Monday, October 24, 2016

Chapter 9, Test Taking, October 24-30

1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?

2. Look at this YouTube video at, “Test Stress Reduction the Navy Seals Way,”  This 3 minute video shows some ways to be successful “when the world is on fire.”  Share your comments on the video.  Can the Navy Seals techniques be used in college and in life in general? 

3.  If you have difficulties with text anxiety, take a look at this video and summarize the key points: Test Anxiety Solutions 

4. How do you study for a math test?

5. What is the ideal way to review for a test?

6. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

7. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

8. Comment on another student's post. 


  1. In the video "Test Stress Reduction the Navy Seal Way", I learned about a stress management technique to employ in times of high stress. The idea is to make many very short term goals throughout a day or project. This can be used in real life and in college in times when I'm overwhelmed by breaking a task into manageable pieces. For example, for a midterm essay, my goals might be to write one more paragraph before lunch, or to write an intro, or to gather three sources.

    1. This seems like really good advice! What's the best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time :)

    2. The quote " What's the best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time" is really awesome, I was taught that technique for breaking tasks into smaller chinks when I was young by one of my soccer coaches and I have found it really useful throughput my life.

  2. Some disadvantages to cramming include stress, fatigue, and failure to commit information to long term memory. To avoid cramming, it's important to create a plan for studying that breaks the material into smaller pieces over time and then to schedule time to review these smaller pieces. It is important to review material immediately after being introduced to it, and again a day later and a week later.

    1. Hey Jacalyn, I agree with you its always better to break things up, and take time otherwise it will all go downhill:(
      I have found it so helpful reviewing for material right after lecture its crazy how much this trick helps!

  3. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

    For me, the key is to not procrastinate. I have procrastinated in the past, trying to cram at the last minute because I felt the test would be easy and I knew what material would be on the test. Key points that I knew would be tested were lost in a menagerie of information I tried to memorize in the short term and my results were not great. It is really risky to study last minute. I like to study after each lecture so that the notes can stay fresh in my head. If there's a study guide available, I fill it out as I take notes each class period so that I know where that question is coming from. Taking good notes in class is also important because most tests come directly from the lectures, and your notes become your own study guide. Ask questions during class, and utilize your professor's office hours when needed. I have yet to find a professor who wasn't more than happy to email or talk about the subject matter any time. I think they actually appreciate your willingness for clarification and help. They don't get bonus points for giving you a bad grade--- talk to your professor!!!

    1. Hey Tiffany!
      For starters I completely agree because I procrastinate all the time! I always come out of a test feeling really confident and come to find out that I did average on it, I think this is due to not studying enough for tests, so thank you for the tips! I will for sure use them!

    2. Hey Tiffany,
      I totally agree that procrastination is the biggest time waster. I have a big problem when it comes to it because I wont study. Key points should be the main things to learn when focusing. The next time I try to study for an exam I feel like I will try to stay focused.

    3. Yes, talking to your professor shows that you are interested in his or her course. They are there to help.

  4. 4. How do you study for a math test?

    The way I study for a math test is I do a lot of problems throughout the days I learn the new material, because in math there is no other way to study then to just do problems after problems until you keep getting the right answer. Another way you can do it, is have someone come up with a 'fake test' and have you take it to see how much you actually know so you know what to focus on and study the most.

    1. I agree! You definitely have to just continue to repeat to do problems after problems in order to truly commit the formulas and steps to memory. I think that might be why math is so frustrating to people who don't just easily understand it, is that is takes much repetition and trial and error to completely understand some topics in math.

  5. How do you study for a math test?
    How I study for a math test is by starting out looking over lecture notes and also by looking over the homework. I start studying for the test couple of days before the test because that will help me memorize all the equations. I always make an exam for myself to be able to recognize if I can solve the materials or not. An addition, I restudy for the test, I go back over what I had trouble with on my practice exam. The most important thing is to study all the vocabulary because it will help me on the test to know what the words mean so I can be able to solve the math problem.

    1. Good suggestions for studying for a math test. Making practice tests really helps.

  6. What is the ideal way to review for a test
    The ideal way to review for the test is to have good notes that have what’s more important in a subject and spend at least five minutes every night to review them so when the test comes up you’re not going to get stressed out because you already know them you just need to review them all together just to remember them again. If you do this you’re going to do good in all of your classes and your grades are going to get better.

