Monday, September 19, 2016

Chapter 4, Planning Your Career and Education, Sept. 19-25

The chapter for this week is "Planning your Career and Education." It has some useful information as you think about your future career.  You have begun the process of understanding your personal strengths, interests and talents.  The next step is to match your characteristics to the world of work.  It is important to understand the job outlook so that you will know about job availability and pay.  Note that your career portfolio includes which is a site where you can look up current jobs in your area of interest to see how many jobs are available and how much they pay.  You can use your career portfolio and this site to find a job when you graduate.  

Choose any topic below. You can choose 2 topics of 100 words each or one topic for 200 words.

Go to and look up some jobs that could be a match for your interests and talents.  What did you discover at this site?

Add your comment to another student's posting. Can you relate to what they are saying and can you share similar experiences?

What is your generation? Baby Boomer? Generation X? New Millennial? Generation Z? How will your generation affect your future career choices?

Review the employment trends presented in the career chapter. How will these employment trends affect your future career plans?

What tips would you give to a friend before he or she interviewed for a job that was really important?

Go to and explore this site. This site is designed to help you understand the courses needed to transfer to a four year university. Share with the group what you found there.

Go to and explore this site. This is our Cuyamaca College Transfer site. Share with the group what you found at this site.


  1. Review the employment trends presented in the career chapter. How will these employment trends affect your future career plans?
    The employment trends make my career outlook better than I expected. Many baby boomers currently hold jobs as high school teachers, which is the job I desire, and will be retiring in the next 5-7 years. There is already a national shortage of teachers, so with this additional move of retiring teachers, there will be even more spaces available for new teachers to fill. More job openings will give me more latitude to chose which district I would like to teach in and to hopefully start as a full time employee immediately upon hiring.
    What is your generation? Baby Boomer? Generation X? New Millennial? Generation Z? How will your generation affect your future career choices?
    My generation is the Millenials. We have a foot in each world of the Generation X and Generation Z, which makes us very versatile. We understand the importance of good communication and hard work, and we also are familiar enough with technology that we adapt to technological changes more easily than earlier generations. I feel teaching is a great match for my generation as it requires a combination of in person skills and ingenuity, and also an adaptability to technology and ability to teach it. As technology grows, there will always be a demand for teachers to teach how to use it.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Thanks for getting this discussion off to a good start. I think there will be job opportunities for teachers in the near future as the baby boomers retire.

  2. As I read and searched about these four topics, I found out that I am in the Generation Z. Generation Z are the people who start born on 1995 and it ends in 2015. The other generations are the people who were born in the 1800s. I believe that this generation has the best qualities and challenges because the more years come, the more technology and other stuff occur. For example, in other generation people didn't used to have technology or school. Some people didn't know how to write or read because there was no school at that time. This is why the generation Z has the most qualities and challenges.

    If I have a friend that wants to get a job and has a job interview, I will ask them to get advice from people or me if they are not sure what to do. However, I have experienced in job interviews because I used to apply to many jobs and get an interview, but very job is different. I will advice my friend to has strength when she goes to job interview. Try raise her/him voice while talking because most of the mangers don’t like people who are quite. Also, you need to communicate because that is the first thing you need to do.

    1. I had to laugh when I read "the other generations are the people who were born in the 1800s."

      I mean, I know I'm starting to get some creases and laugh lines, but 1800s? Ouch!!!

    2. I am thinking that you are referring to the 1900's. I am a baby boomer and was thinking I am getting older, but not 1800's. Your comment made me smile.

  3. My first impression of was that it is a very busy site with a lot going on! Once I got to the results of my search I noticed that the list was pretty long for jobs available in that specific field and to find out about each of them I thought I would have to click threw them one at a time! I also noticed that information about salary, the company, and experience level was off to the side and that I could navigate my way by using those categories to search the jobs that fit my needs, amazing! Indeed is a all in one site that can come in handy for any one searching for employment. On this site, all the guess work is taken out of the job search leaving a straight forward approach in hunting for a job in a specific field that fits the individual needs of the seeker! On a few occasions I can remember my mom going out to pick up the paper and a reader to look for jobs and how lucky are we to have access to this information one click away? When it comes to searching for employment we certainly got it made and is a perfect example as to why!

