Monday, October 3, 2016

Chapter 6, Using Brain Science to Improve Memory, Oct. 3-9

For this chapter, watch one of these videos and write a 100 word comment including what you like, dislike, or find useful.
For the second posting, read another student’s comment and add you own thoughts, goals for the future, or ideas for using the information to improve your memory and study skills.
Here are the links to the video choices:

These three videos are from the younger perspective:


  1. I dipped into to YouTube for many study hacks to look at and focus on. I started with the How to Get Straight A's link above. I learned many different ways to make sure that the studying I am doing is indeed worth it and successful. I definitely need to focus more on writing things down a few times as I feel it would help me to retain information more effectively. There were also tips and tricks that lead to saying that even taking a test in the same environment as you study, would help you to remember when the test comes. Also chewing the same gum as you do while you study will help. Bascially keeping everything the same, including the pen or pencil you are using. The familiarity will help you remember things more efficiently as well as make you comfortable while taking exams. I learned quite a bit of useful information from watching YouTube videos.

    1. Hello Marley,
      I agree about your topic but only one thing that I will argue about is that "gum is bad while taking a test “Probably many would say it is helpful because maybe you could remember or it helps for your nervousness. However, I believe it makes someone really angry and you get a headache because of the gum. Scientists have cleared out that banana is really good before taking the test because it keeps you focus and makes you remember things. Also, as you mentioned that rewriting again will help and this is true because when you keep writing you it will be easy for you to remember.

    2. Hi Marley,
      If i knew there was a video on how to get straight A's I would have checked it out long ago! I agree that writing things down is way more effective in retaining material in comparison to typing or even repeating things to yourself! I liked the chewing gum method, I have heard of it and tried it a couple of times, it did not make an impact on me as I hoped it would! Hopefully it gives you better results, I am going to start keeping my test environment as similar as I can to my study environment in hopes it would increase my test scores.

    3. I have been keeping my test environment the same as my study environment since school began. I had a couple of times I have had to take a quiz in a different room than usual and I did notice that I had a harder time paying attention to the quiz than I would when I was taking the test in a familiar location. I was more interested in checking out my surroundings than I was in taking the test. I am sure that sounds silly as I am still in my house, but it was just easier to not pay the same amount of attention. I strongly suggest trying to test in the same place you study, if you take online courses.

  2. The movie that I watched and learned from it was “Sleep to Remember, Remember to Sleep”. I liked how they name it because it means something. However, sleeping is really good to manage the brain because when you are tired you would need to sleep to have a good memory and the brain would work again. If someone is really tired and only sleep for 15 minutes is really good because you would feel you have sleepy for hours, and I believe everyone should take this nap so they could continue their day easier. Overall I liked this video a lot and learned from it a lot; I found it useful and I would recommend to anyone that doesn’t sleep a lot.

    1. I agree that sleep is critical to optimal brain functioning, but I wish there was a video about to best manage on very little sleep when you have no other choice. I have a newborn, a two year old, and a 10 year old and average 4 hours of sleep for every 20 hours awake. Certainly not ideal, but that's my life!

    2. You have a really challenging schedule. Just take it slowly and you will get there. I recommend that you only take one course at a time so that you don't get burnt out.

  3. The video I chose was "9 Best Study Skills". I particularly liked the idea of studying material with the intention of teaching it versus studying material with the intention of being tested on it. I'm going to try and shift my thinking to this as I study this week to see if there is a difference. It already feels lighter and easier to imagine a different purpose to studying, other than to do well on tests. I did not find the time management tips very useful as they explained what was best, but did not provide much information on how to achieve them. I don't think most people approach studying with the intention of just cramming the night before, and I think most people know this isn't ideal, but life gets hectic and deadlines can sneak up. It would have been more useful if the video had offered several solutions to avoid cramming instead of just saying not to do it.

    1. Hi Jacalyn,
      I like your post on "9 Best Study Skills". The part you mention about teaching the material is a big help when you study. I used to tutor people for Pre Cal and it made it easier on me when test days showed up because I had constant study. I would like to know more about what they offered for time management to see if I could get any tips because I do not usually intend to cram material but sometimes emergencies pop up.

