Monday, September 26, 2016

Chapter 5, Managing Time and Money, September 26-October 2

This new chapter is about time management and is one of the most powerful chapters in the text. For this week's discussion, share one of your lifetime goals and describe the time management techniques you will use to accomplish this goal. If there are obstacles in the way, how will you deal with them? 

For your second post, read another student's post and make a comment about it. Sometimes it is helpful to read about other students' goals and how they are managing to accomplish them. The first post can be longer and the second one can be shorter. 

I will share with you one of my lifetime goals and how I used the ideas in this chapter to accomplish it. My lifetime goal was to write a book on how to be successful in college because I struggled as a young college student and learned how to be successful. Then I taught the topic for 30 years. I had some time off from work and set as my goal to write the text. I found myself distracted by things around the home. I would get up in the morning and exercise, make myself a nice breakfast, read the paper and do a few household chores. Soon the day was gone and I had not accomplished my goal. I decided to work on my goal first and then reward myself with exercise and other things that I wanted to do. It was just a matter of rearranging my tasks. I still found it difficult to get started. I used the idea of a leading task. I would just sit at the computer, fill my head with ideas and start to write. Then I would refine the writing the next day. Within 6 months I had the first draft of the text written. Today it is used in about 60 colleges across the country. This new edition of College and Career Success Online is my latest project.   

Ok, I have shared one of my goals and how I accomplished it. Now it is your turn. Tell about something you accomplished in the past or something you hope to accomplish in the future. See if you can use some of the time management ideas in the text.  

I saw this inspiring video about living your dream.  You can comment on it as one of your options this week: 


  1. One of my front of mind lifetime goals is to become a teacher. It is the reason I’m back in school after many years away. In Chapter 5, I found the “A,B,C” task management suggestion to be very powerful and something I could apply to achieving my goal. I even sent this info to my husband, who struggles with time management between work and home life, because I felt it could be useful to him too! I use an app on my phone called “Wunderlist” where I have created multiple lists with tasks. I have about ten separate lists which include list headers such as “Family” and “School”. When I have something that needs to be done, I immediately put the task in the list and assign a due date. The neat thing about the app is that there is a preset header for “Today” which collects all the tasks with a due date of today into one area. So long as I am diligent about adding and dating tasks, I can use the “Today” section to make sure I’m getting everything done that I need to without stressing or even thinking about the rest. The one issue I’ve found with this, though, is when I can’t get everything done. It bothers me to let tasks roll over to the next day or see them turn red because they are past their due date. My current way of task managing gives all tasks equal importance and doesn’t prioritize. The “A,B, C” prioritizing of tasks will be a powerful tool to add to how I manage tasks to relieve some of the pressure I put on myself and to allow room for life to “happen” (as they say!). It is a character flaw of mine that I can often be too rigid, so deciding in advance what I will be more flexible about (my “C List”) will help me balance everything when tasks get overwhelming.

    1. Wunderlist sounds awesome! I have a major issues with organization and completing tasks as well. I sort of live by the phrase, "What you don't get done today, can always be done tomorrow!" I agree that I would not like to see the things I didn't do on any given day turning red, so it might be motivation to make sure that everything gets done every day. Thank you for sharing this app information, I am definitely going to be checking it out! I wish you much luck on getting organized, and especially in the prioritizing of all of your tasks. I totally understand where you are coming from, and thinking that you spend more time "doing things" than actually living life! Hopefully it all works out for you and you find some free time!

    2. I am happy to see that you found prioritization helpful. It is a way to get the most important things done first which leads to accomplishing lifetime goals.

  2. Dr. Fralick's story is so inspiring. Taking what was once a struggle and using her experience to turn it into something that affects thousands of students every year is astounding.

    As for me, I've been in a work-from-home career for over five years, and it hasn't been an easy path. I've fought with my boss for years, trying to stay organized and focused enough to get a full work day in while staying at home. I'm a single mom, and have a 7 year old at home - and I'll admit, it got easier once he started school. Prioritizing work life and home life, and getting everything in sync has been a struggle, but what worked for me was mounting 2 hugee white boards in my dining room (I wish we could post pics here). I have one white board which outlines the family schedule, events and obligations. The other white board is for work. I regularly am handling between 9 and 12 lawsuits at a time, and each has different work required on each. As new cases come in, they get written on the board, and bullet points of tasks to do on each gets written below. As tasks are completed, they get erased. I also live using Tasks in Outlook, and make my own spreadsheets to keep myself organized. I used to use a notebook, but writing things on pages seemed to get lost, and the white board technique keeps tasks in my face, and is easy to erase as they are done. It's a juggling act, and my boss is very old school, and doesn't use scheduling software that would help us - and so I've had to improvise.