    1. I couldn't agree more with you! its all about the notes because if your notes aren't good and don't have any informations thats going to be on the test than that means you didn't really study for the test because you won't know anything:(

  7. What is the ideal way to review for a test?
    The ideal was to study for a test is first off to always be relaxed and focused. Second having good notes because if your notes lack and don't have any good information that the best bet is you won't be ready for the exam. The worst thing you can do is study for a quiz the night before staying up late because your just going to be all stressed out with lack of sleep which will only make it worse for you at the end. You need to learn to study for a little bit each day leading up wot the test day so you are all ready and you remember the material better. Last but not least the day f the test have a good and healthy breakfast, it makes a huge difference!

    1. These are all great suggestions for studying for tests. Good job!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. How do you study for a math test?
    I personally study for a math test by practicing the problems over an over again until I am confident in myself that i understand it with no difficulties. Second if I need to memorize formulas I use the flashcard trick and quiz myself until I have the formulas memorized. It really helps me because I do this days leading up the the test I don't to it the night before because then I find it harder to remember and staying up late makes me feel incredibly tired the morning after.

    1. Hello Cynthia,
      I like how you study and to be honest it is the best way. I'm usually failing my math tests and the other day I was thinking I was like why wouldn't I just repeat how to do the problem because probably it will get easier for me. And here you said it and I will try to stud for my next test like that.

  10. How do you study for a math test?

    Studying is very important when it comes to tests like math tests. Many people try to study for math in the same way they would study for a science or language test by simply memorizing formulas and equations or the way they would memorize facts and information. Sometimes studying math with a group could help because if you don’t get the problem your group will help you because solving problems have different ways. I would also recommend making up practice problems to solve so you could have an even better understanding of that particular section. However, I always try to understand the problem not memorize it because math subject needs understanding

    1. Good suggestions for studying for math tests which are different from other types of tests.

  11. What is the best ideal way to review for a test?

    The best idea to review for a test is to get into the room or a place that you feel good to study but alone if it was a history subject or English. However, you need to take out important points and highlight them. Also, have flashcards with you because flashcards help a lot. Try to not have music because sometimes music makes you not focus. For example, you will sing the song and you would totally forget what you studied. The good idea could be that try to study by making the sentence or the words as a song or a formula. You could remember that in the test.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. 4- How do you study for a math test?
    I study for a math test . The first step, I look over the test and try to understand the problems. T he second step, I start solving the easy problems first an finish them so I leave time to hard problems . the third step, I leave space between my answers, so
    add things that I feel they are required for me problems probably . The fourth step, when I feel that some problems are hard , I write everything that relates to the problem and tries to give an answer for it even if it is wrong finally , when I finish answer all the questions , I check my answer.

  14. 5- What is the ideal way to review for a test?
    The ideal way to prepare for midterms and finals is first by attending all classes and not missing any lecture because the lecture is very important to understand the material. Second ideal way is distributing the practice and working in groups so if anyone does not understand the something, the other one can help him or her . also , managing the time is really important and try to schedule my study to be successful , finally , reviewing the tools going over everything step by step will all help to get ready to the midterm and final exam because each step completes the other one and read your notes before you go to the test will help you.

  15. 4. How do you study for a math test?

    Studying for math test can be difficult for many but there are tricks to make it easier. You must plan ahead to make a math test easy to comprehend. Each day when you take notes spend time after to practice some problems. Math is mainly repetition if you can be able to do problems without mistakes you are getting the concept slowly. Generally people study by memorizing formulas, but that would not help much because of the several types of problems that could be given. Besides planning ahead the best way to understand a concept before the test would be use all the resources available to you such as practice test, use office hours, and make time for tutoring.

    1. I agree. Math is difficult to learn and study for. Math honestly just requires repeated practice of the problems to commit it to memory. Memorizing formulas especially can be achieved by practicing new problems. There are plenty of online study guides and practice tests for different concepts of math. I will definitely be utilizing those when I am having to take my required math class.