  4. The video I chose to watch is "Sleep to Remember, Remember to Sleep" which talks about how crucial sleep is for the brain. Parts of the video concerning to what happens to the brain during sleep is very informative it mentions things such as the period of reconstruction that occurs. What I do not like about the video is how mentions that people feel sleep is lost time when in reality we all say we need sleep to function. I learned a lot from the video concerning things that are effected when you sleep such as short/long term memory. All of this can occur in four stages of sleep. These stages can help you remember things you learn. So instead of constant studying try going to sleep.

    1. Hey Kanar,
      I liked how we picked the same video so it must mean we are attracted to the same type of things. Also I like how you said, "Parts of the video concerning to what happens to the brain during sleep is very informative it mentions things such as the period of reconstruction that occurs". This is also something that fascinated me because I never knew that this was a thing until now, which is crazy. And at the end where you said just go to sleep which is true, and now I'm going to be trying it out.

    2. Hey Kanar,
      I watched the same video. I agree with everything you said about how the video is informative. I learned a lot from it

    3. hey kanar,
      I didn't watch the same video but from what you wrote and i agree with everything you said plus i learned some thigs from what ypu wrote.

    4. I also chose that video out of my interest in having any excuse to sleep. But all joking aside, I do agree with what you wrote that people do need to stop thinking of sleep as time wasted. The fact that the different stages of sleep yield different benefits surprised me as well.

  5. The video I chose was "Sleep to Remember, Remember to Sleep", I chose this because I have really big problems sleeping because I have a slight insomnia and I also have problems studying and remembering things for a test. I liked how it it showed pictures of the brain and showed me what they were talking about and I wasn't completely lost. I also like how it give tips on how to become better. It makes more sense now because in the video it said that if you have less sleep then it is going to hurt how many things you remember from studying which I thought was pretty interesting. There is also 4 stages of sleep and now I know when I really have to go to bed which is 1 hour after studying and at least 3 hours after learning something new, so that is something I'm going to be trying in the next couple of weeks to see if it actually improved my studying skills and if I wake up feeling better and more refreshed.

    1. Hello Karla,
      I watched the same video you did. I also have a hard time sleeping as well. I like to try to cram everything in and try to study as much as I can but I didn't realize how much sleep I was losing and how much sleep really helps us to remember what we are studying. I also am going to try to learn something new and go to bed three hours later so I can hopefully remember it and go to bed a hour after studying. I knew sleep was super important but I didn't realize how important it is. I also liked how they had pictures for us because it helped me understand more.

    2. Hello,
      I chose the same video, I totally agree with you, and also there are different benefits of a good night's sleep for example go far beyond feeling refreshed and alert the next day. In addition, when you sleep well, you will feel happy and better health. I totally agree with you and how the video shows the growth of brain when the person is sleeps enough of hours, he or she can focus in every aspect.

  6. I watched the video sleep to remember, remember to sleep. I thought it was a very interesting video. People seem to forget things after twenty minutes after studying it. I didn't realize I needed my sleep as much as I thought. I always thought if is study longer and stay up later I would remember it more. But actually if I study and then go to sleep after I study my brain will store in the cortex which is the long term memory. I really enjoyed watching that video I felt like it really opened my eyes and made me realize that the more sleep I get the better I will remember what I am studying.

    1. This sounds like great info... plus, I love my sleep!

    2. Hi Melanie!
      I also thought staying up later and studying more would make me remember more the next morning but after watching this video I guess we were wrong. It crazy all the difference a good night sleep and o and after this video I will be making sure I am getting all my rest to be more successful

    3. Hi Melanie
      I agree with you I also study all the night before because I thought if I study all the night so I will remember and do not forget any information but after I watch this video I know now that I was wrong and this video really makes me to think more about sleeping is very important and it open my eyes too and if I sleep well I will do better and I will remember better and I will study less time studying for the test so I do better with good grade I will remember always that after I watch this video

  7. I watched, "The Nine Best Scientific Study Skills" by AsapSCIENCE. This was a cute and short video, but very informative. I’m familiar with breaking study sessions into smaller gaps of time and spreading them out over extended periods of time. When I was young and in HS, I preferred longer study sessions and cramming. Though my grades were good back then, I think this tip is most beneficial as I get older. Another tip from the video I found to be helpful was that when preparing yourself to "teach" material, rather than be "tested" on it, you develop a better understanding since your brain organizes the material differently. Flashcards work better than highlighting a book. Focus on one topic per study session, rather than multiple concepts. Have a designated study area, and leave the music off. This video was quick, but direct and full of great info!