    As for money, I've migrated my life into Mint, by Intuit. Mint helps me monitor my spending and categorize expenses. Mint allowed me to see exactly how much money I need every month, and has helped me create a budget for every category. It alerts me on my phone when I'm getting close on a certain category, so I don't over spend. It also lets me know when I go under on another category, so I can re-allocate funds. I also have a few home repairs that I need to handle, which has required me to put aside money for those expenses. It lets me know where I can trim my budget down to put aside money for those types of expenses. I have also recently read Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover, and have committed to following his steps to getting debt free. I've never been very responsible with money, but in the past 6 months that I've been following the program, I've reduced my debt from $14k to $9k, and anticipate being debt free in less than 3 years!

    I highly suggest Mint - but you have to commit to using the features it offers. It's time intensive setting up, but once it's all set up, you seem to find a couple extra dollars every month that can go toward bills and debts. :)

    1. Hi Tiffany,
      I agree that Dr. Fralick's story was indeed inspiring. I will check out Mint, it looks interesting. I am not in debt right now, but I never want to end up in debt, so I'll check it out.

    2. Thanks for sharing these apps that can be useful to other students in our course. You definitely have control over your time (as much as it is possible to do.)

  3. Hi,

    When I was working, white boards and outlook were the loves of my life, too! My husband always made fun of me for now moving over to Google and using Google Apps, but I had something working so why mess with it? The amount of debt you have paid off so quickly is really impressive! Money is so tough to manage with kids- there is always some school thing or sports thing or thing they've outgrown popping out of no where. I was a single mom with my oldest (adopted by my now husband), and I was working so much and so over extended trying to do everything to keep life moving and also be a good mom that when I felt "mom guilt" that I wasn't doing enough for him, I would buy him little toys for no reason. A bad habit to get into! And even harder to keep a budget. Good on you for being so disciplined!

    1. Thanks! It hasn't been easy... it's obviously much easier to stay blind and do what feels good in the present. It's harder to focus on a goal of what could-be, and know that the pay off in the long run will be better than the temporary joy (and later regret) now. I'm adulting super hard these days--- which is weird, but I know will someday be for the best!

  4. I would say that my biggest goal I am working to achieve, or actually that I will ever achieve will be finishing school and staying in school until I am finished. I have had an extremely hard time in the past of staying committed to this goal. Although this time around I seem to have more of my ducks in a row, but the biggest thing that has changed are my elements of motivation and the fact that I REALLY want it this time. I have been exhausting all of my resources along the way to ensure that I continue down this path of success. I applied for the disability program I needed when I started college, but was too embarrassed to ask for help. I am currently in the CalWORKs program here at Cuyamaca as well. I have met several fantastic people that are helping me as I go, and are giving me the motivation I need to finish school as I don't want to let any of these people down. I am aware of where there is tutoring available for me if I encounter any difficulties in my classes as well. I am overall more prepared this time in all aspects of wanting to finish school. I have started using a planner to write down all of my assignments in an attempt to stay organized. The other biggest thing I have found with trying to do all of my work is finding the time to just get it done. I have ADHD and find sometimes it takes me a while to actually get going on an assignment. I spend more time trying to get started on any assignments than I do on completing most of them. I am still trying to figure out ways to make the best of my time, but for now I have learned to accept that speed bump, and just keep driving. The important part is that the assignments are complete and turned in.

    I hope to learn different tips and tricks as I progress into becoming more organized. Such as utilizing white boards, and perhaps different apps on my phone as well. Being an Aquarius, and having the personality type that I do basically has shown me that organization is not my strong point, which to me doesn't mean it can't be achieved, but that I will have to work really hard to be successful at it.

    1. In my estimation, it appears you have definitely committed to your goal this time around, and have resources in place to help. Acknowledging where we need the extra help, and utilizing it, is key in accomplishing our goal. You have absolutely taken the steps you need to get to where you're going, and soon, your success story could be an inspiration to others. Keep at it! You're doing great!
      (Also, I don't believe what day you're born has anything to do with your personality. You are who you are, despite an antiquated belief system based on mythology and the understanding of only 6 planets at the time of its development.) Your success is based on your own effort, and not the stars... You got this!!!

    2. To get started on an assignment, try a leading task. Sit down at the computer, get your materials out, write the first sentence, or just do the first step. I think many people struggle with getting started because they think of the whole project and it is overwhelming. The first step can get you going.