    1. Hello Marlisa,
      I have been to this website before and it kind of help but still annoying because it tells you to go to a lot of places and then click on the job you want, but later on it won't be the same job. Also, they will keep sending you on your e-mail that there are lots of jobs. Even though, when you do an application online it takes lots of time and they would need lots of information about you. However, I believe paper applications are better because they don't take your time and you don't have to do an assessment test because half of jobs that are online they would want you to take an assessment test.

    2. I do think that we have a lot of benefits in using technology in finding employment. It is not perfect, but a powerful tool. In the future more jobs will be posted online and people will post their resumes online also.

  4. Even though I never had a job interview before I am always asked for advice for these things and I'm guessing it might have to do with my social skills. I would advise my friend to first research the company in which he or she is seeking to be employed by. This is important because questions asked at the interview could have great answers that easily relate to the company and this would show that you one, know about the business and two, are interested enough to learn about it prior to the interview! I would tell my friend to dress to impress and to also be punctual for obvious reasons. My last bit of advice would be to start with a firm handshake, be polite, maintain eye contact, and stay on topic when answering questions! I can remember these tips that were given to me during a job readiness class clear as day and surprisingly I still remember them to use and share till this day.

  5. A tip I would give my friend before before going on a very important interview is to go in there with lots of confidence and most importantly being yourself because they want to know about you. Good pointers which in my opinion is a must do in any interview because its the professional thing to do is First be there 10-15 minutes early just so they know you are punctual and not running in there late or the last couple of minutes before the interview. Second, dress to impress you have to look professional cause your going in there looking for a job not hang out with friends. Third, you have to be polite and introduce yourself, also a thing I like to do so they know a little more about you is bring in a resume even if they don't ask for one so they know a little more about you. last but not least, eye contact and keep your voice level up and not be quite, you have to use a firm voice not be quite otherwise they will think your shy and being shy in an interview can make it or break it sometimes. The interview is always the first impression they will get of you and you have to leave a mark for you to be different from everyone else which will make them remember you and chose you.

  6. I have always considered myself part of Gen X, being born in 1978. According to the Etext, I am one year off. I don't believe this is accurate, as every other source on Gen X studies includes "the generation born after that of the baby boomers (roughly from the early 1960s to 1970s), often perceived to be disaffected and directionless..." Demographers William Straus and Neil Howe define Generation X as those born between 1961–1981, Pew Research Center uses a range of 1965–1980, and Gallup uses 1965–1979. So, I'm on the cusp, but definitely an 80s child with some early 90s grunge thrown in for flavor.
    The text says:
    "They have record-high levels of education, which correlate with higher income and lower unemployment.
    Generation Xers are computer literate, and those who use computers on the job earn 10 to 15 percent more than those who don't.
    This group often has a good work ethic valued by employers. However, they value a balanced lifestyle with time for outside interests and family.
    As Baby Boomers retire, more job opportunities are created for this group.
    Unlike the Baby Boomers, this generation was born into a more integrated and more diverse society. They are better able than previous generations to adapt to diversity in society and the workplace."

    I'm at a trecherous age where I'm old enough to be perceived as experienced, professional and knowledgable, however teetering on the edge of "we need fresh, youthful people here." When work was winding down in investigations, I went on several interviews at high-volume bars and nightclubs with 18 years experience in the industry under my belt. Despite a ton of experience, education, training and management quals, I've been getting passed up for young, cute 20-somethings at interviews. This was a little disheartening, but really made me realize that I'm better than this- and school is a step in an upward direction. Who needs to be up til 3am working in a loud obnoxious environment, anyway. Been there done that. I'd rather sleep!

    1. Education will open up better job opportunities where the employer values experience over cuteness.

  7. Advice to a friend for an upcoming interview:

    Spell check, spell check, spell check! Have other people look over your resume and proofread it for you, because sometimes we stare at something so long, we don't see the mistakes anymore. If your resume has spelling, grammar or punctuation errors, that could negatively affect your chances at getting that job. I have been in the position to review candidates' resumes for our firm. Our profession is one that typos and mistakes could be very costly in our reports, and as such, each of us have a $1mil E&O insurance policies on our heads. It is very serious. Any mistake on a resume is an automatic NO for us - because if you can't take the time to make sure your own resume is correct, how can we trust you to produce error-free reports?