  16. 6. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

    Cramming for a test can result in a grade you are not happy with. The major disadvantage include not learning all the material. Test anxiety is another big reason. People tend to overreact to test and this makes them really nervous. Considering people know the material this takes over them and has they will start to make little mistakes resulting in getting a bad grade. Another reason for getting a bad grade is because you tried to test cram and did not get enough sleep. If you get enough sleep this will help you remember the material better because it is in your long term memory. Test cramming has many disadvantages which could result with a bad grade.

    1. Hi Kanar,
      I agree that cramming is not the ideal way to study. It can work short term and last for maybe an hour, but it doesnt always work.

  17. How do you study for a math test?
    I am usually terrible at math in general. I only succeed in the tests when I study using this method. When the instructor has us copy down formulas, usually I will write the formula out multiple times in order to etch it into my memory, ad right before a test I will make sure I know the formula by heart, because math is literally almost all formula based. I like to have friends write out problems for me and I try to solve them, to prove to myself I have mastered the topic and am ready for the test. going to the instructor for tutoring is always a great option as well.

    1. Hello Theo. That is a very good method of studying math but sometimes it'll lead to you to Butcher the test. I recommend practicing and then doing every example you can. Sometimes you have to manipulate the formulas more than once.

    2. I like your suggestions of memorizing the formulas and then practicing problems. Getting tutoring is a great idea also.

  18. The Ideal way to review for a test is a study guide. That is usually what gives me the most sucess in studying for the terst. I will often also re-write the study guide questions and answers onto my notebook to make sure I have it completely memorized.

  19. Some disadvantages of cramming for a test is that you will be stressed out while your studying. You won't get to study as much and as good as you should. When I study for a test I like to study in a timely manner. For example say my test is a week away I will divide up the studying so I could avoid cramming for the test. I do not do well on test when I have to cram stuff in because then I am not as confident as I should be. If you space your time out, you will be much more confident on the test and will most likely do better.

    1. I know exactly how you feel. Whenever I have crammed the day before the test, it has not gone well. I feel like I'm overloading myself and won't be able to retain anything I'm studying. Because of this, the last few times I've procrastinated for a test I only reviewed the main points and have actually done better than cramming. I don't know if it's because of my confidence being stronger or if the short review helped more.

    2. Of course it is better to study a little at a time throughout the semester, but if that does not happen, reviewing the main points is most helpful. This is what I call the emergency strategy, but I don't recommend using it all the time.

  20. The ideal way to study for a test is a couple of options it really is what you prefer and feel comfortable with. I like to use a study guide and flash cards so I can take the flash cards where ever I go with me so when I am waiting for something or I have free time I can take out my flash cards and review. I also like to have little study groups to help me study with my peers so we can push each other and go over the test questions together.

    1. Flash cards and study groups are powerful strategies. Good job!

  21. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

    I would definitely say that cramming for a test is a very difficult thing to do and not a great way to achieve a good grade on a test. Your brain learns things in waves. Often times while cramming you might be reading the information for the first time, this means your brain hasn't actually retained anything that you are reading. The ideal way to completely learn the material would be to skim over the chapter before attending the lecture. Then to re read the information and take more in depth notes within a day or two of attending a lecture. You will then want to repeat reading and comprehending the same information about a week after learning it. Of course there will need to be more studying of the information prior to the test, but if you don't procrastinate you will have a better chance at remembering the material on the exam.

    1. Great tips for preparation throughout the semester. These study ideas will lesson test anxiety and lead to better test performance. Good job!

  22. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?

    Positive self talk often has a lot to do with the ability of one to absorb and retain information needed for a test. It also effects the quality of notes you take, and how well you can describe and point out the main points and important topics. Changing the way that one thinks about their study habit and test taking skills can definitely improve their test scores and overall confidence to complete school. Instead of say "I am terrible at taking tests", instead you could say "I am doing my best to be prepared to do well on this test". Of course you can't just say this and it will happen, you have to actually make sure that you are truly preparing for the exam as well. Being ill prepared for an exam is one of the biggest reasons people experience test taking anxiety. Being prepared means showing up to class, taking effective notes, and reading the required material. Also asking for help when you don't understand something. Being prepared can make anyone who was "bad" at test taking, even a little bit better at it.