  5. My biggest lifetime goal is to have a successful career with a stable income. All I want is to be able to support my family and give them everything they deserve. I want to obtain the college degrees necessary in order to enter a successful career field and make a lot of money. To do this, I will have to study hard and finish school. I will maintain high grades by not procrastinating and completing all my assignments on time. Eventually after I finish college and get my degree I hope to go straight into a high paying career.

    1. I have to say that I agree and am also seeing my biggest lifetime goal as getting a stable job with a stable income. My children and other family members deserve to see me successful, and being able to financially support them is a huge first step in becoming successful. I too am hoping to find a career as soon as I get my degree. But I am also very concerned in whatever career in end up in, making sure that it is absolutely the best fit for me as I have a lot of anxiety and become discouraged easily, otherwise I would definitely not stick around. I hope that you find the perfect career for yourself and you are able to keep this determination up that you have right now. We will be successful!!

    2. I totally agree with you because this is one of my lifetime goals as well. I want to be able to give my family everything they gave me when I was little. Seeing them happy in my success would be everything. Having a stable job and income makes our future bright and college is the way to get that. And to me college opens so many opportunities for you and knowing that we are working for ourselves makes this journey even more meaningful.

    3. I agree with you theo because all you need is ard work and dedication to achive all your golas in life. I kinda agree about after you get your degree but you need to work on it step by step to get best income possible.

  6. I personally have 2 main goals in life, and I believe I am on the right path of being successful in that. I want to finish college strong and get my degree in the career I want to work in,which will lead me to having a stable job for the rest of my life. So I will never have the weight on my shoulders of not being financially stable. I want to grow up and have everything I ever wanted with my hard earned money. I want to have that success story to tell my kids so they can have the same passion and motivation when they are older. To make it clear for them that not everything is handed to you on a silver platter and everyone has to work for what they want. I believe I am on the right path of that because I keep on believing in myself and I am not giving up on my goals because I know anything is possible.

    1. Being a good example to our kids is the best we can possibly hope to achieve in our lifetime. Good for you for recognizing this and helping mold a future generation geared for success! Yay educated moms!

    2. I really enjoyed reading your blog because it kind of touched me that everything is "possible" and we can do it no matter what. My goal is kind of like yours because for me I want to finish college and get a better job so I could achieve what I want in this life. And in order to achieve what we want we have to work hard. It is always not easy to have something you want, there is always an obstacle that make you struggle. But at the end, when you want something really bad you can have it.

    3. Your goals are very reachable and I believe with hard work and dedication you can accomplish whatever you set your mind too! I wish you the best in your future endeavors. I agree that being a good example to children is crucial to their upbringing and instilling certain values, such as working hard for what you want!

    4. Hello,
      I really enjoyed in your post, and I engorge you to be successful. Also I like your hope in your life which means there is no impossible in our life and you can do whatever you want to do it to be successful and achieve your dreams. In addition, I believe if the people tired and work hard when they are young, they will rest in all life. Also, I like your hope to reach your goals by becoming stronger and do not give up to anything and you have to know everything is possible in our life. Finally, I am similar to you and I like the wisdom that said "believe, achieve, successes".

  7. One of my lifetime goals is to finish college with the highest degree or with a good major. It is always easy to talk about college and say yes I can do it and finish with a major I want and find a job, BUT when it comes to action it is really hard. This example shows that you can’t have a bright future without obstacles. I always motivate myself that I could achieve my goals, but it is hard sometimes because life is not that always easy, we have to work hard to accomplish what we want. In this case, if I want to achieve what I want I have to work hard to accomplish it especially if I want to have a better future. I want to work hard to help my family out because living in America needs it a lot. I always dream of having a big house and a perfect car. Hopefully, after 6 or 7 years I will be achieving my dreams. I’m still in the first step I have to take lots of bio classes for my major which is “dental hygiene” and these classes are not easy and I can tell from now how much do I have to work to get good grades. I wanted to be in this major because it pays well and also because of this job my dreams will become true.

    1. Hello Swaleen, I completely agree life is not easy and there is always obstacles. Keep working hard and try to achieve your goal.You can do it if you work and and put all of your effort into school it is possible it will be hard but we have to keep our head up because eventually when you finish college and reach your goal it will be super exciting and you will be so proud. The outcome will be great!