    Interviews - I read this in a Forbes article or something years ago, and have used it ever since. Regularly, the prospective employer/interviewer will ask you, "Do you have any questions for me?"

    This is an opportunity for you to open a discussion and provide an opportunity to assuage any doubts the employer/interviewer might be having by sincerely asking them, "Is there any reason you think I might not be a good candidate for this job?"
    If they answer your question by mentioning what seems to be a red flag or a shortcoming in your skills and experience, you have an opportunity to redress it. And if you articulate your response logically and succinctly, you could potentially turn around the interviewer’s perceptions and get that job.
    Ending your interview on a powerful note, rather than trailing off and disappearing into a stack of "maybe" resumes is important. Be assertive, positive, polished and well-spoken. You got this!

    1. Hi Tiffany!
      I think this was a very informative post. You are right that when writing your resume it is good to have other people proofread it as you might not notice the mistakes after working on it for so long. I also agree completely that in some jobs or careers where simple mistakes can cause a loss of money, that people should take the spell check portion of their resume very seriously.
      Thank you for sharing the Forbes quote as well! That is a great idea, to ask the interviewers if there would be any reason that you might not get the job, it really is a second chance to speak out on your possible strengths and weaknesses.
      Overall this post was extremely helpful, thank you for sharing your wisdom!

    2. I had never thought about asking about a reason for not hiring and think it is a clever idea. Some employers may not be honest however. I also like your suggestions about proof reading the resume since it represents who you are.

  8. My generation is the New Millennial, as I was born in 1991. I discovered relevant information about the people in my era of being, and why I even worry about some of the things that I do. The book touched based on the events that were experienced in my young life, including the Columbine Shooting and 9/11. These events have triggered most people in this generation to be worried about violence, the easy access of weapons, and terrorist threats. This is a lot of what I think about, in my anxious thoughts of what could happen throughout the day. It my opinion if it happened once, it could happen again, and I am a worry wart for these kind of events occurring. The book also included how most of these people have grown up with electronics and have some sort of technological savvy side to them. I believe this is true as I have spent much of my time growing up on the internet and other forms of electronics. I really believe I have skills, such as typing, that maybe the older generation doesn't contain as they may not have been exposed to it as much. I remember when they started teaching typing in school, I was in 4th grade, and since then it has proven to be an important aspect of my learning and lifestyle. Much of the millennials time is spent engulfed in technology, there is really no way around it anymore. If we are going to be forced to be so involved than we mind as well get good at it, and I believe that has been one of my intentions all along.

    1. Insightful comments about the New Millennial generation. I agree that they are very good at using technology which is helpful in today's job market.

  9. What tips would you give to a friend before he or she interviewed for a job that was really important?
    My biggest advice for a friend of mine if they have a job interview would be for them to just relax. Relax, take your time and prepare the day before. Think of any possible questions you might be asked and rehearse them in your head. Speak clearly when asked any questions. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer and speak directly to them. Always bring an extra copy of your resume as well.Make sure the resume is clean and free of any errors. Overall the interview process should not scare you or unhinge you. It might be nerve wrecking but as long as you are honest and yourself, you should be fine.


  10. Go to and look up some jobs that could be a match for your interests and talents. What did you discover at this site?

    I have been recently using Indeed for the past couple of weeks anyways. I am currently searching for a career in the mortgage/ real estate industry. I do not just want a job for the time being, I want a lifelong career. I have noticed many positions offer paid training to enter the mortgage industry, which makes a lot of money. I am hoping to enter into the industry, starting at a normal waged paid training, but then hopefully succeeding into a career as a loan officer or loan processor, which makes a lot of money from commission based sales.