    1. I like your comments about positive self-talk. It makes learning easier.

  23. I believe that the Navy Seals techniques can be used in college and in life because sometimes anxiety and stress are something that we have to deal with sometimes on a daily basis. These ways to control it will help students become more successful and more likely to pass a class. Sometimes things in school or life can become overwhelming, and these tactics are helpful in removing test anxiety, and the stress from daunting study schedules. The four techniques are goal setting, mental rehearsal, self-talk, and arousal control. The main point of these strategies are to help you focus on what you can do and be successful at.

    1. hey martin,
      i agree with every point you stated because those tactics are very helpful to me.

    2. Also include short goals and accomplish them. This provides the motivation to keep going.

  24. 4. How do you study for a math test?

    Formulas are usually the most important things that I have to remember, and I usually use flashcards to place them in my long-term memory, while also reviewing them before the test. If I missed something during a day, I would checkout the resources I have and try to learn the material online. I always also review my homework because most problems on there will be on the test, and this gives me a better idea of what the questions will look like. Having a study group with a bunch of friends is something that I may also do, if I can't solve a problem, I'm sure one of them will be able to, or all of us together can.

    1. Hello Martin,
      I totally agree with you that formulas are very important things we have to know it before study anything. For example, for me, when I have a test first, I write all the formulas I need to know it on flashcards and memorize them. The second thing,review homework problems are very important because the homework contain different kind of example that help me to understand the materials well.

  25. The best way to study for exams is not to procrastinate because from personal experience I find myself doing way better on an exam that I studied for throughout the week than for a test I crammed all the information I possibly could the night before. Also, looking over notes and powerpoint lectures always help because all the information you need is there. I always highlight things professors write on the board because if they take the time to write it down, it will most likely be on the exam. Another important thing to do is get a good sleep and eat a healthy, energizing breakfast.

    1. Good tips for studying for exams. These should help you to be prepared and confident.

  26. The disadvantages of cramming for a test is that you probably will not get a good nights rest, the information will not be retained for too long, and you will have anxiety from trying to learn so much in a short amount of time. To avoid cramming, all you really have to do is time manage. If you set 30 minutes to an hour each day reviewing for about a week before the exam you would have studied for about 3.5-7 hours. Another thing that helps is reviewing notes after lecture or even attending a tutorial that the professor has.

  27. In the youtube video "Test Stress Reduction the Navy Seal Way", they discuss techniques used by the Navy Seals to help get them through their "hell week". From the video, I learned a technique to help me get through days/weeks where there just seems to be too much stuff on my plate. The technique is just split up your tasks into single manageable goals. For example, NAVY SEALS will think of their tasks as: "I just need to get to lunch and then I can rest", after lunch: "I just need to get through this last 100 yards of beach". Splitting hard or numerous tasks up using this method helps your mind break everything down making everything seem less daunting.

  28. How do you study for a math test?

    The way I study for a math test is first of all; turn off my cell phone to decrease any distractions it may cause. Second, write all the formulas I need to know for the test on sheet and memorize them. In my opinion, flashcards are very helpful when trying to memorize math formulas. Third, I go through the practice test and solve each problem, then I go through my notes and read all the examples that the teacher provided in the lecture notes. At last, I redo the practice exam as a test, and at this time I should be able to finish it fast and know everything that's on there.

    1. I'm glad you mentioned turning off the cell phone. I think this is a problem for many students today. Your other steps will lead to success also.

  29. In my opinion, the ideal way to review for a test would be to go through all the notes material that the professor discussed in class and make sure that you are familiar with all of them and know them all. In addition, you have to go through the homework and make sure that you can answer everything and understand all the material on the homework. Finally, make flashcards of the most important things that you think will definitely be on the test and go over them multiple of times until it is time to take the test. After that, you should be very prepared and familiar with everything on the test.

  30. 1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?

    I would tell the student to create motivation within themselves to help them create a strong state of mind. Often test anxiety is one of the things that cause students to have bad test scores even if they study properly and do the necessary precautions to ensure a good grade.

    1. Positive thinking backed up by practice and studying over a period of time will help to minimize test anxiety.

  31. 5. What is the ideal way to review for a test?

    I believe the ideal way to study for a test, any test, based on this chapter would have to revolve around studying. Most students fail their test because they procrastinate, the best way to do good on a test is to study your notes after and before class, do not cram all study sessions at one time or before the test day, and break the studying sessions into different parts. Also on the actual test day it is important to get a good nights sleep and eat a heart healthy breakfast in the morning to get yourself going for the test.