    1. Great summary of this video. Glad you found it useful.

  8. I like the video of The Nine Best Scientific Study Skills to get high grades. The information that I found it useful for me are about how is it better for us to study twenty-30 minutes in one week instead of ten hours a day, and also how teaching something is match better to remember whatever we want than just making the test, and how useful to learn from our mistakes in the exam because that will help us to remember where did we make it and what was the information that we get. Our brain is not a machine, if we want him to remember something, we should use different ways for that, and the most important ways are what we studied in chapter 6 or from the videos because it gave us much information that we haven't known before.

    1. Glad you are finding the information on memory useful.

  9. I chose the video "Sleep to Remember, Remember to Sleep". I thought it was really interesting how it stated how sleeping isn't a waste of time and day its something the body needs in order for it to function right. Its also crazy how it said Sleep occupies 1/3 of our lives even if we don't give attention to it or care. Also what was really interesting was how a lot of people think how studying the night before and staying up late will work when in fact it won't, the more rest the better it will be for studying wise. I really did like this video it makes you understand how rest really makes a difference and its not just a waste, its something the body needs to function the right and better way.

    1. I also recently have discovered how powerful sleep is for us. It is just like working out - if you do a vigorous workout, you need time to rest, and not just rest by sitting and watching TV, but fully resting in your sleep. It also kind of shocked me that sleeping before bed isn't bad for you because you do most of your growing and recovery in your sleep. I guess those of us that stay up to study all night really need to find our balance before we lose all of our energy.

  10. The video I watched was “How To Get Straight A’s Study Tips”. After watching the video I agree with everything the girl has to say. One thing that always happens to me is procrastination. I know how it feels like and I need to stop lagging on my work to get better grades. This will help me take my time on work and learn better. Another tip was to write on sticky notes. This I thought was a great idea because you’ll be able to memorize things without even knowing. Next time I am going to use these tricks and see if my grades get higher.

    1. I used to procrastinate quite a bit a few years back, but I set some goals for myself and began a schedule so that I got my work done earlier without having to worry about it on the last minute. Procrastination for me was just a bad habit that I had adapted to using for work that required a lot of time and thinking, so I would always use the pressure and stress to my advantage;however, I found that case not to be true. The more I worked on it earlier, the easier it became to fix mistakes, be more comprehensive on the topic, and in general having it be less stressful.

  11. I like the video "Sleep to Remember,Remember to Sleep" I think it was very interesting it give us many information about how sleeping is not waste of time and how much it is important for our body and to be healthy and it said sleep occupies 1/3 of our lives even if we do not notes that or do not care so much a bout our sleeping and it was really interesting to know that many people study hard before the day of the test because they think they will do better if they study all the night and the video it said the sleeping and rest is very important if we sleep well we can remember better

    1. Nadia, I decided to watch this video as well just to compare the facts with my own personal experience. I could not agree more that sleep helps the brain remember better! I do notice that when I don't sleep I can't remember well and this even affects me throughout the day. How can I leave my house when I do not remember what I did with my car keys?? I found mine in the freezer once and still can't recall how they got there and I won't even get started on how studying goes when I am sleep deprived. I never knew how important sleep was until taking this course, it is certainly more to it than having a funky mood from missing out!

  12. I chose to watch "Sleep to Remember, Remember to Sleep". It talked about how the brain requires you to sleep or else it could have problems. I liked the informative parts of the video, it taught me alot about the brain and the way it works. I dont like hot the video said sleep is a waste of time, as I believe without sleep we would die, im not sure though. We could test that out. I learned that there is also 4 stages of sleep in which different things happen. I believe this video was very informative

    1. Glad you enjoyed the sleep video. I know that sleep is important for life as well as studying.

  13. Posting sticky notes everywhere to "accidentally" study is one of the most genius study tips I have every heard. I watched "How to Get Straight A's! Study Tips" and this young lady has got her studying habits figured out. I liked how she was young enough to mention a Club Penguin investigator's case because I knew exactly what she was talking about and it would be so good to study that way! I also really appreciated the fact that she said to do an assignment right away so you don't have to worry about it later. It's nice to get work out of the way and have time to relax, especially when other's are stressing and you don't have to.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hey Melody, I also agree with the sticky notes idea to make studying better. This is a great idea because like you said you don't even know you're studying. It is a brainless study and you can do many things around the house or do chores while looking at notes. I'm going to start using these techniques for myself and hopefully I see progress this was a awesome idea I never heard of and now I get to use it in action. Also to get work done early is a good idea because you wont have to worry about it anymore. This will shave off stress and let you have more free time.