  11. What tips would you give to a friend before he or she interviewed for a job that was really important?

    Some tips that I could give to a friend in hopes of preparing them for their interview would be first and foremost to dress the part. Always dress as professionally as possible unless the employer states otherwise. The way you are dressed is the first impression your possible employer has of you. Before you are even given a chance to say a word, they will begin evaluating you, based on what you are wearing.
    The next most important thing, in my opinion, is to be prepared for some of the generic questions that will be asked at an interview. Such as having an answer for what your strengths and weaknesses are. I have been unprepared for these questions in the past and had to say "um" a lot to provide a thoughtful answer. There are lists of basic questions that could be asked at interviews all over the internet, if you find a couple and answer most of the questions ahead of time you will be more prepared in case these questions are asked.
    Then of course there are the little things, such as maintaining eye contact and giving a firm handshake. The employers will be looking at all of these things to come to a conclusion if you would be a good fit for their company or not.

    1. I like your comments about being prepared for an interview. Practicing questions and answers is very helpful.

  12. What tips would you give to a friend before he or she interviewed for a job that was really important?

    There are different important tips you can give to your friend before interviewed for a job. First, think positive. For example, no one likes a complainer, so don't dwell on negative experiences during an interview. Even if the interviewer asks you point blank, "What courses have you liked least?" or "What did you like least about that previous job?" don't answer the question. Or more specifically, don't answer it as it's been asked. Instead, say something like, "Well, actually I've found something about all of my classes that I've liked. For example, although I found [class] to be very tough, I liked the fact that positive point about the class ". Second, be ready for behavior based such as one of the most common interview styles is to ask people to describe experiences they have had that demonstrate behaviors that the company thinks are significant for a particular position. Also, make sure to review your resume before the interview with this kind of format in mind. Finally, don't give up. If you have had a bad interview for a job that you think would be a perfect fit for you.

    1. Good suggestions for job interviews. If you have had a negative experience in the past, just learn from it and move ahead.

  13. My advice for my friend before he/she even got an interview is to remind them that it is their first impression on their employer and that it can make or break your chance to get the job. As for the job interview always dress appropriately and relax. Always try and think of what questions that the employer would ask you ahead of time so when you are being questioned you aren't as stressed out about it. Do some research on the company you are trying to get into. Employers are more likely to hire someone who has some background knowledge because it shows them that they really are interested in the job and not just trying to get hired just cause.and make sure that a family member or friend looks over any resume or cover letter to correct or get other opinions on what to add or what to take out. Before the interview, I would have someone go over any questions that might be asked during an interview, and get feedback on their answers to ensure that they are fully ready to give their best during the interview.

  14. What tips would you give to a friend before he or she interviewed for a job that was really important?

    There are different important tips you can give to your friend before interviewed for a job. First, think positive. For example, no one likes a complainer, so don't dwell on negative experiences during an interview. Even if the interviewer asks you point blank, "What courses have you liked least?" or "What did you like least about that previous job?" don't answer the question. Or more specifically, don't answer it as it's been asked. Instead, say something like, "Well, actually I've found something about all of my classes that I've liked. For example, although I found [class] to be very tough, I liked the fact that positive point about the class ". Second, be ready for behavior based such as one of the most common interview styles is to ask people to describe experiences they have had that demonstrate behaviors that the company thinks are significant for a particular position. Also, make sure to review your resume before the interview with this kind of format in mind. Finally, don't give up. If you have had a bad interview for a job that you think would be a perfect fit for you.

    1. That is a really good point to bring up in regards to interviews, to focus on the positives only! Even if they ask you a "negative" question you are right that you can take that question and within the answer still focus on the positives. I think that is an important thing to remember, because there is so much negative happening in the world it is hard to remember to stay positive. Thank you for sharing!

  15. If a friend was going in for an interview, I would tell he or she to look into the job, what the requirements are, the history behind the company, what they value, and what type of skills they look for. I would tell them to stay relaxed, make eye contact, and ask questions so they interviewer knows you are engaged. Also,to dress their best because they want to hire somebody that seems interested! From personal experiences I have noticed that the people that are hiring you like you to be confident in your demeanor, if you are nervous, it sets yourself back from allowing the interviewer to see your full potential.

  16. I am Generation Z.I was born in 1998. This generation has the most diversity than previous generations as well as being the most technologically advanced generation. We are also the last generation to witness 9/11 and the last generation with a Caucasian majority (55%). Our generation has declined in two parent households and has had an increase is same sex marriages. We are referred to as digital natives since we have always lived in a world with internet, smart phones, and other devices.This is also a girl power age with woman making differences, getting an education, and generally do better than men in school/work.