    1. Yes you are absolutely correct you always have to have a great breakfast to kick off ur day and help urself mentally be ready

  32. How do you study for a math test?
    Look over lecture notes and the problems that were given through out the lecture, do them from scratch and see if you got the same answer. Re-do some homework problems that you had trouble with the first time. Try to attend some teacher tutorials where you can look ovr the book problems and see what you didn't get from the first time.

    1. Math is still one of my favorite subjects. I like it because it requires me to think. I prepare for a math exam by looking over every note I have ever taken. Meaning anything the teacher has written on the board. I would review some formulas if necessary by making flash cards. I would also look over any graded quizzes and I would study some problems on my own. Maybe study the incorrect problems on returned assignments

    2. I'm glad to hear that math is one of your favorite subjects since math is powerful and leads to good careers. I don't hear this often enough from students.

  33. Cramming all night has many disadvantages. Rest is important when it comes to test taking. I personally love my sleep and would be mad at myself =if I waited to the last minute and had to sacrifice my sleep. In the chapter it stated that staying up all night studying leads to more confusion. If I already didn't study the material it makes no sense to confuse myself even more by cramming at the last minute Cramming at the last minute will probably put you behind in the whole class.

    1. Hello sade sade, I agree that cramming at night is a bad idea. It is very good to get rest at night. Resting before a test can help with memory and keep you awake while taking the test. Not having sleep will put you at an disadvantage because you will be too tired to concentrate and relax. This will effect your result and leave you disappointed. This is why resting and getting a good night sleep is more important than cramming. Reading many chapters before a test will only overwhelm you and create stress. I fully agree with your statement.

  34. When I have an upcoming test I study as much as I can before the date comes. I study in little sections so I won't get overwhelmed or stressed out. I review the class notes and take in all the information I can. Some disadvantages of cramming before a test is you won't get as much information in your head. Also you are rushed to cram in chapters of reading which can be overwhelming. Some advantages of cramming is you will refresh your mind on what you are being tested on. Also you might read something out the book that might be on the test.

    1. Studying a little at a time throughout the semester works best. Good job!

  35. 1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?

    I believe that every student can succeed in college and with success come good test taking . Usually the students that are not good at test taking are the students that are inadequately prepare. There are multiple reason for a student to not be prepare. From chapter 8, a student can learn that he\she should not procrastinate till the last day to study or do the homework. Homework us helpful because it prepares the student and gives a better understanding of the material. If the student is not able to study for a test, than he/she should memorized absolute qualifiers and read the section on effective guessing. He/she might not fail that badly on the test. Although this is not the case for a math class, since in math class the student is graded on the work they show and not much for the correct answer.

    1. Yes, practice and preparation are the keys to success on tests. Good job!

  36. How do you study for a math test?

    For a math test I try to do my homework or at least half of the homework after class. This keeps my mind in a state where I'm actually learning the material and directing the material into long term memory. I used the weekends to finished off all my math homework. Also in order for this technique to succeed, I don't really go out with friends. I might go out twice a month. I found that this grooms me for an upcoming test. As a caveat, I also find other ways to do a math problem. I look for sources on the internet where they show different approaches to solving a problem. I recommend this for someone that is open and self learning. This couple with the practice test that the math professor hands out is sufficient. If I don't feel certain about a problem, I will do other problems that are on the back of the textbook. This is how I tackle a math test.

    1. I like the idea of doing at least some of your math homework right after class before you have time to forget what you have learned in class. Also there are great resources on the Internet. Thanks for sharing these ideas.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I am a procrastinator when it comes to studying for exams. I always tend to leave my studying until the night before a test because I feel like if I study the night before I wont forget the material I studied. My way of studying does come with some disadvantages though. Some disadvantages of cramming for a test is forgetting what you studied since you studied everything quickly at once. One time I crammed for an exam and when I went to take the exam I completely blanked and forgot everything. I avoid cramming for exams by studying two or three days before and reviewing what I studied couple hours before the test.

    1. Sounds like you have learned from experience the difficulties with cramming. The problem is that the information is in short term memory that leaves very quickly.

