the world a better place. I agree that the smartest man walks away from violence. Like your post.

  17. According to DWYA, I have an INFJ personality. I am the feeling type which means my decisions are based on my personal values and what I feel is right. This is fairly accurate because when I want to confront people, I often think about how I should approach them and am worried about hurting one’s feelings. My friends tell me that I am very compassionate and caring. I often put others before myself because I want to make sure my family and friends are happy. I’m the type to give compliments to people especially when it comes to helping them become more confident in themselves.

    1. Feeling types have lots of opportunities in occupations helping people such as teaching or medical careers.

    2. I am a feeling also. I do care for people and care for their feeling. I do understand how you put other before you such as your family and friends. I tend to do that with my family and put them before me because I care about their happiness. I also understand how you worried about hurting one's feelings because I am afraid to hurt people's feelings and approach them the wrong way. I am a deep person and I give helpful support to people as much as I can and this is how i give my compliments to people. Overall, I love you post and I got to know some things we have in common.

  18. I have the personality type of ENTP. These stand for Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceptive. It makes sense that I am an extrovert because it is easy to get to know me. I am very interested in other people, so I give enough time to tell about myself so they will be comfortable telling me about themselves. I do not like to waste time in our valuable lives secluding ourselves from one another. Instead, I enjoy experiencing things by being as open as we can possibly be without crossing lines. I also like to think outside of the box. I do not really enjoy living in the mundane lifestyle, so I would prefer to be creative with things that would usually seem repetitive with a similar outcome.

    1. Good description of ENTP. Lots of positives for this type.

  19. My personality type is ESFJ. The E is for extrovert. I have no problem speaking my mind I like to get my point across. The positive part about being an introvert is I sometimes speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves. Another plus to being an extrovert is that I'm not afraid to speak my mind or speak in front of others. I do get bored easily so it’s safe to say I seek excitement. I enjoy being around others sometimes even hosting. Being an extrovert I am known for taking initiative. I like to think I'm pretty friendly which makes me approachable and able to talk to anyone about anything.

    1. This is a great description of an extrovert. One of your strengths is working with people, so look for a career in which you can use this talent.

  20. Based on the DWYA, I am the introvert type which means I like to be private, have quiet time for concentration, while also thinking first before I speak. This has always been true since I prefer to work small areas with peace and quiet in order to focus more on my studies. I also do not like to hang around with many people that I am unfamiliar with and would rather have just a small group of friends that I have known for a long time. Furthermore, I always want to give out the best, most accurate answers possible, so I always think first before I speak. Thinking things through before I act upon them is for me the proper way to deal with the most difficult projects, or any other form of work that I have to do.

    1. Hey Martin, based on your results I see that we have similar personalities. I am too an introvert type and can relate to the things you said. I also enjoy peace and quiet while I do my work. I like hanging around with familiar faces, but do try to meet new people when I can. As well, I think before I speak for similar reasons, mainly to perfect what I am going to say and make it easier for people to understand. It is cool to see that you and other people have the same personality type as me.


  21. Based on my DWYA results I am a ENFJ type of person. With that being said I am intuitive. I am constantly looking what is in store for my future. I am always daydreaming and wondering what is next. I am also a extrovert. I am the type of person that is "the life of the party". I used to be super shy and closed off but as I grew older I started to be very social and talk to everyone. I am also judging I love things to be organized and well planned out. I have always been that way it makes me feel like I can get things done easier if I'm organized.

    1. Great description of the intuitive type. This type thinks about the future and comes up with creative ideas. You have lots of positives.

  22. According to the DWYA assessment, my personality type is ISFJ. I do believe that I am an Introvert. First, because I am a quiet person making me a great listener and a person people come to for advise. Also, I like to think before I speak by doing so, it allows me to present what I am going to say properly. Additionally, I am thoughtful and caring of peoples needs and feeling. If I see someone struggling with something I would like to help them out by leading them into the right direction or giving them some advise.

    1. Hey Marco! we are basically the same except I got thinking instead of feeling. I am also quiet and a great listener. I love to think before speaking because I don't want to get in a bad situation or like you said put myself in a situation where I won't say something properly. I think about everyone but myself, in my world and mind everyone comes before me, and it is a quality i've had since I was little. If i also see someone struggling i want to help because that's my nature.

  23. Looking at the DWYA and my self assessment I am more on the introvert part of the scale. I prefer to have few friend and tend to not be super social during outings in big crowds. Being an introvert I enjoy being private about my life and what goes on in it. I enjoy being alone and I have a calm personality. This assessment has defiantly got me right.I like to stay to my self and feel like I am a more private person when taking to new people and that kind of effects my social life. but I enjoy the quiet and being able to be alone with my thoughts. I like to listen to a conversation more then contribute to one, which I don't mind because I get to hear great stories. I finally filter before speaking my mind because I like to be courteous of others and knowing what I am saying won't be hurting anyone or offending anyone and that just makes me a caring person.

    1. This is a great description of an introvert. There are lots of job opportunities for introverts who can focus and get the job done quietly.