  17. If I have friend wants to get job and has a job interview.Do not be scared or worried from anything be confident in who you are and what you have to offer . Everybody has their own unique strengths and weakness .Prepare yourself ahead of time to be able to talk about who you are what you have to offer let them know that you are a good worker and you are good for this position.and go to the interview early and in the interview tell them about the kills that you have and them believe that that you are the best person for the job.

  18. I’ve always been nervous about going to job interviews. It can get easy after going to multiple job interviews, but it is nerve wracking. One of the best advice that someone gave me and that I will give to a friend is to be confident in yourself. I’ve learned that being confident in yourself will show your future employer that you have confidence. Another advice is to always prepare for your job interviews. Have a friend or family member do a mock interview with you in order to prepare for possible questions that might be asked. By doing this, you will be able to answer these questions with certainty and will allow your interview to go smoothly. Another piece of advice for a friend is to know your strengths and weaknesses. This goes hand in hand with prepping for possible questions, but knowing your strengths and weaknesses will show your future employer that you are aware of what you are capable of. Last but not least, the one piece of advice that I find very important is to always dress professionally when going into an interview. Even if you feel like you are overdressed for an interview compared to others, it shows the employer that you are serious about the job you’re interviewing for. Also, first impressions are important when meeting with an employer.

    1. Good suggestions for being successful on an interview.

  19. What tips would you give to a friend before he or she interviewed for a job that was really important?

    A job interview can be very stressful. I would recommend to a friend to stay calm. If he/she stayed calm everything would go well for sure. Make sure you know what the job entails. Search history on the company it can show that you want to provide your services. Before the interview I would tell them to prepare by looking at potential questions and thinking about what they should say. They could also prepare by having a fake interview done so this way they could prepare to speak clearly, loud, and engage the person who interviews you. If you do this you will stand out more because it shows that you care if you get the job. When they get to the interview I would advise they should be well dressed and bring a copy of their resume. Always arrive early for interviews. When you get to the interview shake the persons hand and only sit when they tell you it'll show them that you are being respectful. Before he starts the interview thank them for the opportunity to consider you as a potential employee. After an interview always follow up 2-5 days after it is respectful to do this if you do not get a call about the job. When doing a follow up thank them for the interview and considering you for the job. I would recommend these tips to a friend because it makes them more professional when applying to jobs.

  20. I am the New Millennial Generation. and it is called Generation Y most of them start using compute rand many woman in my generation start to work and I think that is the best thing happen in my generation and the challenges are. there are many single parent so most of the woman had to work leave their children with babysitter because they have to work and my career match with my generation because I like to use the computer and I learn to to use is so fast I think my generation think about do not west time and do every think fast and right

    1. Being good at using computers is a great skill to find a good job.

    2. I am a New Millennial as well and I think how you think on how there are many single parents mostly women and they have to work needed to keep the children with sitters. I think thats just how the new world works. I sucks, but they need to survive somehow. I think even having kids with both parents working and having sitters is normal as well. I believe I fall into this generation as well because I love technology and how we are progressing with it and how crazy we are advancing with it. The are creating amazing things with technology like 3D Printers were we can make anything.

  21. The first thing is I would make sure my friend not only filled out a job application but also turned in a great resume with no spelling or grammar errors. Then once they got a job interview I would make sure they had an appropriate outfit to wear to the interview and made sure they looked approachable and looked groomed. Then I would make sure they did some research and find out more about the job and become familiar with their company and how long they have been open and how they like to treat their customers and work as a team. I would have a mock interview so they knew what they were getting themselves into and make sure they are ready to answer some of the questions that will most likely be asked. For example I would ask her to tell me about herself. I would also ask how she heard about the position they are offering. I would ask what she knows about the company. Ill ask her why they should hire her what makes her a good candidate for the job. Another great question that I always get stumped on is what she considers to be her weakness.