    3. Hey Melody I watched the same video as you and I got some of the same feedback as you did. Posting sticky notes everywhere seems like it would really work. I cannot imagine my friends walking into my room and seeing sticky notes everywhere though. The technique that I liked was giving code names to the material I am studying. This works well for me because it makes me study the code and the actual material I need to memorize.

    4. I definitely agree that it is much better to finish your assignments early so you can relax instead of stress! I have a hard time with doing this for some reason and find myself, like tonight, scrambling to finish assignments for my other courses. I am hoping to get back on track this week and finish my assignments early so I am not rushing at the end of the week to do everything. I sometimes find it hard to balance family life and school, especially when the family life is going through turmoil, as it is for me right now. I hope that I can turn my work schedule around as these study hacks pointed out how important it is to stay on top of things.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The video I was watched was "The 9 BEST Scientific Study Tips." For the most part, all the tactics he was talking about were some that I have already implemented into my own lifestyle, and personally used. I especially like the use the flashcards and I agree that studying should be spread into 30 minutes periodically with breaks in between. However, I did not agree on the part that highlighting important information is not helpful for studying and learning. I always have found out that by highlighting general ideas and factual evidence and anything else deemed necessary was vital to my memory because I would usually go back to understand it more and re-learn it in a general perspective without wasting time on looking for it.

    1. I agree that highlighting is important, especially if you spend time reviewing it. Flashcards are also powerful, especially for leaning facts.

  16. the video that i watched was "study hacks" first hack was using Quizlet scond it was cup paper and ctting it and helps you memories things by testing yourself when you pick the subject fro the cup.Third hack it was writing the things you need to learn like little exercise and reapt the things you need to learn.The four hack s when trying to read always try to reward yourself to keep up the reading and it wouldnt be that boring. Those were good hacks and they were really helpful i think i'm going to try them soon.

    1. I like your response it was very true about the quilt concept, what i believe is really important to is taking advantage of your resources which can be a big factor causing you to do much better on tests and will sometimes even give you a better idea of materials you need to know then just a text book would do.

  17. Out of curiosity I decided to watch the video sleep to remember, remember to sleep because I don't get much and wanted to compare my behavior with the facts. Before taking this course and watching this video I only relied on sleep to improve my mood and honestly felt like my mood was pretty much the only thing affected by lack of sleep. I had no idea that not getting the proper rest could negatively influence my memory and more importantly my actual health. I always wondered why my memory is so terribly awful and now I know exactly why and I definitely wouldn't have guessed that sleep would be the fix to that problem. Also, I learned the hard way that staying up to study for a test the night before instead of sleeping is a bad idea! I forget everything despite the fact that I JUST spent hours reviewing and now that I know that my suspicion of staying up to study the night before is a waste of time is actually fact, I won't be doing that anymore. Since skipping out on sleep makes it less likely to retain the knowledge, I may as well charge my brain by simply sleeping instead!

    1. Good summary of the sleep video. Glad you found it useful.

    2. This is an interesting topic that I didn't know about and it does sound helpful. Sleeping good would help people on their memory. I never knew that and now I got to learn something that I will use. I'll sleep more in the proper timing and proper way. Also I love to sleep and this method will help me on my memory.

  18. Sleep to remember , Remember to sleep. I agree with this video completely. Sleep is very important. When I was working two jobs and sleeping less my body eventually started feeling stress. There were time when I knew my body needed rest but my body wouldn't rest even when I was laying down. A good night rest is just as important as a balanced breakfast before school. Ive noticed the difference in my performance and attitude toward school and test taking when lacking sleep. Its nothing nice. One Im physically tired so my body refuses.Two I mentally tired so I have the "oh well" attitude and all I would think about is sleeping.Lately I have been trying to use this app on my phone that supposed to help me track my sleep. I do know that too much sleep can be a bad thing too so this is why I cant to track my sleep pattern to see if adjustments need to be made.

    1. I am glad to read the post because I feel you have summed it up very nicely for those of us who didn't read it. It is interesting that you mention the attitude towards school. Our text had so much to say about positive thinking in this chapter. You make a really good point about how a positive attitude can often be traced back to a good night's sleep. I didn't know there was such a thing as too MUCH sleep! Learn something new everyday. Well, now all this talk about sleep is making me tired! Did the video mention anything about learning while you sleep? I have noticed that if I try to memorize something before I sleep, I am way more effective! If I look at flashcards late at night and then wake up the next morning, I have them memorized pretty much.