    2. Hello Swaleen,I completely agree with you it is very important to finish college with highest degree and good major .and to reach that you must do many things like study hard and to chose the right major to get a good job in the future because when you study something you like it you will be more successful and I agree with you when you say that the life is not easy and not only the word will make you to have a good job so you can help your family it is relay not easy we most work hard and be smart about using the time to have a better futuer

  8. One of my important lifetime goals is to get a job that I love so I can help support my family. The first step in accomplishing this goal is to stay in school. Another step is to focus and put 110 percent into my school work. I will have to stay in school for a very long time but I know the outcome will be great. A way I can motivate myself to accomplish this goal is by knowing that I will have a bright future if I continue to go to school and work hard. Another motivation is I can quit my job I have now and the new job. The job I want is to be a Marriage and Family therapist, I know that this goal will take a lot of hard work and dedication but I am ready for the challenge. I need to focus a lot of my time with school and studying so I can accomplish this goal. I will have to avoid procrastination by starting a project or homework right when I get it assigned because I have noticed I do a lot better with my work when I am not rushed. I know that I need to start it early enough and it feels so much better when I turn it in on time or early instead of stressing out about it the night before. It works better for me when I do chunks at a time instead of having to stress and sit down the night before and work on it for five hours. I work better when I do a hour each night

    1. You have taken the first steps toward accomplishing your goal. Just keep following this path and you will reach your goals.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. My lifetime goal pertaining to my education is graduating from law school. Obviously it is known that law school requires three extra years of schooling. I would start studying for the LSAT my junior year of college, then once I feel prepared I will take the exam in hopes of passing. After I get my bachelors' degree in business real estate & minor in marketing, I'd then head to law school ( still undecided on which one). Lastly, I will complete this process by taking the BAR as the final step in becoming a lawyer. There are more steps in between this general process but since it does require extra schooling, I do not want to procrastinate because I just want to go to finish line as soon as possible. If there are obstacles , I won't let them stop me, because there is no point to put your life on pause for whatever reason, in my opinion. Even now, I think about ways to finish in the fastest and most reasonable way, solely to close this chapter in my life, and begin a the next whether it be starting a career in practicing law or even starting a family

    1. Hi Sandra,
      With the plan you have set up you will surely accomplish your goals. The three extra years of education is worth it because it means you can complete your education goals and you can get a life long career. I would like to weigh in on your point of finishing as fast as possible, I don't believe you should work quickly because you can make mistakes. Just make sure you work effectively because your effort will result into doing well. I believe you can do well.

  11. When I grow older and look back on my whole life, I want to have accomplished the most biggest important lifetime goal I want to have an associate degree in Business Office Technology and that will help me to have a stable career in a good bank and if that happen I going to be so happy because I want to have a s table and happy life without any problem with my husband and my kids in the future. and because of that my biggest lifetime goal is very important for me and for all my family and I wish that day become true.

    1. You are on the way to accomplish your goal. Just keep working and you will get there.

  12. One of my lifetime goals would be to obtain a lifelong career after completing my education for aerospace engineering. I will start by completing my general ed at community college and then I will transfer over to a 4 year and finish for a bachelors degree. The way I can complete my education is by balancing my time between school, work, and social events and setting priorities toward my education. After achieving my bachelors degree I hope to find a job here in San Diego which can be difficult. The only issues that may occur would be managing time to complete all my assignments and study for exams but thats what I am learning to manage.

    1. Hey Kanar, I have the same goal as you i am also planning to transfer and achieve my bachelors degree, the way you have to deal with completing assignments and studying for exams is by using time management timing is everything you must not procrastinate and you'll be successful.

  13. One of my lifetime goals is to become an entrepreneur. I can already tell that there are many obstacles in the way of my goal. I plan on being an accountant and then hopefully turn into entrepreneurship. This goal needs a lot of patience and that is something that I struggle with. I lack patience but I am trying to work on it because patience can take you a long way. My time management will be split up into work, school, and homework time, always trying to stay busy.

    1. I say go for what you want. you wan to be an en entrepreneur then so be it. I can say from personal experience that patience is a virtue that can take you far it you wait. I think accounting is cool. I actually got accepted into school for accounting but turned down the opportunity. There are many student who don't have any idea of what they want to do let alone what they want to major in. You do so your on the right path.

      Good Luck

    2. I also want to be an entrepreneur. So far I'm reading books on investment and hanging out with like minded people. I want to major in math and economics. I want to be able to use math as a pillar for well calculated investments. When I hear entrepreneurship. I see a boss like persona. He is an immaculate person. He is always dressed to the nines, he knows how to comport himself. He is confident. This is what makes want to be an entrepreneur. I must say that entrepreneurship sounds easy , but there will be a lot of struggles ahead. My friend Evan and I are trying to start a club at school that will focus on helping out the community, and we will learn about entrepreneurship together. We are still looking for members. We are looking for students that know that in order to succeed you have to be unique. While everyone is going to the left you go tot the right. While everyone is partying, you are learning and bettering yourself. We need people that read, not because its a chore but because he/she want to become more educated. I think we have something here. I'm confident that my idea can work. However I also know that a club is not an individual thing. A club is a group and in order for the whole group to succeed all the members have to be on the state of mind. If you would like to join or have any questions you can reach me at.