  22. If a friend came to me and asked me for my advice on an interview, I would first of say thank you for choosing me because I honestly am really good at interviews, and the other thing I would tell them would be to go in and to basically be yourself and try to state everything that you are good at, it's best when you are good at thinking on your feet. You also have to go in looking very professional and dressed to your best, make yourself look as good as possible. Go in semi-formal and make yourself feel and look good. I would also say go in prepared, meaning do a little research on the job or the location where you are applying to. I would also ask my friend some questions that I have gotten asked at my hiring experience. Every job interview that I have gone to, I have always been asked to come back for a second interview, and or have gotten asked to apply in the future because my interview went really well. One thing I would go over what their interest are and why they are 'qualified' for the job. I would ask him/ her the most extreme questions I have gotten asked on the job so that they would be prepared and always have a good thought out answer. If they hadn't had a previous job before I would ask them to go and volunteer as much as possible because that also makes you look really good, Overall I would get my friend really prepared and tell them to be confident and that there are a lot more jobs out there if he or she didn't get the first job they applied to, sometimes it takes time for a store to like you and ask you to work for them, it just depends on the timing and what they are looking for.

  23. I am in Generation Z. I was born in 1998 and moved to the United States somewhere around 2007. I was quite young, so I grew up accustomed to the modern technology. I understand that Generation Z is a young but growing generation, and competition among the career opportunities will only continue to expand. However, I believe that my specific field in the technological industry will only grow and become more demanding as it will require new workers with a higher knowledge base and a good foundation through increased education. Talking about a career in technology is a general subject, which offers a broad of specific careers that are available. As new companies continue to expand and develop, there will be more positions available for all types of purposes. The career I am trying to pursue will most likely be Electrical Engineer or Computer Engineer, and one of those my older brother is currently pursuing. Being in Generation Z, this career would best suit me for the future because it will provide a wide array of opportunity and high demand in the future once I obtain my degree. Technology will only get better, and as it does, so will the newest Generation adapt and improve with it as well.

    1. There are many advantages for those in Generation Z. You are making the best of it by studying electrical or computer engineering since there are good job opportunities in these fields.

  24. What is your generation? Baby Boomer? Generation X? New Millennial? Generation Z? How will your generation affect your future career choices?-

    I am a part of generation Z, as I was born in 1997. Generation Z is an emerging generation. Generation Z is very technologically adept and is very accepting of other cultures/ ethnicities. Because of this generation's proficiency with technology, job outlooks for Information Technology jobs such as computer programming, web development, and Tech support are very high. This has influenced my decision to pursue a computer science degree with an emphasis on programming. I will most likely be able to find a job in this field relatively easily, and my starting salary right out of college can potentially be higher than the average.

    1. Engineering is a field that is in demand and pays well. It is a good plan to work in this field.


  25. What tips would you give to a friend before he or she interviewed for a job that was really important?

    If I had a friend that had an important job interview coming up, I would firstly advise them to make a well organized, well presented resume. I would also tell them to dress appropriately for the occasion, dressing slightly nicer than what they have observed people at the job he is applying to dress. For the interview itself, I would advise them to be relaxed, and make sure they make a good impression by being friendly and smiling, and introduce themselves to the interviewer with a handshake. Be prepared for the interview questions beforehand, running through possible answers so you can be as prepared as possible.

  26. What is your generation? Baby Boomer? Generation X? New Millennial? Generation Z? How will your generation affect your future career choices?
    I am a millennial. Millennials foster the use of technology. Millennials lived thought the shift from a non technology world to a technology world. We became master of adjustment. The internet crazed help us to become connected. We are able to communicate with long distance family members with a click We went from sending letters to sending emails. We went from talking on the house phone to texting our friends. We went from playing sports outside to playing video games of sport inside. Millennials have a great deal of information at their finger tips. Technology is all around us and future careers will integrate with technology. Millennials can choice to either get in with the flow of technology or get left behind. Any future career will required the knowledge of using a computer. Even the most menial career will require the knowledge of technology.

    1. I agree that almost all jobs in the future will require the use of technology and the computer. Those in Generation Z have good skills in this area.

  27. Review the employment trends presented in the career chapter. How will these employment trends affect your future career plans?