  39. 1. Students often say, "I am not a good test taker"
    Some ideas that would be helpful for these students would be mainly to manage your time wisely. Mainly to set times to study throughout the week before your test. Also, make sure to have enough sleep the night before the test and in the morning have a lite healthy breakfast. I would also recommend preparing and visualizing that you are going to pass, so that your chances of passing are higher.

    1. Hey Marco I agree with you. It is important to prepare yourself for what is coming. It is important to get a good nights sleep. Studying ahead of time is also very important. Having a good healthy breakfast is important because it helps you stay focused and takes your mind off food and puts in on the test instead.

  40. What is the best way to study for a math exam?

    Practice Practice Practice. Math is a whole different language and reading the book is just not enough. Many students tend to skim over their notes and homework yet they are not getting the information needed or the concepts that are crucial to understand. Only way to get math into your brain is by practicing every single problem and every example provided. Not only this will help you remember the concept. But it will also prepare you for future exams.

    1. I agree that practice is the most important technique for success in math. Good job!

  41. 4. How do you study for a math test ?
    I usually study for a math test by taking notes and focusing and the main points. For example the PEMDAS strategy when necessary its easier and more interesting for me. I like to work step by step when working on math problems and practice formulas. Also, I like to work with classmates to get a better understanding and to see a different viewpoint

    1. Working with classmates in a study group is very helpful in math. Good job!

  42. Cramming a test is a horrible idea of studying. Skimming the material will lead you to forget important concepts and facts which will lead to anxiety and confusion during the test. One of the biggest disadvantage of cramming is losing all the information afterwards. Our memories aren't that great and most people cannot remember most of what they read the night before.

  43. Being a bad test taker should not be an excuse. I do not anyone can just be a good test taker. It takes someone the effort to listen i class, do the homework, and study in a timely matter. It is very important to be confident and not to worry about anything except what the material is.

    1. I agree with you Anthony how you should be confident while taking your test to insure that you are more prepared to take the exam. Also it's important to be prepared just as important to try to relax before an exam an making sure you clear your mind so you aren't freaking out during the test. Making sure to complete the test is important and to do this, you need to make sure you start with the easier questions so you can make sure you are doing your best on the test and becoming a better test taker.

  44. There are ways to be a better test taker. There are people who get test anxiety that cause them to become a bad test taker. Making sure that you know the information that you are testing on helps you with anxiety because you feel more confident. Making sure that you had plenty of sleep the night before and made sure you did not procrastinate. Making sure you study is the best way to be a great test taker. Making sure you are eating breakfast in the morning before a test and clearing your mind before a test not slamming information an hour before. When taking the test make sure you aren't focusing on all the hard questions first. Get the easy ones out of the way and then move on to the hard ones because it will maximize your points and you'll have more done if you run out of time.

    1. These are all great ideas to prepare for a test. Good job!

  45. Many students have trouble doing well on tests for many reasons such as, procrastination this is arguably the biggest reason that students don't do well in a class or on a mid term exam, my suggestion are that you first show up to class in order to learn you must be present. Also have the ability to be able to take proper and accurate notes that are going to be key concepts on the test, be sure to create flash cards or even a summary map of what is going to be on the test -LANCE SAFARTA

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. As a person who suffers every now and again with procrastination I could not agree with you more!! I had to learn the hard way that all the time that I spent procrastinating could have been used to prepare myself instead of wasted on just thinking about the things I should do to be prepared. The tips you suggested are very good ideas that would be great tools to study with. My personal favorite is using flash cards to begin with. They help me with memorizing and can then be used to generate a sheet of notes with out having to sort through a lot of information with in the text book!

  46. How do you study for a math test?

    This is the way I study that will help me to be successful in this math test which are Hard work, Experience, Confidence, Satisfaction, and Competence. The first step to success in math is to put in the effort required. Attend class, do my homework, and get help if needed. It is important to experience success, even in small steps, and build on my success. If i put in the effort and hard work, I will gain experience in math. If I gain experience with math, I will become more confident in your ability to do math test. If I have confidence, I will gain satisfaction in doing math test. I may even learn to like it!