  14. One of my lifetime goals is to accomplish my bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and have a very successful career after graduation. My time management technique I was, still and will be using to accomplish this goal of mine is to be always in time and always have my work done early and professionally. I will also work very hard to get the best experience out of myself trying to reach my goal and trying to enjoy the way to reaching my goals as much as possible in order to keep myself motivated. If I ever face obstacles like I had before, I will always turn to my friends and get back to the right track.

    1. The career of your choosing is also something that is of interest to me. My older brother is currently pursuing it, and I can see the difficultly he has at times with managing his time. He fell off behind the class when he missed a portion of it because of time. But now he is back on his feet after learning about what he needed to do by motivating himself to get his work finished early and complete. My point here is that I have some experience, and I wanted to inform you about it so that we can both learn from it.

    2. Hey Sarah! I can totally relate to the electrical engineering because my dad is an electrician, and I have grown up with that and I basically know a thing or two about what you're trying to pursue. It is an awesome career. Never give up because you can totally do it and it is super interesting!

  15. Before I became a Nurses Assistant I trained to be a Medical Assistant. I always knew that helping people was a passion of mines. I was a bit nervous to start and not complete the Medical Assistant program because of my fear for needles. Plus a few people reminded of my fear instead of encouraging me to at least try.Something deep down inside of me knew that I could do it plus I wanted to prove a few Poole wrong. There where time I wanted to quit especially when it was time for the class to give and receive 100 injections. this was a challenging time for me but I made it through. My instructor was very patient and experienced. I went home and studied with a Registered Nurses so I had everything i needed to pass my course. I now know that fear is the highest fence to climb and It felt great to receive my certification's of completion.

    1. Glad you faced your fears and are successful. Keep working toward your goals and you will get there.

    2. I know that fear you are facing.I am currently just enrolled in a Medical assistant school and I am afraid of needles as well but I am looking to help people and in order to do that I need to be able to get one my fear. I find to be my highest fence as well, but I will not let my fear get to me. I know that if I keep pushing myself and seeing my goal I will succeed and be able to see my certification as well hopefully in the near future. I'm glad you could face your fears!

  16. My main lifetime goal is to have a degree in some form of engineering. Whether it be computer engineering or electrical engineering, it has to be something that includes programming, hands on work, and is challenging to accomplish. The obstacles I faced were mostly time management due to my normal day-to-day activities that made time go faster and provided little time to study and focus on school. I decided after a while that this habit was detrimental to my learning and I began working on new ways to get passed it. The first thing I did was make a schedule for the stuff that I had to complete throughout the day. It was a bit hard at first, but I became accustomed to it and began improving myself. Reading this week's chapter has helped me get a better understanding of managing time and money. I learned about the ABC's of time management and added them to my schedule to see which section would fit, and to order them by priority. If there are ever any difficult obstacles in my way, the first thing I would do is take small steps in order to get through it and figure out ways to solve it so that I do not have to go through it again. You have to be carefully

    1. Glad you are using priorities and taking small steps to accomplish your goals. These techniques will help you to be successful.

  17. share one of your lifetime goals and describe the time management techniques you will use to accomplish this goal. If there are obstacles in the way, how will you deal with them?

    One of my biggest lifetime goals is to play soccer at a four year university. I realize that this goal is a lot more short- term than many of the others posted here, but playing soccer professionally has been a dream of mine since childhood. While the chances of that happening are extremely slim, Collegiate soccer at the university level is the next best thing, and far more attainable. In order to accomplish this, I plan on scheduling my day, making ample time for practice as well as studying, because all of my soccer talent can and will be overlooked by four year teams if my grades aren't up to par. If there are challenges, I'm going to have to keep working hard, and know that if I mange my time and work hard consistently, the opportunity I'm looking for will surface.

    1. Hey Ian,
      I think that is a great goal to have, because it could affect you in the long-run. I believe that you can succeed your goal if you put in the time and effort. And if this is something you really enjoy doing I think that you can play soccer at a four year university. Don't sell yourself short and keep on striving. It will all end up paying off.

  18. One of my long term goals is buying a house;I have this project in my mind long time ago,did many researches and asked many professional people who are working in this field. I believe that it is a life time project so it is better to get prepared from now. My advice is to start working from now and focus on getting a job on a field that I like so that I can continue on it and develop myself since it is very important to be consistent in your job to build the right credit and have your income considered as a long term income. Another big step would be paying the bills on time and never be late. Also having my income to debt ratio as high as possible so that you can get your mortgage approved easier.