    The technology trend will have an effect on my future career plans. Technology will replace workers. What I mean is that drivers like taxis, truck drivers, and bus drivers will be replace by auto driving cars that can work non stop without getting tired. The mail man will be replace by drones. All this will cause people to get different jobs and cause more people to go for a degree. For instance, In every math class that I have taken the majority of students are going for an engineering degree. This is all good but eventually the engineer sector will become saturated. There will be a need to differentiated yourself in order to procure a job. This can also cause a degree to lose its value. What if in the future everyone holds a bachelors degree? Will it have lost its value then? What will employers look for? This is why while everyone is going a certain direction I'm going in the opposite direction. I need to make decision with the future in mind. I need to pay attention to how the world is changing. The need to be analytical will become my greatest trait.

    1. It is a good ideas to analyze the job market. Currently there are more jobs in engineering than people to fill them because many students shy away from math. Do a little more research on the job outlook for engineering and you will find many opportunities.

  28. One day If my friend comes to ask me about how to get prepared for an really important interview I would say relax you came to right person for this. The first thing they have to do for this interview is take a shower because personal hygiene is an important factor to make a good impression. Having good personal hygiene will make you look ready and not lazy. Also to comb your hair and look nice and shave facial hair. Looking and feeling professional is very important. The fact of looking professional is to dress nice. What you don't want to wear is snapback or baggy shirts to look like a rapper. Instead wear a nice polo and work pants with work shoes. Dressing professional is a huge factor because this shows how mature you are and you won't embarrass the company if you were hired. Another thing to do is know about the company and do research about it. This will help you be more prepared and strive to greatness by having knowledge about the place where you want to work. When you go to the interview have great communication by showing eye contact and show the interviewer you’re really interested in the job. Most importantly have confidence and you’ll be fine.

    1. Great interview tips. For some professional jobs, a dark suit would be preferable. Just look at people on the job and dress a little better.

  29. My Generation, which would be the New Millennials would be that we are a very tech savvy generation.We leave and breathe technology. We talk to each other through technology and send emails. We have lost more of our social skills due to the cyber world we live in. We see the world in a different way then the baby boomers. We see the world filled with being being able to connect all across the world. We are a diverse group who except others. Our best qualities would be that we are happy and confident people. We are team players and know important values. We face challenges of having easy access to weapons causing mass shootings.

    1. I was born in the Millennial Generation. Our generation is very tech savvy . sometime too tech savvy. Don't get me wrong technology is greater and will become greater .I've seen many changes since a child some for the greater good and some not so good. For example playing as a child involved being social and physical now a days children can play from the comfort of their palm. i think this could be one of the reason children today are overweight. another example is I hate going out to eat and everyone is using their phones on social media instead of being social with me.

  30. My generation is Generation Z, we are all very god with technology, as we have never lived in a world without it. I believe that my generation only has a positive affect on my future career choice in that most people would not have the devices that they have and such without the use of programmers. So in all, my generation need for technology only benefits my career choice because today everyone has a smartphone, tablet, or computer, and each one of those things needs to be programmed by someone. And new ones will never stop coming out so the job security will be pretty good if you can keep up with the changes. Being a computer programmer is also a good choice for this time period because the demand for them is hugh and the starting salary is very good.

    1. Generation Z definitely has the right talents for the future job market.

  31. If my friend was preparing for a job interview I would first help them prepare, by asking them questions that the job interviewer may ask. Also, I would also advise them to dress nice. Be yourself and relax. Job interviewers want to hire you, so just be friendly and do not lie about your experience or anything just be straight up. Interviewers want someone they can trust and someone reliable. Furthermore, I would tell my friend to do a little studying on the job they are applying for, so that they will be familiar with a question the interviewer might have about the job.

    If they needed help with a resume I would first tell them to add their basic contact information such as their name, address, and contact info. As well as a brief statement of their career objective. Also a summary of their education: names of schools, dates attended, and the types or degree they have. In addition add a summary of their work or volunteer experience. Lastly, finish of with some special skills or awards they might have and, then add some references. All these things are needed for a basic resume.

    1. Great tips for preparing a resume and getting ready for a job interview.

  32. I had never been on until this week. Wow! I sure had been missing out. I searched "child life specialist". I was happy to see that the website listed all sorts of different, similar, related fields. Fields I had not even considered! It was helpful to find job descriptions and income information all on one website. It was exciting to see actual jobs instead of just hypothetical ones. I only wish I had my degree already so I could hit that big orange “apply” button. I felt the website was organized in such a user friendly way, enabling me to browse but also look into more specific details if I wanted.