    2. Hi! I also watched this video and agree with you. I, too, have that stressed feeling when I don't get enough rest and I can tell my body is shutting down. It's definitely difficult to have a positive attitude when you're lacking sleep and to do your best in school and other things when you're yearning for sleep. I did try to use my phone also to help me track my sleeping patterns when I started school, but I never followed through. I hope it's working out for you!

  19. I watched the video on the girl giving tips on how to study. I like what she said and I trust her because she has been getting straight A’s since the first grade and she is fourteen now. I liked what she said about the sticky notes because to me that is a very effective way of studying without really trying. Also, a technique I like to use is giving secret codes to whatever material I am studying. This works really great for me because once I see the certain material it is easy for me to remember what the secret code is and then I remember the answer.

  20. Here are the some study tips that were shared on the video. There were three pre-study tips she shared. One was set a preschedule, two was sit in a chair, and lastly grab all necessary items and place them in front of you. All of these are helpful tips and all things I already due. Every week I make a list of everything I need to get done and cross things out gradually as the week progresses. I also sit in a chair, although it can be uncomfortable, it allows me to focus better, and lastly I place all the tools I need in front of me to get an assignment done to keep me from constantly moving around. One method I really liked was the “pomodoro method” which is to study hard for 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break, and every third break is 20 minutes. I feel like this is very effective and will not overwhelm me with information while I am studying when breaks are incorporated.

  21. The video I watched was "Sleep to remember, remember to sleep" I like this video because it is focus on those who staying up late or studying for tests. Also, I enjoy with this video because it talks there are a lot of benefits of a good night's sleep. For example, sleep is critical to memory consolidation which means the transformation of short term memories into long term memories. In addition, when you sleep well, your body is able to set and balance respiration, growth, and deliberation. Also, sleeps make us feel better, and it is significant goes way beyond just boosting our mood.

    1. I like this one too. I especially like when the video starting talking about patient HM. This was a memory trigger for me. What I mean by that is that my mind tied this video to a movie that I seen called 50 First Dates. In this movie one of the main character's memory only last 24 hours .when the character goes to sleep, she forgets everything from that day. In the movie the character damages her hippocampus. Yeah patient HM from the video trigger that memory in me. It interesting how memory works. Without our knowledge it stores memories that can be trigger at any moment. I wonder how smart we would we if we would be able to retrieve all the info that we have stored in our memory when ever we want. This would lead to us being able to memorized whole books. This is just my two cents on this.

  22. I also watched 9 best study skills. I didn't learn anything new but I thought the cartoon drawings were cute. It is intriguing to me that my retention of the video was not that great. I can only remember a few of the tips. Which makes me wonder if they could have put a little more research into presenting their ideas in a more memorable way. Anyway, I did think the drawings were cute and that the music was fun. The tips were pretty straight forward, nothing new at all. I did like how they mentioned re-reading and highlighting the text was not the most effective route. I always feel like reading the book is the most studious thing to do, but it really is true I remember way better if I apply it more. That is what is great about our text-no zoning out because we have to stop and test or journal.

    1. The key to good study skills is just figuring out how to get involved and relate the material to yourself.

  23. I enjoyed this video. I also think sleep is good for encoding and retrieval of memory. I work night shift so I can say from experience that if you don't get a good night sleep your body will not function correctly throughout the day. For me, I have insomnia. This couple with working night shift leads me to not get enough sleep every night. I sometimes wonder how better I will function if I would get a good night rest every day. I do fairly well with four hours of sleep, but I still wonder. I guess for me it just that I have to make sacrifices and that sacrifice is sleep.

  24. The video I watched was "Study Hacks! Get Better Grades 2015" I liked this video and the many hacks that she gave are so helpful and something I never thought to do. The hack I liked the best was the one where she put things she needs to get done studying or homework she needs don't and some rewards into a cup and would pick a piece of paper out randomly and do that part first. This tips were so simple and easy to replicate and I feel like they could really help me study especially the one that she puts on her door. She puts questions on her door and can't enter until she gets one right. I would really motivate me to memorize so I can go into my room, especially after school when I'm tired and all I want to do is take a nap.