    1. Having your own home will be such a great thing! It will be awesome to have that stability (not to mention the freedom to paint and fix as you please!) I think it is great you are starting now. Being a homeowner is a great goal.

  19. I had a goal that i set before graduating high school which was getting a nice job. After high school i was slacking but one day i was like let me go look for jobs and i was going all over at first i was a little embaressed when asking but later on i got used to it. Later that day i went home and i started writing my work resume.later one a kept waiting then i got call by Home goods and they were like we would like to hire you and iwas really happy about it and thats how i accomplished one of my goals.

    1. I applaud you for having the courage to ask anyway even though you knew that being embarrassed was a feeling that you would experience. You did not let your emotions get in the way of what was important to you and really you should be very proud of yourself! I struggle with self doubt at times and I do feel like it holds me back so I can relate. Reading that you accomplished your goal and got that job by being persistent despite personal feelings confirms the thoughts that I often have but I am to afraid to act on. I will never know what the outcome will be if I choose not to try because of personal feelings. Yes I can fail and maybe end up feeling poorly about myself because of that but I can also succeed too and your experience is a perfect example of that! No matter what, I will feel good about trying any ways.

  20. One of my life time goals is to be happy and to become a detective or at least be in the criminal justice field. The time management techniques I will do are use my time wisely and not spend time wasting my time. I will motivate myself really hard because I know it will all be worth it. I know there will be so much things getting in my way to make me want to quit but I will have to push myself but I'm up and ready for the challenge. I know these 4 years are going to go by real quickly.

    1. Hey Karla, being a detective sounds like a great career. I believe you can become one if you really wanted to. I used to be into detective stuff when I was in elementary school and it's a fun job. You sound like a good students and can accomplish you goals if you put your mind to it. Believe in yourself and it doesn't matter how you start but how you finish.

  21. One of my lifetime goals is to be happy in life. I will also like to be an landscape architect. This makes me happy because I like to be creative. In order for me to get this career I have to manage my time for school and outside activities. I mostly have to study to be successful and also look into being a great architect with my creativity. I procrastinate a lot this would be tough for me to accomplish because my family always tells me to go work. I’ll rather do something better and make more money on what I like to do. I have to not be lazy and get work done I know it will all be worth it.

    1. Having a clear goal such as architecture is a great way to motivate yourself and manage your time to get there.

  22. One of my lifetime goals is to live in New York City. The first time I set foot in New York City was during my middle school East Coast trip. I immediately fell in love with the tall buildings, the food, and especially the atmosphere, and living there would be amazing. I know that this goal will not be reached in just a few years, but I know that I will need to finish college first, obtain a job that I love, and be financially stable. Whether this lifetime goal can be achieved in 10 or 20 years, I will definitely need to focus more of my time on school. When it comes to time management for this goal, I have to finish college first and foremost. Without a college degree, I will not be as successful and will probably not be able to obtain a high paying job that will allow me to be financially stable to move to New York. The one obstacle that I know will be difficult is saving money for a goal this big. I have trouble managing my money and I need to be able to do that because New York City is an expensive city to live in. Hopefully by the time I get to that point to planning to move to New York City, I'll be great at managing my money.

    1. Hi Carlene, I haven't been to New York City but i really want to go there. I've heard there food is amazing. I would do the same, i would finish college first then start working so i can have money for New York. I also have trouble managing my money, I spend my money on things i don't really need. Hopefully this all works out for you and you reach your goal.

  23. Watching the video "Regrets" is not the first time I've seen it. I remember a friend sharing it thru Facebook and one of the things the guy says that stuck to me is, "But there is a thief in your mind who is after your dreams. His name is doubt." After hearing this, I agree 100% because everyone has potential to live out their dreams as long as he or she believes in himself or herself. However, a person has doubts about doing certain things because that person feels that he/she is never good enough. No one can fully commit to accomplishing a simple task and even a dream while having doubts about yourself. Having doubts will only set a person back, so in order for a person to fulfill that dream, that person needs self confidence.

    1. I like your comments about believing in yourself. I also like the quote about doubt being the thief of dreams. Good job!

  24. As far as a lifetime goal i am not too set on one yet, but I do believe graduating college is a goal that i am very driven towards. To accomplish this goal I will have to be able to manage school, work, sports, and social aspects. I will try to leave social aspects for later in the afternoon and get all my homework/schoolwork done as early as possible to refrain from procrastination. As far as work goes I don't have a job yet, but will most likely getting one over the summer and I will have to find a way to squeeze in time for my extracurricular activities. I understand that social time is something that can be postponed so I will have to make sure I prioritize things in order to use my time wisely.