    1. Glad you were able to explore so that you can use it in the future.

  33. My tips for a friend would be to get to the interview early and to dress for success. I would really remind my friend to make eye contact. I would help my friend think up which strengths would really be an asset to the business for which she was applying, I would encourage her to focus on her strengths, but to be ready to present weaknesses and remember that there are usually strengths that come with each weakness. If you can convince this to the person interviewing you, that would be very good. Be thankful as you leave and even send a “thank you” note right after you leave. It is kind for people to share their time with you. Appreciation goes a long way.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. These interview tips will surely help you to get a job.

  35. After reviewing the employment trends presented in chapter three, I can guess that it will negatively affect my future career plans. As I am a student that has a focus on sociology and social science, the emphasis and demand of STEM sciences does not bode well for me. The major that I am thinking about choosing will not be and is not in high demand. Since learning this, I have thought about majoring in geography and becoming a demographer so I can use my social science background and apply it in more of a science oriented way. Maybe going in that direction would give me more of an opportunity to find a career that is in higher demand.

    1. If you are passionate about sociology, just be the best and market yourself. Learn how to use technology in this field.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It is great that you used Assist and know what to expect.

  37. My generation is Generation Z. Generation Z is the generation of technology and women's empowerment. Technology is making things easier and more efficient everyday. However, there are many setbacks. People are becoming more reliant on technology to do their everyday tasks and they are becoming lazier by the days. Also, women are learning to stand up for themselves and want to be powerful through education. Technology can help these women spread their words of knowledge throughout the world. This also brings me to the point of my generation being the lowest recorded Caucasian majority. More and more races are intertwining and Caucasian is slowly losing its reputation of the most common ethnicity.

    1. Good description of Generation Z. This generation has many talents that fit the current job market.

  38. If my friend was about to have an interview for a very important job, I would recommend a few things. First, I would recommend having everything on their resume match what they would answer the interviewer. I would also recommend having their resume be exactly one page before having their cover page. I would recommend listing off the strengths my friend has to really make them shine in front of their interviewer. They should match these strengths to what the job entails. They must prove to the interviewer that they are the right person for the position and that they would not regret hiring them.

  39. If my friend was to go in for a job interview, I would advise them to present their best self. I have not gone through the interview process myself, but I have an idea as to what I would do. Their interview is a big deal and they should take it as such. They should research the company that they are applying at and become well acquainted with what the company is doing and their mission statement. Also, they should learn a little bit about the company's history so they can better appreciate what they are doing at the company. Lastly, I would tell them to practice and rehearse for their interview. Doing so would not only get them ready for their interview, but going over questions and rehearsing answers could help keep their nerves under control. Personally, that process would be necessary. Then lastly I would tell them to stay positive and believe in themselves!

  40. before a friend goes to an interview I would tell them to their research on the company. find out some interesting facts have a few questions for the person giving the interview. I would tell my friend to dress professionally and assume that being on time is late. I would encourage my friends to leave their cell phone in the car or make sure its off and not visible. I would encourage them to bring a copy of their resume/cover letter and always have a pen. last but not least be your truthful self and smile. I believe a smile can do wonders.

    1. Good interview tips. Try to get your comments posted sooner so I don't miss them.

  41. What is your generation? Baby Boomer? Generation X? New Millennial? Generation Z? How will your generation affect your future career choices?

    My generation is the Generation Z. This generation is using technology a lot more than the other ones because our ideas and population is increasing tremendously. The events of this generation were the election of President Obama, 9/11, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the tsunami and nuclear meltdown in Japan, school violence, and economic recession. The population have always lived in a world with the Internet, smart phones, and other devices. My best qualities and challenges are more positive than older Americans about becoming an ethnically diverse society and more likely to have friends from different racial, ethnic, and religious groups. This will help people to be more communicated with other different people. Also mostly important is the women's power who are more likely to get a college degree and be successfully in future. This generation is all about phones and using technology. They use technology anywhere such as school, home, hospital, work, and etc. Generation Z is about being who they like to be and being their own self. They are more tent to save the world and have making the earth better. Generation Z would rather work on a job they like and processed on doing it and they are likely to change their job.