    1. Great summary of the math success formula in the textbook.

  47. 7. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

    The best way to study for a exam is to know how to study for it. But first of all, I must be attending the class for lectures, so I can know what the teacher has been covering on for the exam. Then, note taking is the best way to keep all the important information, so later on I can go back to it to study. I would start on managing a time and place of where I want to study because I won't get disturb. After finding the comfortable place and good time, I take out all the notes I have been taking and try to review them by using which review tools I like. I mostly like the outline format. I like to keep all my notes organized and structured. I personally like to look for clues from the instructor about what will be on the test, so I can know what I should study for the exam. Sometimes, I like to form a study group and divide up the material to be reviewed. Finally, I will be ready to take the exam.

    1. Good summary of successful strategies for success on exams.

  48. Many people claim to not be "a good test taker". I, myself, am one of them. It wasn't until this semester when I realized I'm not a good test taker in math. Only in math... and this realization brought me to have a wake up call and realize I'm just not studying the right way to be comfortable taking the test. I test fine in my other classes, but I always have test anxiety in math, and I truly believe it is because I do not study the right way. I began to study the way that the text in this class has recommended for a quiz I will be taking this Wednesday. I think it will work because I do not feel angry when I am completing my homework anymore... lol. I have had less stress and I feel ready to walk into math rather than annoyed.

    1. So glad you have been able to apply these math study techniques to improve your math tests.

  49. Some ways to avoid cramming is forcing yourself to study immediately after information is given to you. After a lecture, in any sort of down time you have, from waiting for your coffee to be made or sitting on the toilet, review the material that you studied. Those moments can be more productive than you think! Just simply studying for 15 minutes can improve your memory on the lecture by so much. Just having the repetition of the material will help you remember what you need to. This way, you do not need to worry abut studying for hours the day before and not getting any sleep. Reading the human escources book was crazy when I found out that you lose up to 30% of I.Q. points when you don't get enough sleep the night before! That's insane, man.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Good summary of the Navy Seals video. Hope you find these techniques useful.

  51. 4. How do you study for a math test? I stay on top of all my home work and class work. By doing this I am practicing the material and becoming familiar with the steps it takes to solve the problems. I got lucky to have a professor that lets us know what type of problems will be on the test so there are no surprises and I know exactly what to study. I use hand outs along with the information that is provided in my math lab along with my text book to create a detailed review sheet to study during the days leading up to the test! I also practice solving various problems and if need be I go get tutoring! I am happy to report that I have not failed a single test yet and I am fairly confident that I will not only pass this course but have the knowledge that I will need in order to be successful in the next level of math that I have to take.

    1. I like your comments about how you prepare for math tests. Thanks for sharing your ideas with the class.

  52. #1. This chapter really spoke to me as I have often been the one to say "I am not a good test taker." It was convicting to see that just my negative attitude can really effect my test scores. I also think I need to make it more of a priority to be prepared, so my confidence isn't false. Then, I need to go into the test with confidence, instead of fear which can overwhelm me and cause me to perform worse. I need to be better about studying in little bits over a longer stretch of time, too. Sometimes I try to cram my brain so full that I can't remember anything. Sadly, I have done so many of the common test mistakes including staying up all night and skipping breakfast. Sometimes I get stuck on one hard question, instead of doing the ones I know first. Although (on that note), have you noticed that a lot of online tests only present one question at a time? That is a bummer. Anyway, good reminders in this chapter. No more talking bad about myself. I just need to be prepared and keep my eyes focused on success. I've got this.

    1. I enjoyed reading your comments and how you have learned from experience. Good job!

  53. 5. What is the ideal way to review for a test?
    Assuming that you review the material after class, you can start by rereading your notes for that section or chapter. Then if your textbook has them available to you, check our the chosen questions for that chapter to help you review the main ideas in the text. Then review keywords and become familiar with them enough to recite and explain their significance. The biggest thing is to spread our your reviewing over the period of at least a week and be sure to give yourself enough time a good night's rest. Lastly, go into your studying and test with a positive state of mind, because if you think you can, you are more likely to do so!

  54. 6. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
    You are at an all-around disadvantage if you are cramming for a test. First, you are not giving yourself the ability to effectively take in the information and are stressing yourself out n the process. It puts your mind and body in a busy state of mind and keeps you from getting a good night's rest. You are tiring yourself out,stressing yourself, and putting yourself through a mental ringer.

    You can avoid this by giving yourself adequate time to study and review without overdoing it and stressing yourself out. Take your time and work in chunks that build off each other. You got this!