    1. Using priorities is a great way to reach your goals.

  25. A major life time goal for me is obtaining my degree. This is very important to me as this is the pathway to my version of success. With my degree I will have better job opportunities and a better chance at having a career that I love. I will also be able to financially support my family and more importantly I will be showing my kids that they can do anything they put their minds to if they work for it. To complete this goal I plan to do my absolute best during my time in college. My motivation is my children so I know I can accomplish this goal! One thing that I will do to help ensure my success is break down my assignments into smaller groups so I wont become overwhelmed by the work load. This will help me better manage the time I spend completing my work while also easing my anxiety and putting a end to the time that I waste procrastinating.

    1. Good strategies for managing your time to accomplish your goals.

  26. My husband and I have the goal of becoming foster parents. This has been something we have dreamed of doing since the beginning of our relationship, and we are determined to make this goal a realty. First, we need to get in a better financial spot. My husband is finishing a career program and will have his skill by this coming August. We will need to move to a bigger house, buy a bigger car and then begin the long process of applying, training and becoming certified. We are excited and keeping our eyes on the goal, which is a wonderful opportunity to show love and make a difference in the life of a child. We cannot wait.

    1. Becoming foster parents is a great goal that will keep you motivated.

    2. I really respect what you are trying to do. I hope you guys become a foster parent. It is a good helpful goal and it is really nice thing to do. Keep your head up and keep on doing your goal.

  27. One of my lifetime goals is to get a degree in fashion. FIDM is one of the colleges I want to go to. In order for me to graduate as a fashion major, I would have to go to FIDM in downtown for a year and then move to Los Angles and do half a year at FIDM there. It does not seem too much but I just have to put my mind to it. The time management techniques I will do are to focus on my work and not get distracted because fashion is something I really want to do and I am fairly good at it as well. I need to motivate myself by focusing on school and to try hard each and everyday.

    1. It is great that you want to transfer to FIDM! I have had a couple of friends transfer there and it was the best decision of their lives. No matter what campus you are studying at, I wish you well and good luck! Your passion is there and I hope you can materialize your visions.

  28. One of my lifetime goals is having a successful career that I enjoy. I want to be able to go into work happy and proud of what I am doing. Also, I want to be able to pay back my parents for all the love, support, and money they give me. I want to make them proud and show them all my hard work paid off. I plan to keep going to school in order to accomplish this goal. I know that I will be faced with many tasks and challenges, but I know that it will all be worth it. I just have to be patient and take it step by step until I can reach my goal.

    1. Being patient and taking it step by step will definitely help you to achieve your goals.

  29. One of my main goals is to learn about entrepreneurialism. I like how some people can become their own boss and set their own hours. Also, what I like is that being an entrepreneur gives you the advantage to invest in other companies. For example, you can invest in the Technology part or in the medical side. It all depends on the enter entrepreneur and where they want to invest money in. How am I managing this goal? Well I'm reading books on investment, and my friend and I are trying to start a new club at school. One of the major goals of the club is to help out the community. However, I came up with a new Idea that we should also be a little entrepreneurial. My goal is to have a couple of members and assign task to each of the member. Each task will have something to do with current events. For instance, one member can look at CNN and jot down interesting news. Another member can read the newspaper and jot down anything interesting. Once a week we will sit and discuss what ever info we gather. This is just a starting point but what we will get out of this is that we will become more aware of whats happening in the economy and look for trends in the world. This is just a step forward in my goal. As of right now we are looking for and adviser and we hope to have the club up and running by next semester.

    1. Your idea of a club sounds like a great way to get started on your goal. Hopefully a faculty in the business department will volunteer to be an adviser. You are on the right path to achieve your goal.

  30. My overall goal in life is to become a Cardiologist, this field of study requires lots of hard work and loads of dedication this makes this profession very stressful and challenging but is worth the struggle. My motto has always been work hard not and relax later, basically my moral in this is that we are all young and can achieve more then we think so we must shoot for high goals and achieve them, this way we will be successful. My techniques to being successful is being wise with my time and being able to myself that i can conquer any battle that is put in my journey to success because the struggles are what make you better an stronger which also helps you learn more.

    1. A cardiologist?! interesting my friends uncle is one and i heard he makes big bucks. And yes i can understand that that type of career is lots of hard work dedication and important management of time. I really like your motto as well hard work now and relax later, i can see where your coming from by saying we are young are we have a lot more potential than we think and we should work harder than our newer generation. I really like your technique as well and i believe those will help you conquer your journey and help you become stronger. Overall great post but I'm just a little confused which direction your argument was you didn't talk much about time management and procrastination like the chapter was about but still a great story thanks lance!