  24. Upon completing the source section I learned that I am, ISTJ. These results are almost on the dot. It was honestly scary that these results were so on the dot about me. The I meaning that I am more on the introvert side, which is private, I tend to like quiet for concentration, and I like to think before speaking, I am also sensing, I work step-by-step, learn from experience, and I trust what is concrete and certain, etc all these result are me because I love thinking before speaking but at the same time I like to speak my mind. These results were almost on the dot, pretty scary, but pretty awesome.

    1. I am also and ISTJ and we have many students of this type in the course. We will all understand each other and be on the same page.

  25. I am Intuitive. Intuitive shout out imagination, and possibilities to me. Imagination is what fuel the future and I think can lead to new ideas and solutions. Imagination gives life to paintings or new technology. Possibilities is import as well with out I humans would not be able to scale big goals. I can see that possibility plays a big role in my life. I'm striving for a better future for myself, and I want to do great thing with my life. I have set goals for myself that at time I'm not sure if I will be able to achieve it. I have a mentality that anything is possible. I see myself succeeded. This is most likely due to the fact that I always been a day dreamer. I imagination myself having a good life. I know that it can be reached, but the road a head is long and blurry and is susceptible to change.

    1. This is a great description of the intuitive type who dreams about the future and has many creative ideas. Just learn how to reach your goals and put your ideas into practice and great things will happen.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Based on DWYA, I’m more of a judging type. Everything has to be organized for me to focus. Not only at school but even at work. When I go into class I have to have everything done in order for me to feel good. I always turn in my homework on time. I always meet the deadline and never rush through my work. I wouldn’t learn anything if I rush though my work. When I’m dong my homework, I like to do everything step by step. Making sure I’m doing everything right and following the directions.

    1. Great description of the judging type. This is a great help in being successful in college.

  28. A letter that I really relate to and fully believe that is true if F, for Feeling. I consider this to be a big part of who I am, for my introverted nature really accentuates the feeling part of me. This part of me has helped me branch out and create friendships and bonds with those who I would have never gotten close to if I did not take a chance on them and decide to listen to what had been worrying them or to whatever was on their mind. I find that one of my greatest strengths is listening and because of that strength, I am able to empathize with those who need it most and I can maintain close relationships with those who I do listen to. My feeling trait is not just beneficial to me, but to also those who take a moment to share what what they truly feel.

    1. You have a definite talent for working with people. Sounds like the kind of talent needed in counseling and social work.

    2. You have a definite talent for working with people. Sounds like the kind of talent needed in counseling and social work.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. (F)

    My personality type is INFP and means Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving. I am a feeling because When I deal with things, I always try to see how I feel about the situation first. I like making my decisions on how I feel and how it fit my personal value.A feeling type because I use my feelings to everything. I fix problems through how I feel about the problem. Also, I care about people's feelings and I try to understand their feelings in my view. I use feelings to myself because I get to know myself even more such as if something doesn't feel good then that means I don't like it. I am all about feeling because I like to connect with somebody by feelings. It is very important to me to see how I feel about people who I know or around me because it shows me who I can be comfortable with. I care about other and I am a very deep, loving, caring person.

    1. I'm also a INFP, and I can agree that Feeling is very important to me as well. Just as you do, I feel out the situation I'm in and then decide what I'm going to do based on how I feel about it. My own personal values are what I use to measure the situation and finally make my choice. I too, take great care in making sure the other persons' feelings are taking in to count, and when I see that a decision I made affects how someone feels, especially negatively, it means a lot to me. So when I'm talking to people, I do my best to read them so that I can hopefully know how they're feeling.

  31. Upon finishing the DWYA, I was categorized as a INFP. The letter I agree with most is P, perceptive, because I do tend to struggle with deadlines and my attendance. I don't like having things locked in, and I like to be able to move things around to give me maximum flexibility since I rarely plan things out. However, I have a issues getting along with people who have a strict regimen since I don't plan out what I'm going to do. I do try to organize myself and set a schedule for myself, but its hard for me to keep it going for more than a week or two. Although I do not set a strict routine for myself, I do prepare for situations that might occur. I always try to get two of everything and set them in places where I met need them.

  32. I am an ISTJ. I feel that I am more of a Thinking Type. I tend to think with reason and logic and preform my tasks step by step. I believe my attitude is things are what they are and little can be done to change them. I need organization and structure in which to work. Projects to complete and tasks to accomplish. Opportunities to organize and preserve data or materials. I cannot stay Lazy and unaccomplished. In team situations,I bring order, clarity, organization, and planning. I excel at analyzing problems and evaluating ideas and suggestions, so the team will be better placed to make balanced decisions.


  33. Based on the DWYA,I am an Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Percieving type. I am a little surprised to see that I was considered an Extrovert, as I find that I am pretty nervous and a bit shy when it comes to meeting new people and, as well as public speaking. I think I straddle the line between Extrovert and Introvert because despite this, once I get to know someone or get a little bit of familiarity with the people around me, I open up and become a much more outgoing and social person. While I struggle with introductions, I am very good at maintaining relationships with people.