  25. After watching “Sleep to Remember, Remember to Sleep,” the one thing that I learned is that whether I am cramming information into my brain for a test the next day or finishing up last minute homework, sleep is necessary to function. I was and still am the type of person to study the night before a test because I procrastinated, and I’m in the situation where I’m running out of time to study before the test, so I decide to pull an all nighter and stay awake to study until my next exam. I’ve done that many times and there have been times where it has helped me and other times where it has backfired. While watching the video and learning about how sleep helps restructure the brain in order to help our memory, I’ve realized that I let the fear of failure prevent me from getting a good night’s rest. It’s my fault that I procrastinate and I don’t get enough rest. It’s a domino effect. Since I’m trying to fill my brain with so much information in a limited amount of time, I’ll be forgetting 40 percent of the information I learn every 20 minutes and I’ll only retain certain information. Sleep is crucial and if I feel confident about a test, I should let myself rest instead of try to study even more.

    1. Hey Carlene,
      I can totally relate to you on pulling an all nighter in order to finish my homework, but after watching the video I realized that I am better off just going to sleep. I also realized that it is not good to try and cram my brain with all this knowledge at once because, I will just forget all of it, if I do not study it often.

  26. The video I watched was "Sleep to Remember, Remember to Sleep". In this video they talked about the importance of sleep. I learned that it is good to sleep a few hours after studying, because that is when your brain makes connections and restructures. I also learned that when you are stressed out you tend to remember those moments more often. In conclusion, it is best to just sleep on it.

    1. It's very interesting to learn that you should study right before bed, so you can retain the information while you sleep. I never know that little tip. I always studied more in the afternoon.

  27. I watched the video how to get straight A's the video did have great tips such as do not procrastinate, make sure to do assignments on time, also great tips about how to memorize or study for subjects by writing notes down on sticky notes and placing them in spots that you are typically around so that you will read the info and will be able to take in the info and be able to study without you even really trying. I believe this video was beneficial teaching me many different concepts but it was very simple and didn't really teach anything new

    1. Very interesting lance, although we didn't watch the same video we still have the same ideas in mind and it was great to see how that video reflected you. I do too believe in financial teachings and stuff in that area and glad to see a passion for that too. Overall great response hope to hear more from you soon!

  28. I Had watched the first video with asap science about tips and tricks to study. I really liked the video, i thought it was interesting yet imforative at the same time. I really liked how in depth it was and at the same time still kept possibilities that distract us from studying very modern, like listening to music and seeing notifications on your phone. Overall i though it was a very interesting video that i was glad to watch, and also i watched another asap science video relating to sleep and thought that was nice too see too. Hope to see more ideas and discussions like this in the future.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I watched the video of "How To Get Straight A's! Study Tips" and it is helpful. I been struggling to get straight A's because I wasn't using the right way to study. This video showed me some tips that I didn't know about, such as putting sticky notes of homework problems I need to memorize. Then put the notes around my room. Also I learned making a code for words that I need to memories for tests or homework. Another tip she said is to listen in class. This tip is so important because listening in class will help you understand things. If you don't listen is class then you will have a hard time understanding. those tips are helpful and I will use them on my daily life. I liked the whole video and she was giving simple easy tips anyone can do.

    1. I thought this video was helpful as well. I would love to get straightA's but it has been a struggle for me too. I lack the motivation to study and sometimes need little things to face myself to study because I know I want good grades and I beat myself up for it because eI could have studied more and these tips are really great to help you study and finding better ways to study overall.I feel like listening in class is key to getting good grades because if you aren't listening you are missing important information that could be on tests. I love using her tips to studying now. It really makes it easier to study.

  31. The video I chose to watch was "Sleep to Remember, Remember to Sleep". It had a lot good tips and information. For example the information about studying before going to bed, a teacher had told me this before but hadn't put much weight to it. The "Forgetting Curve" was also something I didn't know about or at least that's the first time I remember hearing of it. I also learned that the different stages of sleep provide different benefits. Like in stage 4 information is sent to the interior of the hippocampus and is then sent to the cortex for storage in the long term memory.

  32. Sleep to Remember, Remember to Sleep

    I found this video very interesting as I did not know that sleep was something more than just rest, and that it actually serves very important role in the formation of new long term memories, among other things. The advice the video gives, to get more sleep, is some that i should really take. I have a problem with procrastination, and because of this I often end up staying late cramming for assignments. If I can solve this, I can in turn get more sleep, which will help my memory.