  31. One of my lifetime goals has been attempting to work for apple. I have always had an interest in working there as a computer engineer. But that isn't my only goal, my main goals is to start a family and become wealthy at a young age so ill be able to support my family and still keep in contact with family and friends as well because balance is very important to me. All business men that forget about people are one of the hardest things to deal with and thats something i plan never to do no matter what. I can understand my job and career will take a lot of time and i plan to manage and prioritize my time extremely wisely so i won't have to overcome any obstacles like forgetting family and friends.

    1. I really respect how you plan to work on staying down to earth. To realize that fame and fortune can get to people's heads and already plan to overcome that is a very valuable thing. I also want to have a family at a young age and try to be successful at or before that time. You seem very open minded and motivated and I truly hope that you get your dream of working for Apple one day!

  32. One of my main lifetime goals is making time to spend with my family in the future. Some of these obstacles include work schedule and personal needs, but I am willing to search for the right job that will balance out my time. Relationships are very important to me and I believe without the strength of mine, I would not be even close to where I am today. To truly find the right job for this, though, I would need to spend time now in school to do well. If I do well now, I will have a broader palette of opportunities. The better I do now, the less time I would have to spend in school and the more time I will have to truly enjoy life with the people around me.

    1. One of your most important criteria for selecting a major and career is time to spend with family. Keep this in mind as you make your decision.

  33. One of my lifetime goals is to have a career that I love. The first step I would take to accomplish this goal is to figure out what I want to do with my life and find my calling and my passion. Then I would figure out what major fits that bill and then pursue a degree in it, ultimately graduating and leading me towards internships and job opportunities in which I can use my education. From there, I hope to be on the right path of what my calling and passion is. If there are obstacles in the way, I will try to identify what they are and why they are holding me back. Hopefully I will be able to make my way around or over them without compromising my goals.

    1. Hopefully the career assessments and research have given you some ideas about finding a career you love. You may want to discuss this with the career counselor at Cuyamaca, Cindy Morrin.

  34. My career goal is to be successful in life and have good outcomes. So, my career is becoming a professional psychologist. I am taking this path because I like psychology, and I am relate to healthcare due to my health problems. My family goals are building a strong connection and have a sweet home. I am interested in marriage and family because I always wanted to have a family of my own. Family is full of responsibilities when it comes down to building one. I have a big family which there's always love and caring for one another. My family values are being healthy and happy. I grow up with so many family members where I learned how I value family the most because they're going to be always be there for me. However, my social goals are to serve the community and have a good relationship with Friends. When I am older and look back in my life, the three important life goals that I want to have accomplished are having a family, becoming a psychologist, being a helpful hand for other's needs. I can motivate myself to accomplish this goal by pushing myself into it, and believing in myself that I can do good. Mostly important, I have to have time for it. I can manage my time to accomplish this goal by taking step by step, but without wasting any time.

    1. Hi Hend,
      One of my goals is also to raise a family. Families are full of responsibilities and leadership, but I think they're more than worth the effort and trouble. I too hope to be a pillar in the community, no matter the size. I think it's important to give back to the community so that you don't forget where you came from and so that you stay humble.

  35. Hi, one of my accomplishment was doing a poetry speech at school. I have always wanted to say my poems to people. I got the chance to do it at school. I joined a poetry club and i wrote some new poems. The school did the show at the theater class and there was a lot of people there. I got to say my speech and it felt really good. I was happy that I got to accomplish it.

  36. One of my lifetime goals is to buy a house for my parents. Now this is something that you could say has more than its fair share of obstacles. However, if I manage my time and money well it is more than achievable goal. First, I have to use my time in school wisely and decide what career path I would like to take. Once I have chosen a career, I need to plan out the steps I'm going to have to make to move up the ladder so that I make a comfortable amount of income. Once my income is stable and I have enough to spare, I will start investing it so that withing 10-15 years I'll have doubled my profits. And with that money I would buy my parents their dream house.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. My ultimate lifetime goal s to become a registered nurse and be able to be a Labor and delivery nurse. The obstacles I face in time management is not being able to organize my time so I ma able to do homework, get to class, and go to work, but also have time for myself. I need to find a way to balance my time correctly. I see the goal I set is so close and I have tried to do a less course work load so I am able to get good grades and manage my time better because I am not so stressed out on the many courses I am enrolled in and can focus my time on getting the best grades I can to able to transfer and reach my goal.
